Fiction > Aurora

Duranium shortages


Michael Sandy:
I see a source for the Terran Union and the Asian Alliance to make up their Duranium shortages:
Asian Alliance:
2 fighter bases
90 fighter factories
possibly some of the 90 ordnance factories

Terran Union:
2 fighter bases
80 fighter factories, some of their 80 ordnance factories

That is 450 Duranium per fighter base, and 15 Duranium plus other minerals from each fighter factory or ordnance factory.  And 30 from each supply factory.  Idle supply factories don't do much good.

Yes, that is only roughly 2250 tons for the Asian Alliance, but that is enough to keep their fleet going and hopefully shift mines to the right places.

Obviously, they will both need to shift their ground forces to the most conservative posture for supply.  Maintaining training may be too expensive.


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