C# Fiction > Gyrfalcon's Fiction

The Kingdom of Avalon - Comments Thread

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The wealth issue is currently under control through both research into better TN wealth generation, more TN industry (which is taxable, unlike conventional), and appointing a governor who improves wealth generation.

--- Quote ---Armature
--- End quote ---

... son of a <naughty word>. No, while the army likes its electrical dynamo coils, it mostly focuses on production of Armigers... because its damn hard to find a word for a big stompy 'Mech that isn't already used somewhere else. (And I know Armiger is also used by WH40K, but at least its a sub-class of a type of stompy robot instead of being a catchall like BattleMech, Wanzer, Titan, Mobile Suit, Gundam, etc.)

Updated all references that I could catch.

--- Quote ---Shipyards
--- End quote ---

Well, in the eternal struggle between the army and navy for who gets the most funding, they were cashing in on the threat of aliens descending unchecked on Earth. Well, there have been no aliens in nearly two decades, but that doesn't stop the Navy from planning light escorts and dreaming of cruiser classes.

--- Quote ---The Tekko is terrible
--- End quote ---

Agreed - its simply a sad reality of size-1 missiles that if you need half the weight to generate a usable explosion, its going to be slow. The Kingdom is working on fixing the issue - which has the happy benefit of making its offensive missiles and torpedos better as well.

--- Quote ---The Ruins of Sol
--- End quote ---

The Kingdom will be able to begin clearing some of the ruins in the coming years. Mars is the biggest prize, but also the biggest struggle.  Luckily the smaller ruins aren't as heavily defended.

That was a fine RP way to justify sweeping reorganization of the armed forces! And we're taking the first steps towards WH40k, it seems.

It was coming up on time for the ruler to transition (Each ruler has a random number of years before they die of natural causes/retire/fall out a window), and with the ground invasions I wanted easier ground templates to repair to full strength.

The Commissars are more of a blip then a constant - a King who comes to power in a coup is paranoid that others will get the same idea.

How did you setup this Sol? Specifically, the guardian units did you add those in manually?

Guardians were added manually as a player-controlled race. I placed them on every world capable of supporting human populations and then generated random ruins on each world.

Depending on the extent of the ruins, I added greater or lesser numbers of defending units.

The only one I rerolled the ruins on were for were Mars and Titan.


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