Fiction > Drgong's Fiction

Commies vs. the Empire


Over elsewhere someone pointed out that while democratic governments vs communists, and democratic vs empires have been done in a lot of multi-start AARs, there not been many (if any) where both sides where "Bad guys", namely, Communists vs.  A imperial empire.

So now it time to set up this as my next multi start AAR.

This Post I will go over the Communists side.

United Nations of Socialist States


The Government is carried out by a Politburo.  The Politburo is promoted by Seniority. 

There is several layers.

Premier:  The Ruler of the UN
Key Ministers: The Army, Navy, Treasury, and UN Security Services
Politburo: ~12 additional ministers

Promotion is simple.  The most senior in service (of that level) gets promoted upwards.   I have written a python script to give ages of arrival and natural deaths (or retirement to a dacha at age 75).   (So thus, a premier is only from the Army, Navy, Treasury, and UNSS positions, and those are filled by the most senior from the Politburo)

Purges:  Every year, there is a 1 in 100 chance that the Premier is overthrown, a 1 in 50 chance that a key minster is arrested, and a 1 in 25 chance that a politburo member is arrested.   Premiers and key ministers are shot, and lower ministers are set to the gulag, where they might be allowed to reenter, or might get shot. 

Economy: The UN runs on 5 year plans.  Whoever is the premier gets to set a 5 year plan(on 0 and 5th years), and premiers will have a option on Expansion or building up, and If the navy should be big ship/FAC/carrier in build. 

Ages are in 2100

Premier:Erich Pieck (Expansion, Big Ship) Age 50

Army: Megan Lu (Age 40)
Navy: Leonid Malenkov (Age 41)
Treasury: Kanada Kapil (Age 53)
UN-SS: Ki Byeong-Ho (Age 47)

Other Politburo members by seniority (I will determine what they minister when I need a minister)

Shen Jianhong (53)
Mukundprem Ohlan (53)
Egon Grotewohl (50)
Gustav Hanuš (44)
Artsyom Biarizkin (39)
Jayadeva Gayakvad (35)
Oceanne Huard (52)
Emma Dufort (44)
Friedrich Stoph (42)
Shalini Bajpai (37)
Lian Min (43)
Rasul Desheriyev (47)


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