Fiction > Aurora

L0ckAndL0ad's United Systems AAR

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December 29, Y76

I Marine Expeditionary Force lands on NN 3517-A P3 via five Okinawa class attack transports. It consists of 3 Marine Regiments (12 battalions), 2 Heavy Assault Battalions, 1st Marine Combat Engineer Battalion and 1st Naval Construction Brigade. Seabees are joining four Xenologist teams on site of alien ruins.

I MEF is led by Marine Lieutenant General Daniel Robertson, who can be described as dispassionate and conservative by his peers. His main priority is to keep the scientists and Seabees safe while their study the ruins.

Let's see what they can dig up there.

--- Quote from: Garfunkel on March 11, 2020, 01:38:41 PM ---
--- Quote ---12-14% grade bonus
--- End quote ---
That's a pretty significant grade bonus. I've never done GC fighters myself so I can't say for sure but the concept does intrigue me.

--- End quote ---
That's only half of my normal grade bonus for fighters. I just got tired of waiting for them to train to the maximum. Every other fighter in the USN has 34% grade bonus.

But that's not that important, as GC's modifier is applied last. My base to hit (with grade bonus applied?) was 100%+, then modified by superior speed of the attacking missile to ~50%, and then by GC's modifier to ~18-19% final chance. 4 shots with 18% chance was good enough, but very close for comfort.

Overall, yeah, the size and the cost of such fighters is very tempting, at the combat potential they offer. Imagine a swarm of hundreds of these. My CV Enterprise alone can potentially hold 144 of such fighters.

I'm also considering reduced size laser fighters. Should give plenty of penetration. But not that good at defending against missiles. That's okay for a striker, though (need escorts by design).

January 7, Y80

Final report of the United Systems campaign log. First Administrator reporting.

None of the xenologist teams on NN-3517-A P3 found anything. The arrival of I MEF was most likely unnecessary.

JGC Canopus (produced in Y14) managed to construct the entire network of Jump Gates between Sol and Gun Union's homeworld, that's 8 jumps in total. This should help our trade agreement to take an actual effect, allowing commercial shipping a way to transport goods back and forth. It's been a while, actually, but I have no clue how to measure the effects of our trade agreement.

There is a number of suspected GUN commercial ships in Sol (big and slow moving), but national wealth/trade statistics indicates only 2.6% (3095) of all annual income to come from "Tax on Exports". Is that it?

The best news is that United Systems is no longer suffering from mineral shortages. Strategic stockpile on Earth is nice to look at, finally, having more than 50-90k units of each mineral, with the largest supply of Duranium being at almost 600k mark. With mining technologies research and construction being given top priority, Union is once again fully capable to produce anything that may be required.

Off-Topic: show

We've managed to get peace with both of our neighbors, GUN Union and Commonwealth of Majlesi. We've defeated all hostile Nails forces that we've encountered. We've made it through the mineral crisis. Fought some fights in space and made planetary assaults. Built some great ships. Explored the stars.

This is L0ckAndL0ad, last narrator of the United Systems story, signing off.


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