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The Great Game (end by bug)

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Some time I ago I decided that I had way too much free time and I've always wanted to run a multiple-race conventional start on Earth - inspired by the many excellent fictions already existing on this site. However, I realized that I couldn't really play multiple factions by myself because I would either favour one over the others or I couldn't really make them different enough from each other. But then it hit me - what if all the factions are run by actual people?

I hang around another forum quite a lot, so I asked for interest and got plenty of it. I laid down some ground rules, where I'm the only one with the game and responsible for handing out necessary information. Several players have never even tried out Aurora so trips to the Wiki became necessary. I named it the "Great Game" in honour of the Imperialistic era in human history, as I predict that something similar will happen but IN SPACE! Factions have realistic populations, as of 2010. I had to fiddle with the industries quite a bit, to better reflect "reality". Then I SM'd away the shipyards and maintenance supplies. Each player starts at the threshold of TN-discovery but with very little infrastructure - they have a handful of labs, bunch of conventional industry, single Ground Force Training Facility and Military Academy, few nukes and some ground units.

The starting factions are, in alphabetical order:
African Union (every sub-Saharan nation plus South Sudan)
Commonwealth (Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
East Asian Federation (South-Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines)
European Union (excluding Great Britain)
Islamic Caliphate (from Morocco to Pakistan and including all of Middle-East)
Russia (includes Belarus)
South East Asian Alliance (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam)
United States of America

The actual in-game thread is here:

I won't be able to go into much more detail over here either, as I'm afraid some of the players might find this thread and thus gain valuable information.

Thus far, the game has progressed from 2012 to 2016 and notable events has been the 2nd Korean War, which saw Russia, EU and EAF join forces to crush the North-Koreans and annex them as part of EAF. China participated as well and got some loot out of the thing.

India peacefully annexed Sri Lanka and Brazil convinced Argentina to join forces for the exploration of space.

Can you cross post some AARs from that thread? Stuff that is already common knowledge to the players?

I can post the Global News Network clips I've written.


The world has changed drastically in the last two years and the changes are most likely over quite yet. This little booklet is our best attempt at explaining to you, dear reader, these new players on the global field and their relative strengths and weaknesses. Should you invest your money into the Far-East? Will the African Union surprise shrew businesses? Read on and find out!

African Union
This federal union consists of all the sub-Saharan African nations, including Madagascar and the smaller island nations plus South-Sudan who barely managed to remain independent for two months before joining with the AU. It is undoubtedly the poorest of the new global players and most backwards but with a large population that is still growing, AU can only go up and forward, unless the border tensions with the Islamic Caliphate erupt into an outright war. Our financial analysts estimate that AU's wealth creations is in the high 2000s or the low 3000s. Their industrial base is also smallish as the neverending conflicts seemed to prevent investment prior to the revolution known as "TN". Our industrial experts rate it roughly at three hundred. Militarily, AU is quite strong conventionally, though lacks nuclear deterrence.

Surprisingly enough, there was no amalgamation of nations in South-America. Brazil has announced her intention of developing and exploiting TN-minerals alone. At the moment, the other South-American nations seem to be content to watch from the sidelines. Brazil's economy is fairly weak, estimated to be in the low-mid 2000s but that is only when compared to the big blocs. Industrially, Brazil is estimated to be in a similar shape to the African Union. Militarily, Brazil is supreme on South-America, though she lacks a nuclear deterrent.

The giant in the East, China has grown by leaps and bounds, eventually frightening its neighbours so badly that they formed two different counter-blocs. China is a good bet for future success in this revitalized "Great Game" for TN-minerals and their exploitation. China has a stable, sizeable economy, estimated at high 15000s to low 16000s, as befits the country with the largest population on Earth. China benefited greatly from the globalization process, having a large industrial base that our experts estimate to be over one-and-a-half thousand. Similarly, the Chinese military machine is quite threatening with nearly endless amount of divisions and a hefty nuclear arsenal.

