Author Topic: United Nations Thread  (Read 22629 times)

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Offline Vandermeer

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #30 on: May 24, 2016, 04:28:51 AM »
"Colonel Timiryazev, Captain Aksyonova and Mrs. Zinoview. I have had a call from Washington and it appears Ambassador kks will be available to meet with you after all.  Seems my initial message to the Pentagon wasn't sent to the Ambassador and he is quite unhappy that we asked Dr Pinscher-Doberman to attend in his stead.  Please be ready to meet with him when he makes his way to South Dakota."
After the somewhat bumpy first round, the three seem now satisfied, as Zinoview nods after quick looks to her left and right, and stands up with her companions to make another little extra tour down through the engineering section of the facility. Zinoview leaves no shortage in hypothetical questions to the personnel, as she likes to hear what the staff thinks of the potential of this mission, both in scientific results, and those of human or collaborative achievement.
playing Aurora as swarm fleet: Zen Nomadic Hive Fantasy

Offline Sheb (OP)

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2016, 10:14:58 AM »
Given the apparent divergence on the OST between the Russian Confederation and the Free State Alliance, I'd like to express my concern. Whatever your opinion on the current OST, a situation where some states exit it unilaterally is worse for all. For starter, the ban on nuclear weapons enshrined in the OST would not survive the arm race that would follow an unilateral exit, despite the fact that no state oppose it. Then, a nation trying to settle under its OST right a body claimed by a nation outside the OST would be a cause for conflict.

As such, I urge the following: First, let all nation sign a separate "Convention on Spaceborn Nuclear Weapon" banning the deployment of nuclear weapons more than 20km from Earth's surface. Then, I urge the FSA and RC to find a negotiated compromise on the ownership of bodies.

Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2016, 03:01:51 PM »
Given the apparent divergence on the OST between the Russian Confederation and the Free State Alliance, I'd like to express my concern. Whatever your opinion on the current OST, a situation where some states exit it unilaterally is worse for all. For starter, the ban on nuclear weapons enshrined in the OST would not survive the arm race that would follow an unilateral exit, despite the fact that no state oppose it. Then, a nation trying to settle under its OST right a body claimed by a nation outside the OST would be a cause for conflict.

As such, I urge the following: First, let all nation sign a separate "Convention on Spaceborn Nuclear Weapon" banning the deployment of nuclear weapons more than 20km from Earth's surface. Then, I urge the FSA and RC to find a negotiated compromise on the ownership of bodies.

The FSA is not rushing to leave the OST.   That said, we think it unwise to agree to a "Convention on spaceborn nuclear weapons" at this time for the following reasons.

- the FSA has signed the OST, and it would not be ripe until the time, if it happens, that he FSA decides to leave the OST.
- We feel that without movement on the topics as it a whole need to be discussed.
- the FSA does not want to see nuclear weapon in space, and we have no intention to do so as we are bound by the OST at this time.
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Offline Vasious

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2016, 06:44:26 PM »
Helga Gavrilov of the Russian Confederation

It was my understanding the right honourable delegate of the Free States Alliance stated that the Free  States Alliance would consider withdrawing from the Outer space Treaty if there was no room for debate and discussion.

Is this Assembly not the forum for that debate and discussion?
Has the Russian Confederation and the Free State Alliance already reached an agreement on the deployment of Policing and security forces to off world colonies?

Do our dear friends in the North American Union think so little of the Russian Confederation and the Free States Alliance, that they feel the need to ask us both to sign a piece of paper saying we will not summon the spectre of Nuclear Annihilation if either of our nations do not get their way?

Ignoring the Moral Obligation not to do so, we are a nation of Laws, as is the Free State Alliance, and as such already legally bound by the very Outer Space Treaty we discuss.

Of course there will be disagreement, but how can anyone find the middle ground if the various positions are not stated and the reason for them asserted.

This is the Assembly of the United Nations of Earth, this is where everyone has a voice and it is their moral right and obligation to use that voice.

The Russian Confederation will have its voice heard.
The Free States Alliance will have its voice heard.
the Union of North America will have its voice heard.
The Non Aligned Nations will have their voices heard.

