Fiction > Aurora

When's the next fiction due?


The subject pretty much says it all.

The last Aurora fiction (Oct 49 to Jun 50) was posted on the 14th of October - nearly 3 weeks ago......

I need my fix.....  

Steve Walmsley:

--- Quote from: "MWadwell" ---The subject pretty much says it all.

The last Aurora fiction (Oct 49 to Jun 50) was posted on the 14th of October - nearly 3 weeks ago......I need my fix.....  :)

The Nemesis campaign has progressed by about a month though so I should post some fiction soon.

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--- Quote from: "MWadwell" ---The subject pretty much says it all.

The last Aurora fiction (Oct 49 to Jun 50) was posted on the 14th of October - nearly 3 weeks ago......

I need my fix.....  :D.

I'm finishing up work on Turn 140, which means a 5 month update and the events for the month.  I'm hoping ot have it out soon.  Maybe this week, if not then definitely some time next week.  

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--- Quote from: "Kurt" ---
--- Quote from: "MWadwell" ---The subject pretty much says it all.

The last Aurora fiction (Oct 49 to Jun 50) was posted on the 14th of October - nearly 3 weeks ago......

I need my fix.....  :D.

I'm finishing up work on Turn 140, which means a 5 month update and the events for the month.  I'm hoping ot have it out soon.  Maybe this week, if not then definitely some time next week.  

--- End quote ---

Woo Hoo!

Woo Hoo!

(I've repeated it twice - once each for Aurora and Phoenix!!)
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