Fiction > OAM47's Fiction

OOC Comment and Update Thread

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This shall be a central repository for general questions, as well as a place where I make announcements about the story.

I have just updated the background a bit to explain just what the Emperor does.  As you have have noticed, my Empire is much more along the lines of a Constitutional Monarchy, though with the Emperor still reigning supreme.

Also one tid bit of information I wasn't sure how to stick in the background post:  Inheritance is through adoption, IE the Roman method.  If a noble dies that position becomes vacant in the vast majority of cases (because I'm too lazy to rename officers THAT often  :P )

I am interested how are you doing your politics in rpging. So they know what direction to take or do.

Keep up the progress good to see another aar in progress.

To determine support levels I look at the population once a year and decide by category of worker which of the two factions they'd be likely to support.  Sometimes they all go one way, sometimes they're split 75/25, and rarely they're split 60/40, but more often then not it's a 50/50 to pad the numbers.

The factions themselves grow out of which officers (meaning all four categories) are doing a lot of work at the moment, as well as their personality traits.  Those that do something particularly noteworthy get boosted to actually being a noble and placed on the council.

Basically any time I come to a decision, be it "What do I research next", "What do I build next", or even "which JP do I scout first" I ask myself "What would each side support here"? as well as "What does the Emperor think?"  Then I act based on who has the most support, factoring in that one side doesn't ALWAYS get their way, even if that means doing something "stupid".  The best example of this would be that some of the earlier, more pompous nobles tend to take a ship out for their own purposes on a whim, screwing with the overall plan.  This will come back to bite them though (there's a bit of a spoiler in the chat forum if anyone wants to look ahead)

Another small note.  For RP purposes I'm assuming small, 5-10 man shuttles are commonplace to allow officers to get around for meetings, etc.  I won't use it to have a commander of a ship in a far flung system magically present on Earth or anything, but I'm not actually going to send a ship to pick up the governor of Venus to meet with the Emperor each time it happens, etc.

Probably an update tomorrow.

Fixed senate results from last chapter, they were a year off.  Not like these results are particularly important.


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