Fiction > MrAnderson's Fiction

OOC Comments

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If you want to talk about the giant horde of Space Russians and how they are going to die/what you think might happen to them, post that here.

As for the Space Russians:

Remember the warp drives? Well, the Ruskies made a few exploration ships, and found a habitable world only a couple jumps away. So, they built a colony ship, and oops, turns out that aliens live on it. Colony ship runs away, aliens find Sol, they start pewpewing it. Everyone dies, the end.

I like the new style, although did they not end up in Proxima? You have a different system name in Chapter 1 as to the prologue.

I did the post then realized that I kind of started uhh.... a couple hundred years late, so I started a new game. Its updated  now though.

I like the new style but its quite slower paced. I could probably fit 2 of my Precursor campaign chapters into the introduction alone. Ah well, more detail = fun.


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