Community Games > Drgong's Community Game

Battle for Earth

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What's the order of battle?

Based on announcements in the Security Council Meeting thread:
EU: 9 gunboats
FSA: sensor ships and patrol craft (undisclosed number?)
RUS: a couple sensor fighters and 5 beam fighters
NAU: 2 beam frigates

Pirates: 8 unknown ships (FSA intel says at least one has carronades)

NAU intel reports that the pirates have shooty bang-bang zapow guns of some kind, which can kill people.

Our experts recommend shooting them until they stop shooting back.


--- Quote from: MarcAFK on January 27, 2017, 10:19:22 PM ---What's the order of battle?

--- End quote ---

Earth Defense

NAU - 2x Union class ships
FSA - 5x scipio africanus B, x4 scipio africanus, 1 lifeboat
EU  - 9x Richelieu
RUS - 4x SU-4, 1x KA + a dozen fighters deployed near earth for missile defense

Red Duncaites

8x Pirate ships of three classes - all appear to be Plasma armed. 

So far, sensors show 1 pirate and 1 union at zero speed.

Right now the NAU forces are fighting the pirates, the EU will arrive in a few minutes, and the FSA will arrive a few minutes after that. 

Combat Resuming.

10 seconds later
x3 1 point damage on Raider fleet.
x4 6 point damage on NAU ship.
NAU ship wrecked

EU Forces are closing in, both sides dealing with small ship sizes and sensors built to detect larger ships.  Both close to keep tracking.

18:37 EU forces have locked on to Red Duncaite forces.  Weapons hot (110 seconds later)
10 seconds later - 6x1 hits on the pirate fleet.
5 seconds later 1x6 hit on the EU fleet.
5 seconds later 4x1 hits on pirate fleet, 2 pirate ships fall out of formation, one EU sensor knocked out.
10 seconds later 1x6 hit on EU fleet, 3x1 hit on pirate fleet, another pirate falls out formation. 
5 seconds later 3x1 hits on pirate fleet, EU ship falls out of formation.
5 seconds 2x1 hit on pirate fleet.
5 seconds 1x1 hit on pirate fleet.

Pirate fleet begins to scuttle damaged ships.  EU finishes off pirates with another gunboat crippled.


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