Fiction > Theodidactus' Fiction

The Twelfth of May (Episode VII: Endgame)

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The Time is now 13:20
Leopoldo Franca, Concordant of the 12 worlds, cannot be found
Nor can his right and left hands, the Duke Thompson of the Command Fleet and Duke Lowe of the Colonial Guard.
Nor can Dr. French of the Civilian Detachment.

The game is ending.
The outcome remains to be determined.
Intergalactic war between the 12 worlds is a distinct possibility.

You have one move left to make.

The sooner you make your move, the sooner it happens in the game.
The later you make your move, the more information you will have with which to make it, you'll be able to see the moves of your friends...and your enemies.
I will make one move myself, 24 hours from now.
In 48 hours, the next chapter of my fiction begins, and we see what happens to you all.
I will send you all prompts very soon, but here's the fun'll have to post your responses below, where everyone can see them.

It doesn't take long for Stephen to make his decision to follow the orders given to him, and after a a few seconds with a tactical map, he opens a communications line with the other 4 loyalist frigates.

"This is your commander, Stephen Humphries. We have recieved new orders from the loyalist leaders still alive in the Raphael to immediately attack and destroy the opposing frigates in the rebel fleet, and afterwards prevent any starfighters from leaving the Coronado. Several minutes later, the Command Fleet will fire a torpedo volley that will annihilate the remaining rebel ships."

"Those of you who have not been hit have been assigned a single enemy frigate as a target, and the Nguyet will assist as it can. When my own ship has repaired it's fire control we will also join you. Once you have destroyed your target, if you are still able you will support an attack on another frigate, until all have been destroyed. Once all rebel frigates are destroyed, all remaining ships capable of fighting will proceed to laser turret range of the Coronado and destroy any launched starfighters. Be ready to fire on my command, and good luck."

Leopoldo Franca, concordant of earth, is dead, shot through the stomach and heart, he lived on for perhaps a dozen minutes, before dying in the hands of the ad hoc medical team that had scrambled to save him.
His body lies facedown on the floor of the conference room he was taken to. His guard is in such a hurry to carry out their orders that they don't even have time to properly deal with the body.

two guardsmen, aspiring young men of no particular distinction, are handed a single data stick, plucked from the concordant's pocket.
"This is Franca's Personal Command Key" explains their superior. "It is coded with contingencies...we've planned for this. Officers, it is up to you to ensure continuity of government. Take this to the transmitting station at Tactical Command. Inform the duty officers there that they are to carry out Command Code 4-7-4, naming Franca's replacement and granting him emergency powers. This may be our last chance to avert war. GO!"

The officers dash out into the corridor. Assuming nothing happens to them on the way, Franca's will may yet ring out to the stars.

For the first time in a century, it looks like civil war has come to terran space. Humphries gives the order, and his fleet  of small but deadly laser frigates attacks, eviscerating the enemy laser frigate line before it even has a chance to assemble and fire (superior training versus very long firing delays). Two ships suffer catastrophic damage but hold together, virtually every system aboard them dead. One ship melts beneath high bore laser fire. Only heated metallic gas remains. This lone fleet of tiny ships now plunges toward the center of the enemy fleet. Two light cruisers and two destroyer escorts bar the way, a squadron of interceptors hovers around the Coronado....worse yet, on every ship in both fleets, teams scramble to load cobalt torpedoes.

One side may yet win the day
but both sides may take severe losses.

Lt. Col. Claude immediately suspects conspiracy upon intercepting the communications traffic indicating two guardsmen en route to the transmitting station at Tactical Command.  She immediately moves to hunt down those men.  Knowing that they are most likely rushing towards the transmitting station as quickly as they can, she sets herself up to ambush them just before the entry point.  While on the move, and while lurking, she wrestles with herself over the merits of ambushing them with intent to kill versus opening dialogue.  On the one hand, if that datastick names a traitor as Franca's successor no chances should be taken.  On the other hand, she did not want to kill good men whose only fault was ignorance.  It was a difficult judgement call to make.  Ultimately, the continued survival of humanity could well depend on the interception of that data if the Oppuichians arrived on her species' doorstep while brother fought brother.  Not that she would have minded a civil war if it weren't for the outside threat: having only one government breeds a sort of homogeneous culture that, in her opinion, plays against the strengths of humanity as a whole.

In the end she decides that the most important thing is to intercept that data.  She would bear the guilt of their deaths if it meant a unified humanity to face an outside threat.  If she finds them, they will not know who or what hit them.  Then she will have the data, and check it as quickly as she can *before it ever is transmitted ... *if* it ever is transmitted.

Lt. Co. Gregoire de Saint Pierre makes his decision--he will help the resistance however he can.  Gun in hand, he makes for the Tactical Command after the officers holding the data stick.  When they are all out of sight of the superior and the rest of Franca's personal guard, Gregoire turns on the two officers and attempts to take the data stick.  If he gets it, he makes all effort to smash it into unusable pieces.  He does not hesitate to shoot them here.  If the plot fails, he is most likely already dead anyway.


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