Only then can the assembly rule on the matter, with all facts and positions know.

The Russian Confederation will abide by the lawful rulings of this Assembly
The Russian Confederation need not sign a "Convention on spaceborn nuclear weapons" when it  is already willingly bound by one.
The Russian Confederation also has faith that as a Lawful and civilised State, if the Free State Alliance was to withdraw from the Outer Space Treaty, they would not resort to nuclear weapons to settle territorial disputes, when this forum already exists to resolve those potential matters peaceably.


Offline kks

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2016, 05:44:11 PM »
The russian delegation is currently being shown the facilities where the Hathors are prepared for launch when ambassador Smith arrived at the former ICBM silo. He greeted them and then participated in the rest of the tour.

"We have organized a dinner at a nearby site where we can discuss any question you have left about the Hathor project and what it means to the relationship between our nations as well as other matters you are interested in. I hope it will be satisfying for you and will make up for the rather embarassing start of your visit."

The diplomats departed the ICBM site and drove to the nearby location where the meeting was to be held and while that they were having some small talk and changed opinions on the recent russian nobel price laureate Nicolay Kapitsa and his work about the use of trans-newtonian elements in medicine. They arrived at their restaurant a few minutes later and were lead in a private room in the barren establishment.

"I apologize about the iritations in our organization of the event you had to witness. We are currently experiencing some major restructuring in some parts of our gouvernment and some things are not working as they should yet.
As you have wrote me beforehand you have not only come to visit our Hathor launch site and to talk about the nature of the relation between our nations in face of the trans-newtonian age but also about the incident with our intelligence team a few months ago. Which what topic do you want to start? I suggest we first answer any questions the unpleasent incindent caused so we can then freely talk about the future of our nations. You have expressed your wish to have it htat way and I understand it as it must have seem like a strike against the ability to trust each other and a provocation to you, which it surely was not meant, so I would suggest you to begin with questions you have about this to me which I will answer as well as I can, as you proposed."

OOC: I'm sorry it took me so long to answer. I have been pretty busy until this week.

Offline Sheb (OP)

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #35 on: June 01, 2016, 12:28:04 PM »
Mister Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen,

You all know that one topic has been dear to me during my entire political career: addressing the threat of nuclear weapons, here on Earth and out there in space. The history of nuclear disarmement is a glorious one, but it is incomplete. Since SALT 7 limited the number of deployed warhead to 360 per country 20 years ago, no further progress has been made. Indeed, for many it has become accepted wisdom that no further reduction is possible. With three powers in equilibrium, any two power neogitating a reduction would find themselves vulnerable.

However, in this field as in many other, transnewtonics threaten to upset the statu quo. Trans-newtonions weapons will make conventional deterrants obsolete. If we do not act now, a trans-newtonian arms race, and its potentially deadly consequences are inevitable.

Today, I, in the name of the North American Union government, will act to prevent such a future. As I speak, senior engineers at DARPA are putting the final touches to a brand new weapon, quite unlike anything that was ever fielded. The so-called "meson cannon" can penetrate any shielding known to man. It can target moving moving object such as ICBMs across hundred of km of athmosphere.

The meson cannon is exactly the kind of weapon that could break the current armament statu quo. And we intend to use it to achieve disarmament.

As of this moment, the Russian Confederation has twenty-four hours* to evacuate and destroy its ICBMs bases. After that deadline, we will destroy any ICBM silo still standing. Once that is done, we will enter negotiations with the FSA about removing and destroying Earth's last nukes.

In order to ensure that the Russian confederation does not recreate a nuclear capability in secret, we also demand that NAU and FSA observers be allowed aboard the Russian military yard in orbit and in Russian industry. If this demand is not met, we will turn the Meson Cannon toward the Russian orbital yards.

One day is a short time, so I won't be taking questions right now. I will retire to the NAU Delegation's office to await confirmation that our demands have been met.

