Fiction > Rabid_Cog's Fiction

Comments thread - RotW

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Here you can feel free to leave comments about anything without feeling guilty for upsetting the continuity of the story thread of Rise of the Wrix. This will hopefully have the dual purpose of being a place you can ask questions (and criticize) and keeping me interested in this.

I figure I would put this in here so I don't spam my subforum (my shiny, shiny subforum :D) full of threads.

I've been thinking that, since the new version of Aurora is out (and I really like the changes!) that perhaps it is time for the Wrix to have a rebirth of sorts. Basically, that would entail scrapping the current game and trying to find a system that is reasonably similar to their current home system (binary, 4 x col cost 2 planets, 2 around each star). It should not be so difficult.

The benefits of this will be several. It will allow me to speed up the turns which are already taking upwards of ten seconds to generate due to the size of the NPR. It will also reduce the size of said NPR back to one system, fixing the 'catchup' situation I find myself in. In addition, it will allow me to jump ahead in time a little, speeding things along. After all, there is nothing wrong with skipping a few boring years, is there?

Edit: Of course, I will definately be waiting for Aurora 6.2 before doing this. No point in having to do it twice, now is there? In addition, SM races are currently broken. That needs to be fixed before this is a possiblity.

Ah, so this is why rise of the wrix wasn't showing up in my unread posts. Now I feel silly. I should check the individual forums next time.

As before, feel free to use this thread to post comments. Who knows? I might even reply!

Great to see you back, am looking forward to hearing some more tails of the wrix.


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