The British Empire has made a comeback! It was always clear how uneasy the British were about the deepening Federalisation of the European Union. Thus, after the serious arguments in Brussels about the future direction of EU, former Prime Minister Cameron announced UK's shocking dismissal of EU. While many analysts predicted poor things for the lonely island nation, the emergence of TN-minerals reignited their vigor - and with strategic allies Canada, Australia and New-Zealand, the new Commonwealth is well poised on the global field. Her economy is stable, surpassing Brazil's, in the mid-to-high 2000s. Her industrial base suffered during the globalization period but is undoubtedly now regrowing, though still estimated by our experts to be somewhat below three hundred. While their military forces are small, are they well trained and equipped and one should not forget that UK still has her nuclear inventory - small but effective.

East Asian Federation
Apparently scared by the limitless growth of China, Japanese diplomats managed to overcome historical ghosts and convinced her former exploited colonies to join her once again - if only to avoid Communist Chinese overlords now that USA has turned isolationist once more. South-Korea, Taiwan and Philippines joined up with Japan to form this loose federation that has expressed great interest in exploiting TN-minerals. Several tigers of Asia united, their economy is strong, estimated to be in the mid-5000s, low-6000s. While these countries didn't gain as much industrial investment that China got, their industrial base is still quite strong, estimated to be at five hundred or so. Militarily though, EAF is somewhat weak - her troops dispersed over a large area and with no nuclear weapons to keep the big bad China at bay!

European Union
Few people started ringing death bells to the EU when UK left but those people were far too pessimistic as Iceland, Norway and even Switzerland decided to join the Union after the discovery of TN-minerals. EU is courting Turkey and Ukraine as well, though the membership discussions are currently frozen due to resistance from some European populations and opposition from both the Islamic Caliphate and the new Russian Federation. EU's economy is viable and strong, at roughly 10 000 or so. Her industry suffered somewhat during the globalization period, though luckily much of it was from West and North Europe into East and South Europe, her industry currently estimated to be in nine hundred or so. Military, EU's traditional weak point, hasn't changed. Thanks to France, EU commands a small nuclear arsenal and her weak conventional armies surely need that help.

Islamic Caliphate
Facing the very true possibility of disappearing or at least largely diminishing oil income, many Arab countries had to face tough calls. With their neighbours integrating more deeply and gaining strength, even the ancient division between Sunni and Shi'a seems to have diminished when the Islamic Caliphate was formed. From Morocco on the Atlantic Coast to Pakistan on the Indian Ocean, ISCA is a mysterious player on the global field. Iranians and Arabs seem to be sharing power equally at the moment but for how long can such a peaceful co-existence last? Neither has the question of Israel been solved. In any case, the economy of ISCA has diminished due to projected lessening demand of petroleum projects in the future. Still, our analysts have placed it at mid-4000s. Their industrial capability is nothing spectacular, being somewhat smaller than even African Union or Brazil. Still, they have the nuclear capability of Pakistan to augment their large conventional forces but they are surrounded by enemies - African Union to the south, China to the east and Russia to the north. EU and India will most likely remain neutral towards the ISCA in the near future.

Russian Federation
While Russia recovered nicely from the 1990s, they are still only a shadow of the former glory of the USSR. Though now that Belarus and the Central Asia states joined the new Russian Federation, Russia is one to keep an eye on. Their economy is strong, comparable to the oil riches of the ISCA, though with a slightly better industrial capability of roughly four hundred. They still boast a large nuclear arsenal, though some elements are assuredly obsolete. However, the Red Army has been modernized into a leaner, meaner configuration that is surely enough to defend the Rodina against all enemies.

South East Asian Alliance
The SEA Alliance is the most curious creation of the new power-blocs on the global stage. Led by Thailand, it also incorporates the economic powerhouse of Singapore, the population-rich Indonesia, the tough and expanding Vietnam, the formerly isolated Myanmar and even Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia decided to join into the Alliance. Surely the background politicking between various nations is fierce. However, their economy seems to be in good shape, estimated at high-5000s, low-6000s. Their industrial potential might not rival China but is still nothing to be ashamed of, clocking roughly at six hundred. SEAA lacks an nuclear inventory and her conventional forces are not very impressive either - the modern Singapore army is tiny, whereas the large Indonesian army is mostly obsolete, just to have name two examples.

United States of America
USA, the former superpower, turned isolationist in the veining months of the War Against Terror. Her economy, even after the Crash of '08, is still largish enough to rival the tigers of Asia, around low-to-mid-6000s. Though her industrial might was severely hampered by the globalization, it still stands at respectable six hundred or so. Her military is probably the finest on Earth, supported by a small but modern nuclear arsenal. USA, with the largest research capability amongst all the new players, is well situated to exploit these new TN-minerals in this new Great Game.

