Fiction > Aurora

Poor Earth AAR

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Those are the game details and 2 NPRs were generated at game start (will use this color as my SM-voice;) )

The NPR generating should prevent the NPRs spawning new NPRs and keeping the processing time manageable. The same for "No detection without player presence" which will hopefully avoid any NPR wars. In addition I just removed the "Use known Star Systems" since this should raise the chances to encounter habitable planets and this new NPRs (AFAIK). Activating "Invaders" might be a tad optimistic, but I will cross that bridge when I get there ;)

In 1850 German geologists started to explore the geologic anomalies called the “Nördlinger Ries” (24km diameter) and the “Steinheimer Becken” (4km diameter) which were supposed to be meteorite impact craters. And while the much larger Nördlinger Ries was concluded to really have been caused by an meteorite, but the Steinheimer Becken showed subtle differences.

In 1862 – while searching for the original meteorite – instead of it a large metallic object surrounded by smaller metal objects was found. It was fairly obvious that this was no meteorite but a man-made object which has been largely destroyed, but much less than it should be considering the large crater it caused.
Under the highest secrecy the objects were brought to Berlin and further investigated. It became clear pretty fast that those metals had properties never observed before, but at the same time those metals occurred on Earth as well, but have simply not been extractable from other minerals. Till the end of 1869 ways have been identified to produce 11 new metals with astonishing properties. Using those metals Germany began to improve its industry and build a new type of military unit (armored self propelled cannons). The existence of those metals and the way to produce them was to be keep a secret.

Germany starts to research Mobile Infantry Batallion with Timo Geiszler (20% Engergy Weapons specialist) in 4 labs. In addition a low tech armor division starts to be trained and 110 conventional factories are to be converted to Construction (using 60% of construction) and 100 converted to Mines (40% of construction).

The other nations are all starting to train 1 low tech infantry division. No industrial production at the moment and no fuel production will take place before TN tech is researched. Most likely I will manually add conventional factories for the other nations at the end of each year to simulate some economic growths. And all nations start to search for ways to expand their civilian economies.

In the beginning only the US is able to form a espionage team and sends it into Germany in order to investigate the rumors about the discovery of previously unknown minerals. Since this is way too low I start to add "initial Pop"/10 new officers to each european major power till most have a team - this will help with the fairly low number of ground force officers as well. After the first round of buffs the UK and Russia joined the spy-club, and after 3 additional round only Italy was left without a team.

Dang, it seems like having the player chance to generate a new NPR > 0 works right at the start as well, spawned a NPR right on Earth ;) Note: Set spawn chance to 0 at the start. Takes about 5 seconds processing time for 5 days at the moment, I hope this gets better once Earth is "unified" ;)

The US is the first to complete training its new infantry division in July 1870, has a fairly capable Planetary Governor, but will most likely lack the workers to expand the industry much further.

France follows 1 week later. Ground unit training bonus is a 5%.

The remaining nations follow by mid August (exept Germany with its armor).

The UK:


Japan - this is really the best admin they have:



In Oktober the Russian Espionage team is captured in Germany, but they have learned enough to ensure that news about the TN materials will trickle back to Russia by the beginning of the new year.

And in November the first armored division completes training in Germany, at the same time a new administrator is installed (+25% shipbuilding, +10% factory production, +15% wealth, +10% population, +20% ground unit, +20% xeno, +10% logistics):

That's it for today...


--- Quote from: Father Tim on July 17, 2019, 12:16:04 PM ---
--- Quote from: CharonJr on July 17, 2019, 12:45:08 AM ---Good idea and a good question. I think I will have to take a look at the AI first, because I am not sure if all would go into ("get TN fast and build up the military in the meantime" mode).

--- End quote ---

The VB6 Aurora AI doesn't handle 'conventional to TN' AT ALL, so a pre-TN NPR will stay pre-TN forever.

Steve said he planned to change this for C# Aurora, but not for the v1.0 release (realistically, not until v2.0 at least).

