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13 February, 54 TN

The wreckage of Diplomatic Ship Devotion disappears from the sensors. Charlie must have salvaged it. And seemingly quickly, whereas ARS-01 Fortitude failed to recover the remains twice.

New cruiser and destroyer designs, capable of moving faster than Charlie ships, are considered to be very expensive. But Humanity prepares to build them anyway, researching new engines and refitting the shipyards. It’ll be a while before any of the new ships are ready for combat operations though.

In the meantime, lackluster performance of size 6 ASMs forced us to reconsider existing armaments. There were several problems with existing ASMs: 1) not fast enough to reliably hit enemy ships; 2) vulnerable to PD fire; 3) not enough punch to defeat armor.

Chance to hit problems can be solved by reenabling the re-attack capability that was lost in ASM-60B modification, but only if more ECM/decoys can be employed to justify it. Higher armor penetration can be achieved by using larger warheads, and also by using the new experimental laser warheads.

None of these problems can be solved with Size 6 designs with current technologies. There’s just not enough room. Having one big, good missile is better than having several bad missiles. That’s how Humanity settled on building Size 20 ASMs.

Roguestar is a modern analogue to the 20th century anti-ship torpedo. Magic is an experimental missile with a laser warhead, but their production will be limited for now.

Code: [Select]
ASM-200A Roguestar Anti-Ship Missile

Missile Size: 20.00 MSP  (50.000 Tons)     Warhead: 36    Radiation Damage: 36
Speed: 30,090 km/s     Fuel: 3,750     Flight Time: 12 minutes     Range: 20.93m km
Decoys: 5 ECM-1     ECCM-1     ATG: 25%     Retarget Capable
Cost Per Missile: 29.845     Development Cost: 863
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 376.1%   3k km/s 125.4%   5k km/s 75.2%   10k km/s 37.6%

Code: [Select]
ASM-200L Magic Anti-Ship Missile (EXPERIMENTAL)

Missile Size: 20.00 MSP  (50.000 Tons)     Laser Warhead: 12    Impact Damage: 12    Separation Range: 30,000
Speed: 32,340 km/s     Fuel: 5,000     Flight Time: 11 minutes     Range: 20.64m km
Decoys: 3 ECM-1     ECCM-1     ATG: 25%     Retarget Capable
Cost Per Missile: 29.665     Development Cost: 861
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 404.3%   3k km/s 134.8%   5k km/s 80.9%   10k km/s 40.4%

A-1A Spectre Light Attack Craft is an 18 years old design. It proved capable of finding and destroying a small Charlie ship snooping around in Sol, so it’s not completely useless. ASM-50 Snagger lacks most EW features, but is numerous and fast enough to be dangerous with its re-attack capability.

Code: [Select]
ASM-50 Snagger Anti-Ship Missile

Missile Size: 5.00 MSP  (12.500 Tons)     Warhead: 9    Radiation Damage: 9
Speed: 22,840 km/s     Fuel: 1,500     Flight Time: 14 minutes     Range: 20.2m km
Retarget Capable
Cost Per Missile: 6.055     Development Cost: 389
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 228.4%   3k km/s 76.1%   5k km/s 45.7%   10k km/s 22.8%

Code: [Select]
A-1A Spectre class Light Attack Craft      500 tons       9 Crew       91 BP       TCS 10    TH 94    EM 0
9393 km/s      Armour 1-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 3      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 3
Maint Life 6.76 Years     MSP 61    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 2    5YR 35    Max Repair 46.9 MSP
Magazine 20 / 0   
Lieutenant    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 1 months    Morale Check Required   

Ion Drive  EP93.75 (1)    Power 93.8    Fuel Use 1262.95%    Signature 93.75    Explosion 25%
Fuel Capacity 39,000 Litres    Range 1.11 billion km (32 hours at full power)

