Fiction > MrAnderson's Fiction

A "sad" Update...


I was writing the next part after I got back from my vacation, and then the save got corrupted.  So, this one is called off.  I am thinking up a new plot right now, but some feedback on my old story would be helpful.  (Did you like it? What didn't you like about it? What kind of story would you want to see next? etc. )

Steve Walmsley:

--- Quote from: MrAnderson on December 01, 2011, 08:03:01 PM ---I was writing the next part after I got back from my vacation, and then the save got corrupted.  So, this one is called off.  I am thinking up a new plot right now, but some feedback on my old story would be helpful.  (Did you like it? What didn't you like about it? What kind of story would you want to see next? etc. )

--- End quote ---

It looked good and you were getting a around a hundred views for each episode. You probably weren't getting comments because nothing was blowing up :). The best way to generate combat is to get out and explore early, so maybe a campaign based on a curious (feline?) race keen to explore before they are really ready for the dangers that await.


Writing the story line right now.   Basically it's where Germany wins WW1 and that changes things quite a bit, when BOOM, one of their scientists publishes the trans-newtonian theory, the military becomes interested, and they start mining for the minerals.   But, he did kind of release it publicly, so all the other nations kind of know about it too.  .  . 

I will try to simulate the stresses between nations as everyone kinda got steamrolled by Germany.

Sad Update V2:

A similar fate has occurred to the SpaceRussians, going to start yet another scenario again. Also, is there a way I could get subforums for each of the campaigns? Lastly, i'll put a tiny bit of details as to what was happening to them just before the save got corrupted in the OOC Comments thread.

Manually copy the database each time you go in.

I usually do that two deep just in case I found that Imissed a corruption:

copy save/[file] save/save/[file]
copy [file] save/[file]


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