Author Topic: Solarian Empire 2099  (Read 11022 times)

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Offline Peter Rhodan (OP)

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Solarian Empire 2099
« on: July 21, 2011, 06:10:41 AM »

Known systems: 258
Surveyed Systems: 231

3 Sectors -
Earth (Blue) Level 4
Castor (Alpha Centauri) Level 4
Ceteganda (Gliese 748) Level 3

(Ceteganda about to reach 4 and Ruritania [Beta Trianguli Auswtralis] about to reach Level 1)

39 Inhabited Colonies (Please Steve ad a sub-sort box so you can show colonies in a particular system only)

Terra 2bn
Mars 404m
Avalon (36 Ophuichi) 92m
are the biggest

4 shipyards on Earth
Commercial 211K (5) & 132K (5)
Military 39k (5) & 14k (6)

1 on Mars
Commercial 202k (4)

2 on Avalon
Military 9k (5) & 6k (2)

1 on Asgard (WX Ursae Majoris)
Military 12k (3)

1 on Camelot (Gliese 542)
Commercial 41k (3)

and 2 more building.

Offline Beersatron

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 11:45:36 AM »
I like the Galaxy Map, no matter what I do with mine I always end up with a mess - I seem to have a lot of luck in finding systems with 6+ JPs and it just messes with my sense of order ...

What is the turn speed like? Any NPRs/AI encountered?

Offline Jacob/Lee

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 12:30:34 PM »
Looking at that picture makes me want to redo my galactic map. I love the way you made that grid pattern, then it just randomly breaks off to another smaller one.

My game is slow as hell now, the Invaders are constantly coming into systems and are starting simply huge wars with the other races. Both I and the Theocracy of Banjul are safe, but I'm not sure about the House of Qazvin or somesuch.

Offline Peter Rhodan (OP)

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 01:38:44 AM »
the branching off is simply about space - I am being very methodical in my exploration but there a many Precursor (red with wavy line flags) and Star Swam (blue and red horizontal halves flag) systems which I have to leave space the other side of for when I finally clean them out - the short middle centre arms are where I was held up by Precursors for instance - a large force right next Earth on the bottom side and off the Giclas 9 system in the upper middle.
I have lost a lot of survey ships over the years although these days I only lose them in systems where there is no warning. If I jump into a system where there are wrecks I wait at the jump point and bring up a task force to deal with any Precursors.
Turn speed is now in the minutes - 1 full 5 day period (very rare) is like 5-6 minutes or more (I haven't timed it) - but I rarely get that far without some interrupt happening - there are always ships completing orders etc
I often forget what ships are doing and even forget they exist some times ... I have lots happening.
I often think up some movement or plan and start things happening then a couple of days later have forgotten what I was doing... why is that ship there?  Why am I building that there?  etc

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 04:09:43 AM »
2099? real Earth in 2099 we r barely out on the Moon..hope:))

But nice exploration effort.

Nice map positions and nice look.

Offline Nibelung44

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 07:12:51 AM »
This is an impressive map and progress though. I guess  that not many players reached this stage. Could you please post your save, so we can get more details? Steve can perhaps be interested too.

Do you have overall remarks about Aurora in this 'late stage', except 'processing time'... Do you often get errors, do you have to resort to backups to continue playing, or the game is fairly stable?

Offline Peter Rhodan (OP)

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 06:29:30 PM »
I don't get errors very often but I do save a backup of the stevefire file every 6 months or so game time or before any major operation - such as my aborted Star Swarm clean out and FAC capture program - spent 3 full days real time capturing 90 out of 145 Star Swarm FACs in a system then destroyed the mothership in 2 salvos - oops - then captured 3 of the 12 6kT support ships - but all the while I was getting a loadcmd error every time I advanced the game - started as one error box - then after the next 5 day production cycle became 3 or 4 then 5 days later 7 or 8 etc - when it got to 90+ I gave up and pulled out my pre attack save and lost like a week of real time worth of play.
Apart from the ever increasing time it takes to roll over the game the main thing I think the game needs is:

A sort function on the colony list box so that u can choose All Colonies or just those in a Particular System

Please Steve - I have 40 populated colonies - soon to add 4 more, 120 + mining colonies and over 120 other colonies (geo teams, astroid mining colonies, defence and surveillance colonies etc etc
It takes a LONG time to find Gliese xxx V moon 2 in a list over 250 long with about 150 other Glieses!!!
Sometimes 2 or 3 times through the list.