Size 5 Box Launcher (4)     Missile Size: 5    Hangar Reload 111 minutes    MF Reload 18 hours
Missile Fire Control FC38-R113 (1)     Range 38.6m km    Resolution 113
ASM-50 Snagger Anti-Ship Missile (4)    Speed: 22,840 km/s    End: 14.8m     Range: 20.2m km    WH: 9    Size: 5    TH: 76/45/22

Active Search Sensor AS19-R113 (1)     GPS 1130     Range 19.3m km    Resolution 113

A new LAC design, A-2A Savage, focuses on anti-ship duty entirely. Dealing with large, heavily armored enemy warships is what Humanity currently needs. There are no carriers or mobile LAC support facilities operational yet, so they are to be based on Earth for now.

Code: [Select]
A-2A Savage class Light Attack Craft      425 tons       3 Crew       84.4 BP       TCS 8    TH 101    EM 0
11935 km/s      Armour 1-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 3      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 3
Maint Life 2.64 Years     MSP 12    AFR 14%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 2    5YR 37    Max Repair 50.6 MSP
Magazine 20 / 0   
Lieutenant    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 days    Morale Check Required   

Ion Drive  EP101.25 (1)    Power 101.2    Fuel Use 1093.50%    Signature 101.25    Explosion 27%
Fuel Capacity 53,000 Litres    Range 2.06 billion km (47 hours at full power)

MLS-20A E35 Missile Cell (1)     Missile Size: 20    Hangar Reload 223 minutes    MF Reload 37 hours
Missile Fire Control FC30-R150 (1)     Range 30.3m km    Resolution 150   ECCM-1

Active Search Sensor AS23-R150 (1)     GPS 1200     Range 24m km    Resolution 150

Another new small craft that’s very important to the Navy is E-1 Tracker Early Warning Craft. Earlier scout design, Vanguard, was adopted to be used from cruisers, resulting in less endurance and speed, so by now it’s unfit for service. Tracker is much more suitable for finding targets and staying on top of the enemies over a long period of time.

Code: [Select]
E-1 Tracker class Early Warning Craft      500 tons       10 Crew       117.2 BP       TCS 10    TH 80    EM 0
8000 km/s      Armour 1-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 4      Sensors 0/3/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0
Maint Life 1.85 Years     MSP 14    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 5    5YR 78    Max Repair 61.6 MSP
Lieutenant    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 1 months    Morale Check Required   

Ion Drive  EP80.00 (1)    Power 80    Fuel Use 256.00%    Signature 80    Explosion 16%
Fuel Capacity 51,900 Litres    Range 7.3 billion km (10 days at full power)

Active Search Sensor AS20-R5 (1)     GPS 280     Range 20.4m km    Resolution 5
EM Sensor EM0.4-3.2 (1)     Sensitivity 3.2     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  14.1m km
Thermal Sensor TH0.1-0.6 (1)     Sensitivity 0.6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  6.1m km

14 November, 54 TN

Two E-1 Trackers were built so far. Twenty eight A-2As Savages with some new missiles were ready for service as well, although their crews were freshly green. Deep Space Tracking Stations were unable to detect Charlie ships lurking at the outer edges of Sol. E-1s were sent to investigate the Ross 128 jump point.

There was nothing there. But one of the Trackers picked up electronic emissions coming from Saturn, ~900m km away from the JP. Seven enemy warships were there, sitting in orbit. The same ones that destroyed Cruiser Destroyer Group 4.

Enemy warships started moving towards Tracker 001. Given superior speed and high endurance, the Early Warning Craft was capable of staying within safe distance of the enemy ships for a long time. Tracker 001 set speed to match Charlie max speed and started moving towards Earth.

Two groups of LACs were assembled in Earth’s orbit: 60 old Spectres, Group 1 [FLASH], and 28 Savages, Group 2 [THUNDER].

16 November, 54 TN

Tracker 001 managed to lure the enemy ships close enough to Earth so that LAC Groups 1 and 2 could reach them for an attack. Light cruisers were engaged first to diminish the AMM capability of their task force. A single salvo of 240 ASM-50s was sent after 3 Daemons, 80 missiles per ship. Only 41 hits were successful (17%), with just 2 penetrating ones.

