Astra Imperia > General News

AI Aide Progress

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Erik L:
Personality tab of the Economics window. Save functionality is not yet done. Personalities created on this page do show on the list of personalities using the LSTP console command. Also not the updated naming functionality. Spaces and apostrophes now handled.

Erik L:
Teams page.

Ledger page. The button will allow the row to be updated.

Erik L:
Work on the launcher. It's about half done in my estimation.

The larger window is a web browser, while the smaller one on the bottom right is rich-text. The box above that is status updates as the launcher proceeds, with a progress bar in-between the two on the right. I don't rightly recall what the box on the lower left was going to be used for. I'll think of something or delete it.

Next step is to download the updated files according to the manifest and update the local files. Once this is done, AI Aide can be launched via the launcher or the main executable. The main executable will not check for updates, whereas the launcher obviously will. This means going forward, future updates can be downloaded and installed easily via the launcher. (I hope  ;D).

Erik L:
Download link:

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