Author Topic: Missiles with active sensors sitting on WP  (Read 1230 times)

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Offline Elvin (OP)

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Missiles with active sensors sitting on WP
« on: April 26, 2010, 05:21:47 PM »
I'm trying out a strategy for killing the Star Swarms that hang around, namely two jumps from Earth  :?

I designed ships specifically to kill the Star Swarm, i.e. with resolution 16 FC's and sensors onboard. I gave them 8 tubes and 2 FC's, and using missile size 6 and low-tech missiles I kill in two or three hits. This seems logical enough, except that I couldn't get the FC's to stic kwith 4 missile tubes each, they always went all 8 on 1, even after being manually split off and given orders ( they were still under automatic fire, but there's no way i'm microing my way through 120 odd starswarmers if this was the problem)

This obviously gave me massive missile wastage, so I reloaded an earlier DB and designed missiles with active sensors on them, in the hopes they'd automatically be able to find their next target. This didn't work at all, they kept heading to where the enemy were at when the missiles were fired, even though half of them had the hit enemy on the way past.

So for my final idea, I set up a WP between myself and the swarm. I launched all of my homing missiles at it, and they obidiently hovered on the WP, with their active sensors, and they look like they're just waiting for a target to roll into sight ( despite having no 5 second interuupt warning about it- I thought it had been programmed this way). But, the swarm roll right into their active sensor range, and the missiles just do nothing. They're sitting on the WP, with No Target on the F8 menu, and nothing else obviously happening.

So I;d like to know if there's a way to change any of the three problems i've had in this post, to try and make a dozen of my ships non-useless.


Offline UnLimiTeD

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Re: Missiles with active sensors sitting on WP
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 05:45:36 PM »
Do you use the Automatic Fire checkbox or the Auto Fire button next to open fire?
When I used the latter, it just assigned targets, but didn't reassign the weapons in some utterly retarded way.
I think for the missiles to home, you need to get rid of their primary target, which in this case means deleting the waypoint.

Offline Elvin (OP)

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Re: Missiles with active sensors sitting on WP
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2010, 10:39:29 AM »
...That was possibly the most awesome thing i've ever seen. One Hundred missiles ripped through them like cheesewire. I just wish I'd known about this tactic sooner  :D

Thank you VERY much for telling me that, it's made my life SO much easier.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Missiles with active sensors sitting on WP
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2010, 01:56:16 AM »
Quote from: "UnLimiTeD"
Do you use the Automatic Fire checkbox or the Auto Fire button next to open fire?
When I used the latter, it just assigned targets, but didn't reassign the weapons in some utterly retarded way.
I think for the missiles to home, you need to get rid of their primary target, which in this case means deleting the waypoint.
The alternative to deleting the waypoint is clearing the assignment of the fire control
