Other Games > Beyond the Stars!

What is that thing?

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What is that game? How do I download it? Is it complete or WIP? Why is there no info at all about actually getting to play this? Could someone explain to me what is going on here?


As if I haven't seen this... This thread you linked doesn't answer any of my questions. There are no download links, no status of completion etc etc. It's as if you entered a steam page and saw description, but nothing else - no option to download the game, no release date, no infor whether it's complete etc etc aka no info you actually need in order to get your hands on it and start playing.

Try the thread titled “Where do you get BTS???”. It’s the second most recently posted to thread in this sub-forum.

That being said, spoiler, the last post was the better part of a decade ago. I imagine you can gather what that portends.

Erik L:
There is nothing to download. It is/was a moderated PBEM/PBF game.


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