--- End quote ---
Yeah, even with the improvements to NPR AI code in C#, I would not run a multi-faction Earth start with NPRs as the other Earth powers. Maybe a multi-faction Sol start, where the NPRs are elsewhere in the system in an aftermath like in the test campaign Steve had.

This is definitely an interesting game setup CharonJr! Your choices regarding NPR spawn chances and detection are definitely the best and while I wouldn't turn Invaders on at the start, it's your funeral  ;D I've never had an NPR spawn on Earth like that, it shouldn't be possible AFAIK, so maybe something went bonkers in game creation. Hopefully it won't cause any issues in the long run, like ghost contacts etc.

Thx ;)

News trickles in from the espionage teams of the non-Asian major powers about Germany’s research into TN metals and all governments assign all of their research capacity towards researching the new materials as well (except for Italy, who still have heard nothing about it).

All non-TN nations have expanded their industrial capacity during the last year, with the Japanese Empire having the largest growth (+5%) and the UK (due to its already fairly advanced home industry and no real industrialization in India the smallest (+1%) (in absolute numbers still the largest growth with +5 conventional factories – together with the US) .

Based on the change in mineral stockpiles a larger proportion of German production is allocated to mines (50% now from 40% before). Earth minerals were cut in half after starting to game to make expansion harder and slow down the game further.

German intelligence indicates that one of the world’s greatest specialists in the fields of construction and production is working for the UK on researching TN metals. Based on evidence found at the Russian espionage team in October 1870 the Germans are fairly certain that TN metals are no longer a secret. Due to the capabilities of the Germany’s world leading scientist in sensors and fire control (which is supposed to the equal to the UK’s c/p specialist) it is calculated, that the UK might finish their research in about 3 years – making it October 1873. It might take an additional half year to find a military application for the research and less than half a year to deploy the first TN unit. Due to this the UK has to be attacked by summer 1874 at the latest. The other nations are not expected to complete their research in less than 4.5 years unless there are some unexpected breakthroughs.

By the end of May Germany completes research into Mobile Infantry Battalions and assigns newly appointed Heike Zenz (+20% logistics/ground combat) to research improved ground unit strength (12) which is expected to complete in early February 1873 (about 8 month) while the alternative research for Assault Troops would take 5 times as long. Once the current training of an additional ARM division is completed training of the new TN unit will start, based on a cadre of experienced low tech infantry.

By the middle of October the Japanese Empire has to halt its training of its new infantry unit due to material shortages and decides to stop expanding the military and focus on the industry instead.

Tensions are rising all around the world due to the continued military build-up of all nations in combination with the paranoia what the discovery of the new TN metals could mean of the future.

By the end of November the first TN combat unit – 48th Mobile Infantry Battalion – is completed by Germany and assigned to Generalmajor Emma Lindenbaum (+15% politics, +25% ground combat bonus), the longest serving officer of the German Heer.

By early February Heiko Zenz completes research into new infantry weapons which improves German combat capabilities by 20%. He continues this line of research and expects to manage another improvement right around the time for the planed offensive against the UK in the summer of 1874.

By the end of November the UK becomes the second TN-power on Earth. Due to fairly heavy traffic between the university and No. 10 Downing Street in combination with the scientific estimates German spies are fairly certain about what has happened. Alfie Kirk (LG 10%) starts research into improved ground combat which is expected to complete by mid-October 1874. Another German Mobile Infantry Battalion will complete training at the end of May 1874. The attack will start immediately after new weapons become avaiable by the end of June 1874.

By the middle of June the German units start to move towards their attack positions, with the 4 Mobile Infantry Battalions and 3 armor divisions assigned to key areas and the 35 infantry divisions following in their wake. The UK currently has 26 infantry divisions at home and abroad.