* Game time of course. You can take a couple IRL days to respond

Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #36 on: June 01, 2016, 12:59:26 PM »
Nikki De Boer, Deputy Attache to the UN (Zambia)

Disarmament is a noble goal, but we are deeply concerned that the time-frame of a forced removal of ICBM bases is more designed to bring earth to cinders then to make peace.  The FSA is willing to discuss a staggered reduction of ICBM bases over a timeframe, allowing a single base to exist for probe launches and to serve as a historical monument to the technology. 
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Offline Vasious

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2016, 04:42:20 PM »
The "honourable" Delegate of the Union of North American Union

Is this how your President intents to show the world, how the North American Union will conduct business with the rest of the nations of Earth.
At the end of the barrel of a RADIATION WEAPON?

A Directed Energy Radiation weapon! Do you not remember the Geneva Conventions? Are we to take it that the North American Union is not a Signatory any more?

Behold my fellows of the Assembly of Nations of Earth, the North American Union, who interrupt the discussion on how the Solar System can be peaceable, PEACEABLE, opened up to the whole of humanity, by, in One Breath, declaring they have a weapon rendering ICBMs obsolete for the rest of days, and in another breath decreeing they have the right and need to use that weapon on the Russian confederation, to remove out obsolete ICMBs by IRRADIATING LARGE PORTIONS OF OUR COUNTRY FROM ORBIT WITH OUT ANY THOUGHT ON THE LONG TERM EFFECTS ON THE CIVILIAN POPULATION OR OUR NEIGHBOURS.

I call for an Emergency vote by this Assembly to Censure the North American Union for this Jingoism, and illegal demand.
I call for this assembly to Censure the North American Union for its threats of Terror Bombing by Radiological Weapons of the Russian Confederation and whomever other poor nation falls under the radiation the North American union threatens to bring down on us all.

After all once they have taken our "obsolete" Nuclear weapons, what other weapons will they deem unsafe for the rest of your to have. Will they deem your economic and Political Sovereignty unsafe for you to keep, and declare for the greater good they will take it under threat of a slow painful death by radiation.

Vote now, show the North American Union where you stand on this bullying.

And then we can get back to peaceable exploration of the Solar System by Humanity as a whole, unmolested by war mongers wasting resources of bigger sticks to try to keep the rest of us down with.

Offline Vasious

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #38 on: June 01, 2016, 05:41:27 PM »
The Right Honourable Nikki De Boer

The Russian Confederation are open to the discussion your propose, we seek no conflict.

Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2016, 06:26:51 PM »
The Right Honourable Nikki De Boer

The Russian Confederation are open to the discussion your propose, we seek no conflict.

The FSA makes the following proposal for discussion at this emergency meeting

- Wheras new technologies make ICBMs mostly ineffective
- Wheras all our nations are dedicated to peace
- Wheras to properly dismantle ICBMs and reassign officers may take longer then 24 hours
It be hearby resolved

Each of the major powers have 32 ICBM complexes.
Each power will decommission 5 bases a month for six months, eliminating 30 bases.
Of the remaining two bases for each side, they shall be open for inspection by all parties
One shall be a launch complex for the peaceful exploration of space, as all parties have expressed interest in reusing the ICBMs or launch tubes to explore space
One shall remain inactive for training and historical preservation. 
ICBMs shall be scrapped unless intended to be converted to a probe launcher
All sides reconfirm that the OST bans nuclear weapons from orbit.
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Offline Bughunter

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #40 on: June 02, 2016, 04:02:38 AM »
I have always been one of the strongest supporters of peace and disarmament, but even I cannot imagine a one-sided disarmament under threat of destruction. Such a disarmament is no way to assure peace for future generations, it is nothing but an insane attempt at world domination at all costs. This is not working towards peace, this is risking all our lives in nuclear destruction.

I would be willing to discuss a peaceful and mutually respectful disarmament, I would wholeheartedly support such a thing and argue for it in my own country. Over time we would build trust as we have in the past and eventually succeed, one step at a time. What the NAU did now has ruined years of work towards that goal. I can only hope that the the people of the NAU does not stand behind their leaders in this and that the president will be removed from office before he leads the world into the only outcome a conflict of this scale could have - the mutually assured destruction we have managed to avoid for so many years.

