Author Topic: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.  (Read 4244 times)

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Offline NuclearStudent (OP)

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Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« on: January 07, 2017, 03:40:19 PM »
I didn't put extra crew quarters on my carriers, relying on cryo berths instead.

PSA. That doesn't work. My fighters are racking up deployment time. Don't be cheap-put actual crew quarters.


Offline Tor Cha

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Re: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2017, 05:08:03 PM »
Just for Info Why did you think that Cryo Berths would Hold Flight crew?

I always Put 2 Q per Fighters type and 3Q per GB On a CV type or Gun boat Carrier. 3/5Maint per Month of Deployment. It May give me Big CV's But Takes care of Normal to Light combat Patrols . My Combat CV's Are Very Big Carry Lots of Fighters, Have Many Support ship to Help with the Maintenance of the Fleet.

Offline NuclearStudent (OP)

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Re: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2017, 09:23:37 PM »
Just for Info Why did you think that Cryo Berths would Hold Flight crew?

I always Put 2 Q per Fighters type and 3Q per GB On a CV type or Gun boat Carrier. 3/5Maint per Month of Deployment. It May give me Big CV's But Takes care of Normal to Light combat Patrols . My Combat CV's Are Very Big Carry Lots of Fighters, Have Many Support ship to Help with the Maintenance of the Fleet.

I thought my fighter pilots could chill out inside the cryo berths!

Offline DIT_grue

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Re: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2017, 11:21:25 PM »
I thought my fighter pilots could chill out inside the cryo berths!

Even if that worked, it would only freeze the clock, not wind it back. And you must be RPing a very strange society; I wouldn't expect fighter jocks to voluntarily accept a regime of cold showers, let alone be happy with being kept on ice in coffins where they can't even catch a real nap, never mind managing anything more exciting. (Just think of the card games that would clog up your corridors; or if they monopolise all the rec decks, the rest of your crew will soon be conducting a more-vicious-than-usual feud with them.)

Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2017, 03:43:38 AM »
I get a bit confused about how cryo works sometimes, when I look at troop transports.  There doesn't seem to be a readiness issue using cryo transport for troops. For troops, cryo transport is BETTER for morale, and takes up more hull space.

I would like to know if the extra life support for transporting troops can help in various unexpected overcrowding issues.

Offline Zincat

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Re: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2017, 04:19:11 AM »
I thought my fighter pilots could chill out inside the cryo berths!

That is why nobody wants to work for you :)

Offline ORCACommander

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Re: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2017, 04:41:39 PM »
its not the cryo increases in the moral of your soldiers its that it is frozen in place like crew.

Offline ryuga81

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Re: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2017, 06:47:26 AM »
I get a bit confused about how cryo works sometimes, when I look at troop transports.  There doesn't seem to be a readiness issue using cryo transport for troops. For troops, cryo transport is BETTER for morale, and takes up more hull space.

I would like to know if the extra life support for transporting troops can help in various unexpected overcrowding issues.

Cryo drop pods essentially keep troops frozen (no morale penalty) but require more space and cost more. It is an improved version of the basic drop pod that has morale penalty. They are both meant for assault (as in, landing on a hostile planet/ship while being shot at).

Troop *transport* is entirely different as it is not intended for planetary invasion (unless you achieve space superiority, destroying all enemy ships and PDCs), as it can take days or weeks to actually unload a sizable amount of troops. It is mainly used for moving troops around in safe locations.

Think of them as transport ships vs landing craft in WWII. Troops can stay indefinitely on a transport ship (with living accommodations, training areas, recreational space, mass halls etc.), but they won't be happy to stay crammed in a landing craft for more than a few hours. Cryo drop pods in this case would be a landing craft that keeps soldiers hibernated until needed.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2017, 06:49:22 AM by ryuga81 »

Offline NuclearStudent (OP)

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Re: Warning: cryo berths can't be used as flight crew berths.
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2017, 12:45:59 AM »
Even if that worked, it would only freeze the clock, not wind it back. And you must be RPing a very strange society; I wouldn't expect fighter jocks to voluntarily accept a regime of cold showers, let alone be happy with being kept on ice in coffins where they can't even catch a real nap, never mind managing anything more exciting. (Just think of the card games that would clog up your corridors; or if they monopolise all the rec decks, the rest of your crew will soon be conducting a more-vicious-than-usual feud with them.)

I am actually RPing an extremely careless and technocratic society. My people are intensely curious about scientific experimentation, but by nature, value curiosity and function more than their lives...often to the deteriment of life support, sometimes, when they just forget about it.

Totally intended.