Fiction > Thanatos' Fiction

Pics and Events of my New Campaign


I started a new campaign, I have yet to decide on the theme, but so far things are going pretty great. I am trying a wildly different approach this time. The following pictures may be a bit indicative of this:

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The galaxy map so far:

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Are those system names from one of the themes, or are you choosing them yourself? Very atmospheric choices if so!

Some of them were chosen by the game, but then I went and renamed them. For example, Gate of Wonder used to be Solomon, and then I renamed it Gate of Solomon- but when the name Solomon came up again, I changed it to Gate of Wonder.

Update on galaxy map:

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The idea so far is to lay the ground work between Sol and Lightless Graveyard, where the Locust Court awaits with interesting stuff on it. The problem is Nexus-- it is massive.

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It takes 30 days and more to get from one side to the other, so I am still working on the Sol infrastructure. Once I have Io in the bag and terraformed, I am setting out to colonize either Charon Keep:

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Or one of the planets in either Annex of Light, or Heavenly Albion, both of which are Quadrinary stars.


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