At a time when humanity is standing at the threshold of finally exploring the solar system and reaching beyond our own planet, how can anyone risk our future with madness like this? I welcome the FSA voice of sanity at this emergency meeting and I agree the first order of business must be for the NAU to withdraw their threat of starting war within the impossible deadline of 24 hours.

Aleksis Klimov, member of the quickly assembled RC delegation to the emergency meeting

Offline Sheb (OP)

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #41 on: June 02, 2016, 05:10:31 AM »
The honourable Russian representative should stop making a fool of himself by talking about technologies he doesn't understand. The meson cannon is not a radiation gun, nor does it causes radiation sickness. All it does is create a small explosion, through all armor known to man.

I may demonstrate, if you'd be so good as to look through the window.

*As the delegates turns to the large window overlooking the shore of Lake Leman, a brief flash can be seen a tens of meters from the shore, followed by a booming sound.*

I'd be honoured to take a walk near the site of the explosion, there are no radiation to fear.

Now, as for the proposed treaty by the FSA, it is most interesting and along the line of what we hoped to achieve. In line with it, I am currently discussing with Congress the possibility of only demanding the destruction of 10 or Russia's ICBM bases, if they comply with our other demands.

We do not feel however that it would be wise to retract our demands at the moment. Disarmement has been stalled by Russia for decades, and they are now again looking for excuses to delay it. The fear of war, or nuclear armageddon are unfounded when, for the first time in a century and a half, we are in the power of stopping any nuclear weapon, anywhere at the surface of the globe.

So I urge Russia not to sacrifice the lives of its servicement in a futile gesture and to evacuate the ICBMs bases. You only have 16 hours left.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 05:29:17 AM by Sheb »

Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #42 on: June 02, 2016, 07:27:49 AM »
Nikki De Boer, Deputy Attache to the UN (Zambia)

Today I speak not for Zambia, nor just for the Free State Alliance.   I speak for humanity as a whole.

We speak here today since we are diplomats, seekers of obtaining some sort of mutual agreement.

We ask that the North American Union - a government that we view as a friend, to take a deep breath.

We find this move very worry some on a number of levels.   For example, the NAU has never discussed  nuclear disarmament, even to their closest ally.   It would of been helpful to have discussed elimination of nuclear weapons as a goal, after all, the FSA will be losing hundreds of man hours of research that was going into our ICBM+ project.

The NAU has stated that our proposed treaty is what they were seeking, the FSA and the non-aligned powers such as Switzerland and Norway have been in deep discussion with the Russian confederation, and we believe that we can get Russia to the table to agree to the treaty.   If Russia agrees to such a treaty, one that the North American Union has stated that meets it goals, then why is the North American Union then following up with saying "we might only blow up 10 of their ICBM bases", if one does that, I am sure the Russians, FSA, and the EU would see it to be the end of the Reunion treaty, and we would be forced to redeploy our ground forces in a much more aggressive manner, due to the unneeded use of force when  you can force a treaty down the throats of the world without firing a shot.

If Russia agrees to the treaty, the treaty that the NAU has publicly stated meets it goals for nuclear disarmament, and then the NAU follows up with a attack, it would cause permanent damage to our friendship. 
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Offline Sheb (OP)

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #43 on: June 02, 2016, 11:45:08 AM »
Ladies and gentleman,

As I speak, Russia has announced that it had placed its ICBMs on high alert, and pointed them at the United States. Russia lack the advanced TN sensors system needed to target military installation, meaning that it has only one potential target: the US civilian population. Faced with a demand to disarm, Russia is indeed preparing to attempt the worst case of mass murder in the history of mankind. What further proof is needed that any international disarmement effort must begin by forcing Russia to jettison its instruments of genocdes.

I am confident that Peacekeeper will protect us from any Russian strike. However, I cannot stay in Geneva while nuclear weapons are aimed at American cities. I will now fly back to the Capital, to await the resolution of this crisis by the President's side.

Offline Vasious

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #44 on: June 02, 2016, 05:23:49 PM »

Do I read correctly the NAU just demonstrated their Meson weapons by firing at Lake Leman?
As you they fired their weapon at another Sovereign Nation to serve as a demonstration?
