Author Topic: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds  (Read 2116 times)

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Offline Jumpp (OP)

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Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« on: November 17, 2012, 01:55:12 PM »
The Galactic map shows a blue ring around the Tau Ceti system.  The "Planets" display says there are 3 worlds there with a suitability of 2 or less.  The "Main" display shows 3 worlds with a Col Cost x2 or less.

I can find only one.

On the System Generation and Display panel (the F9 page) I see a binary system, with Tau Ceti-A and Tau Ceti-B. 

Around Tau Ceti-A there's a world with a colony cost of 0.12, and I've settled it and renamed it Tau Ceti Center.  That's the one I'm able to find.  Of the remaining worlds listed on the Tau Ceti-A tab, none has a colony cost less than 6.24.

On the Tau Ceti-B tab, theres one with a colony cost of 3.0, one 56.2, and then a bunch of N/A.

On the "Options" tab, asteroids and moons both have "Show" selected, and the "Minerals" box is un-checked, so I can see bodies that lack minerals.

Switching instead to the "Available Colony Analysis" page and I sort by system name, un-check all the boxes on the right, and set the Maximum Colony Cost to 3.  Two Tau Ceti worlds appear on the list, the 0.12 and the 3.0 mentioned above.

All these views are taken with the default Human species selected.

Anyone got any idea what's going on?   Am I maybe misreading one of these displays?  Am I getting the wrong idea about what the Galactic Map means when it paints a blue ring or counts the worlds with Colony Cost of 2 or less?

Offline vonduus

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 05:45:09 AM »
Same thing is happening on my galaxy map, got a systems with a blue ring (and a blue planet icon with the figure "2"), but I cannot find any planets with a colony cost that is less than 4. Also does not show up on the "Available colony analysis" screen. At first I thought it was related to my having researched colony cost reduction, but the actual numbers don't fit. Probably a bug.

Offline Mailo

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 12:08:57 PM »
I have the same in my current (6. 00) game.  I mentioned it in the bugs thread, but didn't get a response there.
In my case, it is a system with one sun and 50 asteroids, nothing else.  The galaxy map shows a dark blue dot and a dark blue circle, indicating a world with colony cost less than 2. 0.  I looked a bit closer at the asteroids, and there is one asteroid with a gravity of 0. 11 and a surface temperature of 46. 7 degrees, which would give it a temperature cost factor of 0. 4.
My guess is that there are two bugs:
a) asteroids are counted when looking for habitable worlds, and
b) the missing atmosphere is not taken into account.

Looking further through my game, I found another system.  Galaxy map says one planet < 2. 0, system view shows no such planet but an asteroid with again gravity of 0. 11, temperature -54. 2 (cost 1. 8 ).

Offline Zeebie

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2012, 10:16:22 AM »
Is there a general guide for what the different colored rings mean?

Offline vonduus

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2012, 10:26:58 AM »
Push one of the buttons on the map itself, "key" or "legend" or something like that. It explains all. Ore most.

Offline Mailo

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2012, 10:27:34 AM »
yes, ingame to boot :D

Click on the button "Key" on the galaxy map window (bottom row of buttons, right next to the timer block).   It will give you the info in the field on the left. 

Edit: Oops, too slow . . .

Offline Jumpp (OP)

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2012, 11:08:00 AM »
Push one of the buttons on the map itself, "key" or "legend" or something like that. It explains all. Ore most.

I've read that bit in detail, just as I imagine you've read the original post in detail, and I'm afraid I still don't see the bit that explains what I'm seeing here.  Can you quote the relevant passage?

Offline vonduus

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2012, 11:54:48 AM »
It says:

Code: [Select]
Blue: Planets with colony cost less than 2.0
Cyan: Planets with colony cost 2.0 to 2.99
Grey: Colony Cost 3 to 4.99
Magenta: Unexplored Jump Points


Code: [Select]
Circle colours
Red: No jump point survey
Magenta: System contains charted but
unexplored jump points
Green: System with population over 100m
Light Green: Populated System
Pale Green: Controlled system without any
colonies of controlling race
Yellow: Suspected dormant jump point
Blue: Uncolonised world with a colony cost
less than 2
Cyan: Uncolonised world of colony cost 2-3

So the blue ring and the three blue planet icons on your Tau Ceti system show that you should have three worlds with a colony cost of less than 2.

That you only have one planet that fits this description, makes me think this is a bug. As mentioned, I am a victim to the same bug.

Offline se5a

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2012, 09:22:39 AM »
is this a confirmed bug?
I've got a number of systems like this.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2012, 09:36:55 AM »
is this a confirmed bug?
I've got a number of systems like this.

Yes, this is a known bug. Asteroids with greater than 0.1 gravity are being picked up as habitable worlds. It has been fixed for the next version.


Offline se5a

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Re: Galactic Maps says shows blue, can't find worlds
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2012, 09:41:08 AM »
Ah cool thanks Steve!