Fiction > ExChairman's Fiction

Chapter 13 Battle and extinction

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3rd July 2047 23:56:51,Lalande 21185 Hostile Ship Contact!  Range to enemy ships is 10k km and the crews that have been ready and waiting opens fire at the swarm of small crafts approaching in high speed.
At the bridge of General Philippe Leclerc, Emperor Carl II stands watching intently what his ship does, a quick calculation,  it´s almost 40 of the small “gunboats?” are swarming the cruisers outer defence line.
Al ships score minor hits on the enemy, we manages to hole the ships code named Mughal 005 and Mughal 006 and they seems to leak a fluid like substance, the Emperor is worried, out of 132 shots fired at the enemy, only 9 are hits, they are too fast for the gunner to lock on and several gunners have taken their targeting computers of line to fire manually. Now it will take 10 seconds to rearm our weapons.

3rd July 2047 23:56:56,Lalande 21185 A hurricane of fire hits Canada and it are blown to pieces after 29 enemy ships fire at it, their weapons seems to penetrate our armour without any problem , less than 128 men and woman manages to get to the rescue boats, its commander is not one of them, the enemy gunboats having a huge speed advantage can continue their hit and run tactics.

3rd July 2047 23:57:06,Lalande 21185 Its Manitoba’s turn to be attacked and it takes only 17 hits before she breaks under the relentless fire. At the same time General Philippe Leclerc are near the wreck of Canada and manages to rescue all of them and at the same time Carl II gives the order to jump back to Sol, “We can’t fight them, they are too fast for our guns. We will wait for them on the other side and blow them to pieces when they emerge. The enemy are staying at some 60k km from our outer line and are pouring in fire every 10 seconds, and we don’t have anything that reach that far out, prepare for jump”
3rd July 2047 23:57:26,Lalande 21185 This time they concentrates on the Alberta and after 17 hits Alberta is alive, more or less, its crippled and burning from stern to bow almost a wreck en space but its last MLA guns spits fire into space, hitting nothing.

3rd July 2047 23:57:26,Lalande 21185 And the second volley only needs 9 hits to destroy the proud Alberta, on General Philippe Leclerc the crew can see the tears running down his cheeks, seconds before the ships is destroyed words comes throe that his wife are dead, she was killed in the first exchange of fire at Alberta. The same time space distorts around the fleet and they jump back to Sol system.

3rd July 2047 23:57:26 Sol system, near Lalande 21185 jump point, the battle was costly in both life and ships, we lost 3 ships in 35 second engagement, we did almost nothing on the enemies.

3rd July 2047 01:30:00 Sol system, near Lalande 21185 jump point, the emperor appears on the Leclerc bridge, talking to the whole fleet.
First he looks into the camera lens for several seconds, then with a sigh he begins a speech.
“ My comrades in arms and my people on the settled planets of the Imperium, we are at war with an deadly enemy, around 2400 a battle was fought in the system called Lalande 21185, we and I lost badly, the ships Canada, Alberta and Manitoba are gone, we only managed to save the survivors of the Canada. I left my wife in Alberta, she was killed on the bridge when it was hit and we couldn´t get to her.” A long pause follows “ My people I need you now to start a new military program, to research several new key ship systems so that we together can destroy this menace. This will take years to accomplish and the to build the said systems and build a new fleet to counter this menace
I will repeat what I said on my coronation and then I will turn my people to a war of annihilation of this dastardly enemy.”

And after the picture fades out the last part of his coronation speech hears again. 

“I have resolved never to start an unjust war but never to end a legitimate one except by defeating my enemies." Charles XII King of Sweden

3rd July 2047 03:30:00 Sol system, the six missile destroyers arrive at Lalande 21185 jump point, all combat seats are active and they are waiting for an opportunity to run the wormhole and kill enemies, but the Emperor knows that they will be destroyed as soon as they comes through, so they are ordered to stay at 100 k km from the wormhole ready to shoot at anything that comes through.

4th July 2047 Earth, The admiralty orders that the Bofors laser cannon to be used in 2 different turrets one dual cannon turret and quad cannon turret, the first one will be placed on frigates or destroyer hulls while the larger gun will be placed on a cruiser, so far there is no new ships but it will not take too long to formalize the new fleet

12th July 2047 Sol Today the first 4” laser cannon was tested and it worked as Bofors said. We will need a new fire control, that can track those fast gunboats, this will take time to research but the basics are already there so we start directly, at the same time, a member of Chicago’s crew proposes a destroyer sized ship that will be able to launch several small missiles and at the same time be able to see them at longer ranges. That means that we need to research a new scanner and fire control, but the ship proposed can fire up to 20 small offensive/defensive missiles. Up to several million km from the ship, this is the Shield class destroyer escort, you will notice that the reload time is 10 seconds, better tech are being researched but will take some time, the defender missile is not optimal against gunboats but it’s the best we have now. Retooling the Yokosuka yards will take 4 months and then we will build 2 ships in less than 8 months, with the help of prebuilding, engines, launchers and magazines.

