Author Topic: Drawing Board Time For Fleets - How Far Is Too Far?  (Read 1743 times)

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Drawing Board Time For Fleets - How Far Is Too Far?
« on: August 07, 2011, 04:03:19 PM »
Hello all,

I've been getting into this game here and there over the last year or so, even writing a few AAR's (stop updating this great game, Steve!... oh wait...) But I am about to really (finally) start what I hope will be an epic campaign that I keep playing for quite a while. My issue is this: In virtually every other 4X game I've ever played, I have been able to create 'ad hoc' fleets or ship groups with just a minimum of planning. But considering that you have to plan the research, the design of many components, the fact that these ships can take years in game time to build, and the ruthless, advanced enemies at your doorstep, I am literally devoting hours to designing my fleet structure from the ground up. From what my task forces look like, to my weapon specialties, to my task groups, to my bat/cru/destrons, to the support divisions... I can easily see myself spending 6-8 hours working this out before I ever press '30 day'. Am I insane? Is this way over the top? I feel like I'm playing WITP with this level of pre-game planning!!

Help me regain my sanity... or validate that my time is well-spent. :-)


Offline Thiosk

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Re: Drawing Board Time For Fleets - How Far Is Too Far?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2011, 05:39:35 PM »
The single most important thing: if its FUN to obsess over the little bits of fleet design, do it.  Because the hardest thing to find in 4x is the one bit that YOU like done correctly.  This game has three things going for it that no other game has:

-The capacity to do truly detailed ship design.

-The economic implementation is my favorite part (industrial production delinked from but still associated with ship production; and achieving the logistics of industry, mining, transport, and mining is tricky, and this is what i obsess over),

-You have the option to set to zero NPRs and just economically turtle for a phase if that suits you.  No NPRs flying into your systems, appearing when you explore them, while providing the ability to manufacture one if you want one to shoot at.

And thats great.  I say, do the role playing thing.  Don't worry about your fleet building much til you actually encounter someone who shoots at you.  Or, even, would your society arm itself immediatly on discoving precursors?  Or would it hang back and explore elsewhere?  What about the swarm?

Now that I know the minimums of what is needed to hit a precursor fleet, i'm saving the serious design choices for when I actually encounter something.  Should make things a little scary if they're more aggressive than I am in my defense production :)

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Re: Drawing Board Time For Fleets - How Far Is Too Far?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2011, 07:29:18 PM »
Don't get too carried away designing 'the perfect fleet' -  unless that's what you enjoy.  In my experience, 90% of fleet engagements are determined before the first shot is fired - one side or the other has an overwhelming advantage in numbers, tech, speed, or position.  For these reasons, my standard fleet deployment is exploration by single ships with 90% of my warfleet sitting at home waiting.  When 'bad guys' are encountered, I send an overwhelming force of faster ships to deal with them - even if I occasionally have to build it first.  Sometimes I park my fleet at a jump point if I can't defeat the enemy in open battle.

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Re: Drawing Board Time For Fleets - How Far Is Too Far?
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2011, 06:25:42 AM »
Agree with Father Tim here with one caveat - as the game progresses the "Home" tends to become multiple nodal systems (usually something like 4-8 jumps apart).  This also provides some resiliance when dealing with non AI controlled races