The biggest other problem is simply my empire is SO big - I forget things. lose track of ships and fleets and so forth.
Still this is the most fun game I have played in a LONG time !!!

Wish I was a poker pro like Steve and could spend all my time playing this and poker.... 

How did you do at the WSOP Steve?

Offline Xkill

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2011, 09:22:32 PM »
Wow, what a huge galaxy!  :o

Pretty cool and organized thought.

I'm kinda like a fan of the smaller ones with lots of NPRs (50 systems tops with 10-18 NPRs) but then the game would go like 5 mins Real-time each 5 day increments.

I even set my games Production Cycle to like, 5 Seconds. I'm not very patient and seeing some 600 CFs take 4-8 years to build makes the game kinda boring. But, hey, that's Aurora right? You kinda ask for it when you download the game.  :P

Anyways, good luck in squashing any bugs that may come in your way, or when your game comes to a halt when the Invaders come and keep interrupting your game all the damm time.

Offline Peter Rhodan (OP)

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2011, 01:18:38 AM »
Invaders are off - all my other games I have been munched by in-game enemies so until I can beat win a normal game Invaders can just take a number...

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2011, 06:42:38 AM »

Wish I was a poker pro like Steve and could spend all my time playing this and poker.... 

How did you do at the WSOP Steve?

No longer a poker pro - I have recently got a real job :). I am still working in poker but its very busy at the moment and I recently moved house so I haven't had a lot of time for Aurora lately.

Although I go to Vegas every year at the time of the WSOP (not this year though), I always play cash games not tournaments so I have never actually played a WSOP event. I am looking for those players who have busted out of tournaments and sit down in a cash game while still on tilt. I know - I am a terrible person :), As a pro, cash games provide a steady income stream. There is a LOT of luck in tournaments so they are not ideal if you need to pay monthly bills. However, now I have a regular wage, I probably will be playing a lot more tournaments as they are a lot of fun so I may well be back at the WSOP next year to try for a bracelet.


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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2011, 06:21:22 PM »
I usually play with everything on, but I never lived to see any of them (Exept the Precursors. I usualy drop out of a game after its going on for like 2-8 years)

But sometimes I see the Invader Wormholes. I like playing with everyone on, mostly because I cheat a lot, so I need some challenge to keep going.

Something that I noticed is that there are only 4 NPRs in your galaxy, did you nuked and fried 'em all, or there where very few planets that could support life?

Offline Peter Rhodan (OP)

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2011, 10:49:15 PM »
They're the 4 I have found - I think there is another in the system top middle right cluster  tird from the left - i has a dark blue dot in it for a close to earth type planet - my Survey fleet encounted an unknown ship almost as soon as they jumped in so I jumped right back out!
I have sensors covering the jump point but nobody has come through in like 40 years.....
I have my first stealth design building - only 2 ships in case I haven't done a very stealthy design at all if you get my drift - and that system is one of the first on the list...

All the NPRs I have encountered I think are roll up on the spot ones - rather than the original starting NPR

Offline Jacob/Lee

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2011, 12:02:11 AM »
I am jelly of your situation.

Aliens/Precursors are roflstomping anything that goes through certain gates, which ironically have some very good looking planets in them. One spoiler enemy is opening up their magical gates of death all over the outer systems, no swarm yet, though.

I have all the spoilers on, mostly because losing is *Fun* and I also have gates on every point which I am starting to regret because anything and everything is capable of jumping anywhere they wish basically.

Offline Xkill

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2011, 12:40:52 AM »
They're the 4 I have found - I think there is another in the system top middle right cluster  tird from the left - i has a dark blue dot in it for a close to earth type planet - my Survey fleet encounted an unknown ship almost as soon as they jumped in so I jumped right back out!
I have sensors covering the jump point but nobody has come through in like 40 years.....
I have my first stealth design building - only 2 ships in case I haven't done a very stealthy design at all if you get my drift - and that system is one of the first on the list...

All the NPRs I have encountered I think are roll up on the spot ones - rather than the original starting NPR

I understand what you mean, I just found 6 alien ships in a system I just entered, tried Communication, "-2 to future Communication Rolls". I think they are the Star Swarm however, as they got one big 60.000 ton ship and other 5, 6.000 ton ships. The strange is that they are not even near a Wreck, in fact, they aren't even moving to intercept my ship!

Offline Peter Rhodan (OP)

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Re: Solarian Empire 2099
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2011, 05:51:14 AM »
the 6,000kT ones are Swarm Extraction ships - they're should be a swarm of 800kT FACs around somewhere