That's it for today... (this is one of the times where playing takes actually longer than writing about it)

By the end of May Heiko Zenz completes the next level of weapons and tactics research (Ground Unit Strength 14) and start to look into further improving it, expected completion by April 1877. GUS16 still is cheaper than Assault Units (4k vs. 5k) and will provide more benefits in the medium term. While German High Command is fairly confident that the war against the British Empire can be one it is much more doubtful about the next war which might have to be started as early as the end of 1876. The British Empire is despised by most nations on Earth due to their large colonial empire, but it seems very likely the once Germany attacks any other nation that the other nations will support it in order to contain German aggression.

At dawn of July, 1st 1874 Germany starts its attack. And it seems like the High Command might have been a bit optimistic, I have not played Aurora for some time and was surprised by the British defensive strength of 99, I expected something about 75 (26 x 3). It seems there is a defensive bonus I forgot about.

Both nations start to mobilize their reserves, which Germany having the advantage to to having been able to prepare. Germany sends 10 replacement battalions to the front while the UK is only able to send one. Both expect to be able to send 1 additional replacement battalion every 15 days. I SM’d the tech in since replacements should be common knowledge, even thought about HQs, but decided that those might involve TN tech and refrained. But the replacement battalions themselves will be SM’d as well, with a maximum number of initial ground force units – 42 for Germany, 26 for the UK. 1 mine and 2 conventional industries were destroyed in the initial fighting.

At July, 16th the first replacement battalion reaches the British lines.

On August, 16th French spies successfully acquired TN technology from Germany. Julie Amyot (LG 15%) starts to look into Mobile Infantry Battalions whos power can currently be observed in the fighting between Germany and the British Empire. The overall battle is pretty much a stalemate, but Germany managed to destroy 1 enemy division during the fighting. On September, 16th the British manage to destroy the first German combat division in return. By the start of October it is getting harder for both nations to find volunteers and capable soldiers for the meat-grinder the fighting had become, reducing the rate of reinforcements to 1 battalion each month.

On October, 26th Alfie Kirk has completed research into new weapons and tactics for the British and continues his research into it.

On September, 26th the badly mauled (but fairly experienced) 22nd German Infantry Division is withdrawn from the frontlines and turned into the cadre of a new Mobile Infantry Battalion. And despite the improved British weapons and tactics the German offensive is gaining momentum (combat strength getting close to 2:1). At the same time German intelligence is starting to hear rumors about France having acquired TN tech and an investigation is ordered.

By mid-January the German advantage is 3:1. Information gathered by German intelligence strongly indicates that Frances does posses knowledge of TN materials and it was acquired from Germany.

On February, 1st, with 5:1 odds against them and neither new troops, new technology nor allies on the horizon the British Empire capitulates and starts to be integrated into the German Kaiserreich. All remaining military units are dissolved and for the common people not much is expected to change. The capitulation of the British Empire to the German Kaiserreich is signed on February, 6th. Overall about 5 million people, more than 30 TN factories and mines were lost in the fighting in addition to more than 60 conventional factories.

All units and officers who participated in the fighting are awarded campaign ribbons and combat medals with a couple of leaders who distinguished themselves being awarded the Iron Cross for exceptional bravery or leadership in combat. Any idea how I can display the medals in the commander screen, or has this been removed for version 7.1?

In joined sessions between German High Command and leading scientists there are heated discussions what should be done about France. It is expected that they will need at least until the summer of next year before being able to complete any applicable research and field TN weapons, later for TN units. But even with just counting conventional units German would be outnumbered by 41 (3 of those ARM and 5 Mobile Infantry) vs. 147 low tech infantry divisions. Even with 2 Training Centers under control and better units, weapons and tactics those odds seem fairly bad. High Command assume that the other nations will be able to reinforce the defender (most likely France) with 10 divisions every 5 days with the first wave of reinforcements taking about 1 month to mobilize and arrive. Or maybe attack in the east and open up a second front. Mesons can not be used against ground units, correct?

That’s it for today…

Mesons can not be used against ground units, only PDCs and ships.

There's a specific Medal/Awards window that shows the graphical representation of them.

HQs can make a big difference in combat but only if there is a capable general leading it and the units attached to it have had time to train/prepare.


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