Author Topic: Test of post (error in spacing after period, inability to show images)  (Read 5618 times)

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Offline Polestar (OP)

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This is a test post.  The original text has one space after a period.  The post button was press immediately after typing - no drafts were saved.

Here is an image link, written with no spaces at all, which shows up just fine in other forums:

Let's test spacing after punctuation.  All punctuation characters are written with one space before and after them.
TEST ! ? .  : , [ ] { } ( ) \ | / ENDTEST

Offline Polestar (OP)

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This is a second test post.     The original text has one space after a period.     Three drafts were saved; in each draft, another space was automatically added by the software after all periods.   

Code: [Select]
This is some text in a code block. Extra spaces do not get added automatically here when a draft is saved.
Here is an image link, written with no spaces at all, which shows up just fine in other forums:

The forum code changes the address from
Code: [Select] to
Code: [Select]
hxxp: s3. postimage. org/z97e1ja9v/Aquilla_Roma_components_list. gif (after one draft or posting; additional drafts add more spaces).  

Let's test spacing after punctuation.      All punctuation characters are written with one space before and after them.    
TEST ! ? .     : , [ ] { } ( ) \ | / ENDTEST

These observations apply to posts I make in Chrome (most recent update), Firefox (most recent update), and IE (older version).   

Offline Conscript Gary

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It's a measure applied to new accounts automatically, to curtail spam bots. Once you've made (ten?) posts you'll be just fine.

Offline Erik L

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What Gary said. :)

Offline Polestar (OP)

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Quote from: Erik Luken link=topic=5985. msg61343#msg61343 date=1363451178
What Gary said.  :)
Fine.  Here's post #7.

Offline Polestar (OP)

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. . .  Post #8.

Offline Polestar (OP)

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. . .  Post #9.

Offline Polestar (OP)

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. . .  Aaaand post #10.

May I congratulate this antispam feature for inducing spammage?

(Yes, it's a clever feature, but I spent 30 minutes doing Internet searches and testing three different browsers before spending another 15 writing up and testing the posts at the top of this thread. )

Offline Erik L

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. . .  Aaaand post #10.

May I congratulate this antispam feature for inducing spammage?

(Yes, it's a clever feature, but I spent 30 minutes doing Internet searches and testing three different browsers before spending another 15 writing up and testing the posts at the top of this thread. )
Technically, you are supposed to make valid posts rather than just trying to bump your post count.

Offline Maharava

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. . .  Aaaand post #10.

May I congratulate this antispam feature for inducing spammage?

(Yes, it's a clever feature, but I spent 30 minutes doing Internet searches and testing three different browsers before spending another 15 writing up and testing the posts at the top of this thread. )

I would have recommended messaging a mod or searching the forums rather than writing the test posts etc.
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Offline ollobrains

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if he starts making valid posts then all fine and well if he starts spamming stuff ban his bottom btw welcome aboard if youre a friendly alien