Author Topic: Civilian Madness  (Read 2548 times)

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Offline Geoffroypi (OP)

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Civilian Madness
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:54:04 PM »
I have 200 civilian supercargo, in the year 2130 . . .  but no civilian mining complexes.   :-\
Trafic is very very dense.  on day im going to put speed limitation and trafic lights.

is that normal to have so much civilian ship and so early? ???

Offline sublight

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Re: Civilian Madness
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 09:38:37 PM »
If you subsidize and create a colony early, yes, it's normal.

Civilians aren't limited by construction time, so if they have the funds they can potential launch a new ship every construction cycle. In my experience a well funded shipping line will typically launch 2-5 ships every year. Add in multiple shipping lines, and if they can earn the cash to support themselves 200 isn't shocking. The no civilian mining complexes is odd, however. I usually have two or three within the first decade. Did you put a colony on everything with minerals?

Oh, and I don't consider 2130 early. Staring from 2050 I've never has a game last past 2110.  8)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 09:40:19 PM by sublight »

Offline Geoffroypi (OP)

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Re: Civilian Madness
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2012, 10:41:44 AM »
First time i put any interesting body as a colony, but after i undid thoses colonies, thinking it would improve things.  I have a commercial spaceport only in earth ,  it might be the reason why i dont have any civilian complexes.

Offline Thiosk

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Re: Civilian Madness
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2012, 11:09:39 AM »
Nope, commercial spaceports only serve to facilitate the speed of loading and unloading.

Sometimes the civs get started early in mining-- sometimes they don't.  Maybe they just don't like the worlds in the populated systems.  Keep expanding to new stars; they get going eventually.  I didn't get my first one for 35 years, at 50 I have 200 civilian mines.

Offline xeryon

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Re: Civilian Madness
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2012, 01:58:21 PM »
Anyone have some info on what parameters need to be met for a system to create civ mining colony's?  I just had my first mining colony created in a non-home system.  It was in my first extra-solar colony to exceed 100m inhabitants.  I speculate that may have something to do with it but have nothing else go on.

Offline TheDeadlyShoe

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Re: Civilian Madness
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2012, 02:01:34 PM »
I think it's a random roll having something to do with wealth production.  I can't find where i read that though. 

I have noticed they don't tend to show up until you have other colonies, so perhaps it has something to do with trade activity and civilian fleets.

Offline Geoffroypi (OP)

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Re: Civilian Madness
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2012, 02:48:58 PM »
Information provided by steve on another topic :

1) Each Civilian Mining Complex is equivalent to ten automated mines and has a mass driver built in.

2) The parent race can purchase mineral output from the mines by a simple on/off switch on the population created by the civilians.  When the switch is set to 'Purchase Mineral Output', the minerals will either be placed in the population stockpile for the player race to pickup or they will be sent by mass driver to a location of the player's choice within the system.  When the switch is set to 'Minerals go to Civilian Sector' the minerals still disappear from the planetary deposits and are permanently lost (on the assumption that civilian industry is using them).

3) The annual purchase cost for the entire output of a CMC is 250 wealth.  Assuming a racial mining output of say 16 tons, the player would receive up to 160 tons of each accessibility 1. 0 mineral and smaller amounts of other minerals for his 250 wealth.

4) If the output from a colony is not purchased by the player, he will instead receive 50 wealth per year in taxation income per CMC.

Each 5-day increment a random number is generated between 1 and 1 million.  If that number is lower than the annual racial income, a new mining colony will be created.  This is based on the assumption that the racial income reflects the size of the civilian economy and is therefore will serve as a reasonable method of determiing the liklehood of new mining colonies being established.  If a colony is established, the first step is to determine the system in which the new colony will be located.  This is done by listing the populations of the Empire greater than ten million in size in descending order of population size and working through the list.  As each pop is checked, there is a 50% chance that the system in which that pop is located will be selected, at which point the system selection is complete.  Obviously this favours the systems in which larger pops are located.  If the entire list is checked and no pop is selected, the system in which the largest pop is located will be used.

Once the system is selected, the program looks for suitable surveyed system bodies without an existing colony orbiting the same star as the selected population with an orbital distance no greater than 80 AU.  On the first run through, the program checks for those system bodies which have either 25,000 tons of Duranium or 25,000 tons of Sorium at an accessibility of 0. 8 or greater.  Once those are found, the program works out the total mineral deposits for each world, multiplying the total tonnage of each deposit by its accessibility and ignoring any with an accessibility less than 0. 5.  The world with the greatest total tonnage is selected.  If none are found that meet the criteria, a second check is made using 15,000 tons of Duranium or Sorium at an accessibility of 0. 7 or greater.  If worlds within these criteria are found, the total tonnage check is performed again to select one.

When the mining colony is created, it has 1-3 CMC, a deep space tracking station and a single Garrison division named after the system body.

In addition to the check for new mining colonies, all existing colonies are checked during each 5-day increment and there is a chance they will be expanded by adding one extra CMC.  This check was originally 1-1,000,000 but after playtest it is now 1-4,000,000.

While this is not as detailed as the shipping lines, it will increase the minerals available to the player if he is prepared to pay for them, increase the number of colonies to protect and perhaps create those colonies on some worlds that the player might not have considered.  In my own game during playtest of the new code, the civilians created a mining colony on the Moon, which has 320,000 tons of accessibility 1. 0 Duranium and 950,000 tons of 0. 7 Tritanium.  One of Neptune's moons is actually a better mining target but already has a colony.

From the text in the civ tab of the population it looks like it can add new complexes over time to the same place? Also, can it increase the size of the planetary sensor?
As above, they may increase in size over time but the planetary sensor won't increase.  However, you can add your own planetary sensors to the colony.

How do you track the amount of money each CMC has and can we see it in the same way we can see shipping lines?
At the moment I am not tracking any money for the mining complexes.  I may add that in a later version so they can expand into something more like the shipping companies.  The current civilian shipping has evolved over several versions to the current model and the CMC are still on the first step of their evolution.

I assigned an R2 (Commander) with a mining bonus to the CMC but I am not sure that the benefit is going to be applied since there are no mines listed on the mineral tab?
The commander will help.  If you move your cursor over the text at the top of the mining report, it will show the production calculation.

Do the civilian shipping lines move the sensor and CMC to the new locations? Instead of them just spawning I imagine that using the shipping lines to move the equipment would add more depth to the whole side of it.
At the moment they just appear.  I may add more depth though in future versions.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 03:00:32 PM by Geoffroypi »