Fiction > Steve's Fiction

Second Chance Campaign - Comments

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I thought it best to place this thread here so that we do not clutter Steve's sub-forum for the Second Chance story and so he can add new parts to a story without having to add a new thread if so needed. I tried adding it to the Second Chance sub forum but that option appears to be disabled.

I have one thought after reading Part 1:

Did the Professor not bring back any ship designs that 1900 Earth could use or tweak based on their performance in the field?

I know I am just nitpicking, but, I like to nitpick :lol:  
(you could class me as being from that community [and the official census does], but I do not adhere to a lot of the crap that comes out of the politicians mouths.)

Steve Walmsley:

--- Quote from: "Beersatron" ---I thought it best to place this thread here so that we do not clutter Steve's sub-forum for the Second Chance story and so he can add new parts to a story without having to add a new thread if so needed. I tried adding it to the Second Chance sub forum but that option appears to be disabled.

I have one thought after reading Part 1:

Did the Professor not bring back any ship designs that 1900 Earth could use or tweak based on their performance in the field?

I know I am just nitpicking, but, I like to nitpick :lol:  
(you could class me as being from that community [and the official census does], but I do not adhere to a lot of the crap that comes out of the politicians mouths.)
--- End quote ---
The question of home rule for Ireland was a huge political issue around the turn of the century so I felt it had to be mentioned in the background, if only briefly. I wonder what the politicians of the time would have done if they had the knowledge of the next 100 years. My impression from the British political history of the time is that politicians seems a lot less self-serving than today and far more interested in trying to achieve what they believed was right, rather than what was politically acceptable. No TV, and no opinion polls probably helped a lot


Steve Walmsley:
I am adding the political structure for the League of Nations in 1906 (see the latest post) and I need a French member for the Admiralty. I have used Georges Leygeus but he is a politician rather than an Admiral. I have scoured the internet and my own history books but I am really struggling to find an influential senior French naval officer in the 1900-1914 period. An equivalent for Fisher or von Tirptiz. Any suggestions welcome.


I predict problems for that Council. Count Von Holstein was the classic behind-the-scenes string puller. And Woodrow Wilson! Send him back to Princeton, all he will ever do is preach his brand of holier-than-thou morality. Well, maybe Teddy can rein him in, although they certainly didn't see eye to eye in the original time-line. Might I suggest a revival of the Code Duello? Then someone could challenge Wilson and get rid of him. Roosevelt would do it at the drop of a hat, and he'd drop the hat.

Steve Walmsley:

--- Quote from: "TrueZuluwiz" ---I predict problems for that Council. Count Von Holstein was the classic behind-the-scenes string puller. And Woodrow Wilson! Send him back to Princeton, all he will ever do is preach his brand of holier-than-thou morality. Well, maybe Teddy can rein him in, although they certainly didn't see eye to eye in the original time-line. Might I suggest a revival of the Code Duello? Then someone could challenge Wilson and get rid of him. Roosevelt would do it at the drop of a hat, and he'd drop the hat.
--- End quote ---
Holstein is a fascinating figure. He was a favourite of Bismarck's (until he didn't renew the secret reinsurance treaty with Russia) and seemed to be the principle architect of German foreign policy from 1890 to 1906, although he lacked Bismarck's ability to play everyone off against each other without getting burned in the process. I think if Bismarck had stayed a few more years there probably wouldn't have been a WWI. As you say, Holstein he was a "Grey Eminence"  behind the scenes character so its probably unrealistic to have him as a councilor but he is one of the most interesting people of the period so I employed some dramatic license

Woodrow Wilson was included because of his strong support of the original League in 1919 plus he makes a good counterweight to Roosevelt. I known he was at Princeton in 1906 but I am assuming that with the future history knowledge of Presidents to be, he would has become involved in politics much sooner.



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