Astra Imperia > General News

Astra Imperia Status

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Erik L:
Currently, Astra Imperia is what I'd call feature locked. Everything that is in there is the final mix. Only changes I forsee are small playability changes. As I've stated before, I am aiming for a Q1 2006 release date. As it stands, this is still holding.

As always, I am looking for playtest groups for tactical battles and strategic campaigns.

Recent ideas regarding features in other games, will most likely be released at a later date as an expansion, or piecemeal through this website.

Astra Imperia (Electronic and wirebound editions) are available for purchase through the catalog on the Arkayn Game Designs website.


I see on your website that Asyta Imperia 2 is being developed. Please can you let me know (if possible) when this might be available. I don't want to buy the original game and then find it's been updated a few month's on.



Erik L:
I've been re-writing a majority of the rules. Most are done, I just need to make sure everything is finalized. And there is some fluff information I still need to add.

Thanks Erik. Sounds like it is worth waiting for the new version.

Erik L:
If anyone would like a playtest version of the rules, let me know.


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