Starting mineral situation:

Global News Network
January, 2012 - A Month In Retrospect

Dear readers,

tumultuous events have happened in the global community. Yes, you read that correctly! It seems that the founding of the so-called Trans-Newtonian Minerals has achieved a new race, or perhaps a new Great Game between the great power-blocs of the world. How come, might the astute reader ask. Let me inform you, then, of organizational changes that have happened - a creation of a true Space Arm for almost all the armed forces on the planet. What can this mean? Surely, only the renewal of the Cold War era Space Race, except pumped up to eleven, since this time there are many competitors, not just two. Many readers might remember that several countries aspired to the stars, creating their own space programs under the shadows of the American NASA and the Russian program - the European Space Agency, the Japanese Space Program, the Chinese taikonauts reached high orbit - even India and Malaysia were quite keen on this 'new' geopolitical game. But now the TN-minerals and the new avenues of research and science that they seem to be opening, will allow many others to reach for the heavens. Many will lament that it seems that space will be militarized, others will recognize this as a necessary fact - since from the times of Ancient Greece, that old military axiom: "He who holds the higher ground, wins" has been known. It would be foolish to expect that this fragmented race of ours, could somehow reach new highs with purely pacifistic measures. No, dear readers, I can assure you that space will be militarized but by whom and to what extent, remains to be seen. Much is resting on the shoulders of the officers listed below.

Below is a chart naming the currently appointed leaders of each state's space 'navy'. It is remarkable how young most of them are. This surely speaks volumes of the need for new, fresh approaches to space exploration, understood in all nations.

African Union: Commodore Paulo Murugi. Male, 35 years old.
Brazil: Capitão-de-Mar-e-Guerra Dinis Albergaria. Male, 27 years old.
China: Da Xiao Wú Qiao Tao. Female, 38 years old.
Commonwealth: Commodore Eve Mason. Female, 34 years old.
East Asian Federation: Kaigun Shosho Inihara Maki. Female, 39 years old.
European Union: Kommodore Patrick Burkhard. Male, 41 years old.
India: Commodore Amrita yadav. Male, 33 years old.
Islamic Caliphate: Vizier Jamshid Tassoudji. Male, 29 years old.
Russia: Kontr-admiral Nataliia Korovin. Female, 28 years old.
South East Asian Alliance: Commodore Na Songkhla. Male, 29 years old.
United States of America: Rear Admiral (Lower half) Antione Slee. Male, 34 years old.

So, dear readers. What are your thoughts? Please let us know through our Mugshot[tm] or Flitter[tm] pages!

Global News Network
Science News - January 2nd, 2012

The British Commonwealth has created a Geology team to prospect for further Trans-Newtonian minerals. Led by Captain Emma Ferguson, the team will soon fly all over the Commonwealth, performing experimental drilling operations, in the hope of finding new veins of TN minerals. The Commonwealth Press Office had the following to say:

--- Quote ---"In the spirit of human progress and to promote economical development the Commonwealth has created a geology team, helping in this way to create the basis for new markets and commercial possibilities that will be of benefit for all."
--- End quote ---
Some experts have voiced concerns that since TN-minerals are only found very deep in the Earth's core, the results of this team could affect all nations, instead of just the Commonwealth. GNN will keep you updated.


Global News Network
Diplomatic News - January 3rd, 2012

According to anonymous sources, the East Asian Federation (EAF), has dispatched a diplomatic envoy to the isolated pariah-state of North-Korea. Curiously, all members of the diplomatic team were wearing military uniforms. EAF has not publicly acknowledged this move. North-Korea has traditionally seen as an ally of China - perhaps EAF hopes to change this situation?

Similarly, Indian diplomatic mission, led by veteran diplomat Ambika Gaekwad, was seen landing in Sri Lanka. After the violent suppression of the Tamil insurgency, Sri Lanka has started to move forward to the global stage, though still ravaged by extreme poverty. Is India trying to keep her little neighbour under the Big Brother's watchful eye?