Shield class Destroyer Escort    9,850 tons     726 Crew     1386 BP      TCS 197  TH 450  EM 0
3045 km/s     Armour 5-40     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 20
Maint Life 4.6 Years     MSP 528    AFR 129%    IFR 1.8%    1YR 41    5YR 608    Max Repair 48 MSP
Magazine 720   

SAAB Type 0.8 Military Ion Engine  (10)    Power 60    Fuel Use 80%    Signature 45    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 57.1 billion km   (217 days at full power)

Type 1 Missile Launcher (20)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
ASM/AMM Defender Missile Control System (5)     Range 46.1m km    Resolution 16
AMM/ASM Defender (588)  Speed: 30,000 km/s   End: 1.4m    Range: 2.6m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 130 / 78 / 39

Space Search Sensor SSS-1/6 (1)     GPS 1000     Range 6.0m km    Resolution 100

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

3rd August 2047 in a slip of mind the Bridge gate builder were not warned and it jumped into Lalande 21185, it is presumed destroyed, there is a chance that the ship is building a gate on the other side, but the Emperor will not order a ship throe and see what’s up.

4th September 2047 Atlantis, Atlantis System 3rd Engineer Regiment strikes gold when they finds 93 beta shield generators, most of them are picked apart for information and within hours we have the ability to research Beta shields.

4th October 2047 Sol Mason Bird´s team have perfected  the  Twin 4"   Laser Cannon Turret, this will be placed on destroyer and is an all target cannon.

3rd August 2047 Atlantis System a small part of the damaged parts of the city’s is made habitable by a find of the 1st Engineer regiment, almost 2 million people can live in those areas.

4th October 2047 Atlantis System 4th Engineer Regiment has started an automated mine on Atlantis, the day after 5th Engineer Regiment does the same in another part of the city.

4th October 2047Sol, Earth, the last Gibraltar PDC is finished and we will breathe a bit easier if those aliens comes to earth we will be able to do them some harm, possible even kill them.

4th October 2047 Atlantis System 7th Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Mine on Atlantis

4th November 2047 Atlantis System 1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned Ordnance Factory on Atlantis

4th November 2047 Sol   The cruiser sized laser turret is finished, the quad 4” cannon turret will be placed on the Gustav II Adolf cruiser, it will carry 2 of these turrets.

4th November 2047 Sol, at the same time as the quad turret is finished, a team on Mars led by Yokoyama Kenji has completed research into Turret Tracking Speed (10% Gear) 4000 km/s, this will be incorporated in the next generation of turrets.

4th November 2047 Atlantis System On Atlantis the 4th Engineer Regiment has recovered an intriguing facility, it seems that the previous inhabitants tried to change their race to live in the seas, there is no information if they succeeded but with this Genetic Modification Centre we can change parts of our race to fit this planet.

4th November 2047 Atlantis System 5th Engineer Regiment has  found a underground chamber filled with fuel, some 2000000 litres are in that chamber.

4th November 2047 Atlantis System 7th Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Atlantis.

4th December 2047 Atlantis System 8th Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Construction Factory on Atlantis

4th December 2047 Atlantis System 5th Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Mine on Atlantis

4th December 2047 Atlantis System 7th Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Atlantis

16th December 2047 Ross 248 New Jump Point found in the Ross 248 System

16th December 2047 Ross 248 New Jump Point found in the Ross 248 System

12th July 2047 Atlantis System 5th Engineer Regiment has found an abandoned Terraforming Installation on Atlantis, with this we will start a new terraforming program, by bringing down the nitrogen of 2.08 to 0.79 and then adding a small amount of Oxygen we will be able to breathe on the surface but this will take some time. At the same time Carl II sees the future of the human race can be in jeopardy so he orders two Gaia terraformer to be built as fast as it can.

Gaia class Terraformer    70,850 tons     719 Crew     2332.5 BP      TCS 1417  TH 1500  EM 0
1058 km/s     Armour 5-152     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 21    Max Repair 500 MSP
Terraformer: 2 module(s) producing 0.004 atm per annum

SAAB Type 0.8 Commercial Ion Engine  (10)    Power 150    Fuel Use 8%    Signature 150    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres    Range 63.5 billion km   (694 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

16th January 2048 Sol Villaseñor Carrier Lines has launched a new Tribal III class Freighter

16th January 2048 Atlantis System 3rd Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Construction Factory on Atlantis

16th February 2048 Sol Construction of Commercial Shipyard Complex completed on Earth

16th February 2048 Sol Construction of PDC Sveaborg completed on Earth

16th February 2048 Sol A team on Earth led by Katherine Rice has completed research into Destroyer Fire Control  64-12000

16th February 2048 Atlantis System 4th Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Terraforming Installation on Atlantis

16th March 2048 18:12:36,Sol A team on Earth led by Mason Bird has completed research into AMM/ASM Defender missile, it´s not optimal but will at least give us something to hit those small gunboats.

