Astra Imperia > After Action Reports

First Campaign Version 17

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Thats a good point.  Earth in my Unification game has an OI of 9 and an MI of 10.5

hmmmm, I'll look at it again, I think I still have the text file.


--- Code: ---G-Class Yellow Star
Small Barren Planet, 5000KM, OrgInd 0.5, Mineral Index 6, Low g
Large Terrestrial Planet, OrgInd  9, mineral index 10, no moon, 87% water, 13% land, Very Rugged Terrain, 1.4 ATM
--- End code ---

I looked back at the rolls, and I did indeed do the math wrong, this is far more correct.

Erik L:
Yes. Yes it is.

yeah,  now you will actually have an income, and be able to make and research stuff!


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