Global News Network
Science News - January 4th, 2012

India has also created a Geology team! Is this a response for the team created by Commonwealth, their former colonial masters? India's team is led by Commander Dakshina Sadathia, known amongst experts as an old-hand of maritime surveying. No comment has been forthcoming from India.


Global News Network
Science News - February 4th, 2012.

India's Geology team already hitting gold! Team leader Dakshina Sadathia just announced that additional veins of Sorium has been found, 100 000 tons of it to be exact. Just like all the other TN-veins, however, the additional Sorium is situated deep in Earth's core, available to all with the proper mining equipment and refining facilities.


Global News Network
Science News - 28th March 2012

The Commonwealth Geology team, led by Emma Ferguson, today announced results of their ongoing search. Roughly 200,000 tons of Duranium have been located deep in Earth's crust. The team was all smiles as they declared teamwork and impeccable education as the reasons for such a tremendous find. Ferguson herself said that further prospecting will be undertaken.

No comment was received by GNN from the Indian Geology team.


Global News Network
Infrastructure & Industry Report
15th May 2012


GNN news team is on place at Utah, where the President of the United States is about to cut the symbolic ribbon in front of a gigantic construction site. The very first practical Mass Driver in the whole world is about to receive it's "basement stone". As the first of its kind, it is impossible to give any sort of estimate on how long this construction will take but our analysts claim that it will take longer than a year, perhaps even two, as nothing similar - on this scale - has been previously attempted. The Mass Driver 1 built by MIT students back in 1977 was a tiny contraception in comparison. Just what America tries to achieve with this Mass Driver is currently unknown - some experts speculate that it could be used to dispose of radioactive waste in a safe manner. Others claim that, thanks to TN-materials, it could be strong and accurate enough to lift cargo not only on Low Earth Orbit but even to Medium Earth Orbit, where the Geosynchronous satellites are located. We will maintain our watch here, waiting for the President's speech. Back to the studio!


Global News Network
Science News
28th August 2012

New mineral deposit found

The Indian team did it again! Team leader Dakshina Sadathia was proud to announce that roughly 100,000 tons of Gallicite were discovered. Once again, the deposit is deep in the crust of Earth, making it available to all nations. Ms.Sadathia promises that "the search is on-going, day and night!"


Global News Network
Infrastructure & Industry Report
5th October 2012


In a surprise turn, both the European Union and the East Asian Federation announced their plans to build Mass Drivers of their own. The EU one will be built on the plains of Slovenia and will take advantage of the Alps. The EAF one will be built in Japan, on Shizuoka and will similarly take advantage of Mt. Kurohoshi and Mt. Daimugen.

Our in-house experts all agree that this means a serious escalation of the New Space Race, so far only speculated of. GNN has sent news teams to both EU and EAF in the hopes of getting more in-depth coverage of the starting construction work.


Global News Network
Science & Industry News
2nd November 2012


Today, amid great celebrations, the President himself opened up the construction of America's first so-called "Space Port" here in Barstow, California. The large construction site, along the small Irwin Road is a beehive of activity as officials and diplomats of all kinds have gathered to marks this great moment. The sleepy little town of Barstow will surely experience great changes in near future, as workers and money will be flooding the area, not to mention all the traffic when the space port is active. Barstow-Daggett Community airport will likely rival JFK in few years!

"We could have chosen another site, naturally, but this time location and availability of land were the critical factors. Here we won't be plagued by hurricanes or tropical storms like in Florida", said NASA spokeswoman Cate Mulligan. Our experts predict that American predictions of finishing initial round of construction and expansion are too optimistic and that the space port won't open to business until 2017.


Global News Network
16th December 2012


Dakshina Sadathia, the leader of India's prominent Geological team, announced today that her team had found an additional vein of Boronide - roughly 100,000 tons or so. Unfortunately, they also announced that the Crust of the Earth has now been fully searched and there is nothing to be done for either improving accessibility or size of the veins.

"This is it. Unlike peak oil or gas, we now know exactly - everyone knows exactly, how much we have. It's now just a matter of using it wisely and hopefully finding new sources. Other planetary crusts? I'm certain that asteroids and comets could be excellent sources as well", Ms.Sadathia reported to GNN afterwards.


Trans-Newtonian Mineral situation on Earth as of December 2012:


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