16th March 2048 Atlantis System 5th Engineer Regiment has recovered a third Terraforming Installation on Atlantis it’s also hooked into the system to transfer the planet to a thriving human world

16th March 2048 Atlantis System Construction of Construction Factory completed on Atlantis

16th March 2048 Atlantis System 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Mine on Atlantis

16th March 2048 Atlantis System today the 5th Engineer Regiment has found 5 Maintenance Facilities on Atlantis, this will enable us to service small ships

16th March 2048 Atlantis System 6th Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Construction Factory on Atlantis

16th March 2048 Atlantis System another part of the city is made habitable for some 900000 people, we can now house up to 60 million people on Atlantis.

16th March 2048 18:12:36,Sol,Research into

ASM/AMM Defender Missile Control System completed on Earth Missile Size: 1 MSP  (0.05 HS)     Warhead: 1    Armour: 0     Manoeuvre Rating: 13
Speed: 30000 km/s    Endurance: 1 minutes   Range: 2.6m km
Cost Per Missile: 0.825
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 390%   3k km/s 130%   5k km/s 78%   10k km/s 39%

16th March 2048 18:12:36,Sol At the Lalande 21185 Jump point, a huge ships appears, the few ship that are stationed at the jump point is taken by surprise, General Leclerc manages to get a broad side of an score several hits, none penetrates the enemy ships armour.

Sensor technician Ziumi “Sire, that ships is huge, it is estimated to weight around 200000 tons”

Carl II orders all ship to fire as soon as possible, the problem is that there is only 2 cruisers and 3 destroyers covering the

16th March 2048 18:12:42,Sol Several missile destroyers fire their missiles at the ships, nuclear fire scorches the hull but no one penetrates.

16th March 2048 18:12:47,Sol Leclerc fires with De Gaulle still no damage penetrates it´s hull.

16th March 2048 18:12:52,Sol some 75 small ships appear on the sensors and Leclerc is hit by many beam weapons, she is destroyed with almost all hands on board, Carl II dies when he tries to get as many of his men of ship. At the same time a missile hits the big ships and scores a deep wound, something leaks out.
16th March 2048 18:12:57,Sol At this time General De Gaulle is hit by a heavy variant of the enemy weapon and explodes.
During the next 25 seconds every Earth vessel is destroyed.

20th March 2048 11:44:15 Mars, On Mars panic is growing, the enemy mother ship have arrived and in less than an hour radiation is killing unprotected humans by the thousands.

20th March 2048 22:50:30 Mars, a last message of Mars defence forces is sent out to Earth. “ God save our souls”

22nd March 2048 22:50:30 Sol, Earth, in a desperate gamble Earths PDC defences are silent until the giant ships is almost in orbit , then they open fire, almost all missiles hit and some damage is done but not enough, seconds after the PDC fires they are under attack by enemy beam weapons and are all destroyed within minutes. And later that day the radiation begins to rise all around earth and in less than a week the human race is extinct in the Solar system, in Atlantis system there is less than 3.5 million people. 1 Survey ship and several cargo ship.

Wow, bad luck on that. I suspect it will be a moderate challenge to try and rebuild from your colony and take back Sol.  :o

Did you save before the enemy jumped in? If so may be interesting to see if some different tactics such as trying to stay at range would help you.

Wow, to try and rebuild with 3.5 million people and the small handful of installations on Atlantis is going to take some time.  On one hand you would be able to pass that time quickly.  With almost nothing to do 30 day auto increments will speed you right along.  Carl's great grand cousin, whose ancestor was one of the engineering teams captains takes the throne 100 years from now to return to retake Sol or some such. I think the installations on Earth would still be intact at least.

Ah no saves survived the radiation ::), well mostly due to a hard drive error, that had me to reformat my hd. And having 3 missile destroyers with 2 light cruisers against a Swarm Queen and her consorts are undoubtly a bit one sided... :-[

Going a hundred years into the future is possible, with almost two divisions of troops and the small population, I will test it and se what could be done in several decades....  ;). After testing on Earth, in 5 years the population grow to 8.11 millions so its possible to come back after such a defeat, the good part is that I got some explotable ruins on the planet, its to get the dice and role what my engineers  have found...


--- Quote ---Wow, to try and rebuild with 3.5 million people and the small handful of installations on Atlantis is going to take some time.  On one hand you would be able to pass that time quickly.  With almost nothing to do 30 day auto increments will speed you right along.  Carl's great grand cousin, whose ancestor was one of the engineering teams captains takes the throne 100 years from now to return to retake Sol or some such. I think the installations on Earth would still be intact at least.
--- End quote ---

Hmm, I will try this, will probobly be hard to make Atlantis to reaper.... Any one know if you are able to "play" with the composistion of the a solar system? I mean change planets, moons and such...
I already got the the name of the game, Carolus Rise, as the upcomming album of Sabaton.

Not sure if the radiation of a quenn will have gone away by the year 2148 but this might work.


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