Fiction > Zorgn's Fiction

CotS Comments.

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I have no idea how many posts I'll be putting in each topic, nor how long it will be between them. So, to keep things a bit clean for reading, this topic is for comments on my CotS campaign.

I am liking the start alot, especially since I just watched Pandorum last week! :)

Nice one Zorgn,

I like the way you've set up the mystery of where are they, when are they, what could be out there, what happened in the past. This one has potetial me thinks.

Will watch with interest.

I hope to live up to the expectations. I have a few things planned out, but until they happen, I'm a bit in the dark too. If I can just get my ideas translated into words right, things should be quite interesting.

Also, I I hope to have fun with the fact that these people are literally children, despite their age and implanted knowledge.

Good flavourful start.
But be sure to keep some backup force ready to not get shot by random [spoiler:21awh7no]wormholes[/spoiler:21awh7no] again.^^


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