Fiction > Aurora

Multiplayer AAR Interest Check

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So with Aurora C# being as close as it is, I'd like to know if anyone here would be interested in an Interactive and Story based AAR.  There's a few ways that I'd possibly be handling this:

The main focused nation is Parliamentary, with the readers being able to take the spots of Political Party Leaders/Members with their seats on a parliament allowing them to vote on Bills that would decide what would happen in the game story/game-wise.

The main focused nation is a Clan/Council with the readers taking on the position of various important clan/council members, where they would vote on matters that, if passed, would decide what happens in game/story wise.

I GM a Multiplayer Aurora game and write it up events/diplomacy/combat/dialogue/etc between players into an AAR.

I do a normal Aurora playthrough, while readers are able to "claim" anything that can be renamed or changed position wise, allowing them to make their own RP/Story based posts based on what happens in the game (alongside being able to design ships/weapons/etc).

Those are always interesting but I don't think this forum is active enough for that.


--- Quote from: Tree on April 08, 2019, 06:18:14 AM ---Those are always interesting but I don't think this forum is active enough for that.

--- End quote ---

Yeah I've kinda noticed that too. It's why I posted an interest check rather then a straight up "let's do this guys, sign up here and let's go" thread.

Well all the same, I'll be looking for some players for a Multiplayer Campaign for me to GM and turn into an AAR.

Father Tim:
How 'multiplayer'?  Will you be sending around a passworded database for each player to run their own empire?  Or will they be submitting orders that you then implement, and receiving reports or updates from supposed underlings?


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