Savages opened fire next, with 28 ASM-200A Roguestars targeting light cruisers again. 10 missiles connected immediately, resulting in the destruction of one of the Daemons, with 1 additional hit on a re-attack run five seconds later (31% hits).

Two damaged light cruisers slowed down, broke off and turned back to the jump point. Four battlecruisers continued chasing Tracker 001. LACs immediately returned to Earth to rearm, while Tracker 001 was keeping the battlecruisers busy on this wild goose chase, as Charlie were clearly not familiar with the concept.

18 November, 54 TN

There were still not enough ASM-200s, so only 24 Savages could be rearmed, with 8 of them given the experimental ASM-200L Magic with laser warheads.

Starting the second attack, 60 Specters engaged unescorted Charlie battlecruisers, focusing on the first two of them. Out of 240 ASM-50 missiles launched, 94 hit their targets (39%), with more than two thirds of the hits connecting on subsequent re-attack runs, showing how useful such capability is. Centaurs 001 and 002 were destroyed.

LAC Group 2 launched two salvoes at the remaining battlecruisers, focusing mostly on Centaur 003, and sending Magics against Centaur 004 due to suspected damage severity.

The effect of laser warheads was hard to assess, but the conventional Roguestars did their job perfectly, finishing off Centaur 003. The last remaining battlecruiser continued flying without slowing down. LACs returned to Earth, while Tracker 001 remained on station to keep the position of the last Charlie BC known.

19 November, 54 TN

LAC Group 1 returned to finish the job, with only 30 Specters being able to rearm. ASM production on Earth was running at full capacity and kept expanding by the day, but the tempo of small craft operations is too high for any factory to keep up with. Surge-type operations require A LOT of ammo.

120 ASM-50s was more than enough to wreck a lone battlecruiser with damaged armor. 51 strength-9 hits finally made BC Centaur 004 disappear.

Overall, it was a successful attack. 4 BC 1 CL destroyed, 2 CL crippled, with ASM-200A Roguestar making a solid debut.

General C# Fiction / A Run for Sol
« Last post by kks on July 22, 2024, 03:42:48 PM »
Space is big. The Milky Way has billions of stars. One in twenty of these has at least one planet with liquid water. And every fifth of these is stable enough to develop life. It usually takes a while, but almost every of these biosphere give rise to an intelligent civilisation. And each of these discovers the secrets of the aether, the non-newtonian riches which gave rise to life and superluminal flight in time. Which leads to the question:

Where are they all?

On a comet orbiting a dim M3-V class star, ancient but still sensitive antennas pick up the faint, discriminating signs of civilisation: radio waves, which modulation and periodicity reveal their artifical origin. Whether they come from television, SETI experiments or, as these are, large early warning radars, the old computer analysing it does not know. But it finds their origin some 50 light years away and detects the tell-tale signs of the atmospheric spectra, which confirm and betray the young civilisation on the third planet of the nameless G2-V star it orbits.
It is not the only listenig device to pick up this sign of people on the way to the stars. On a nearby G8-V star and a K0-IV subgiant similiar arcane machinery come to the same conclusions: This is something worth wakeing their masters.

The same M3-V star system, called Ascension by the makers of the listing post, has quite an interesting feature: A double planet orbiting inside the habitalbe zone. It's main component, White Orb, is covered in large swats of boreal forests, which lay dormant most of the year, only sprouting with life during the short days in which they are in the twilight zones of the slowly rotating planet, laying dormant for three weeks then. Much more interesting is it's companion , we'll call Bastion, of a slightly smaller mass and with a thrice as dense atmosphere. Large swamps and grassy plains cover the body and huge gastropods graze there. Large flying whale-like beings float through the emerald and saphhire skys.

But the serenity is disturbed as massive earthquakes shake the northern hemisphere and lava floods the plains. Through the crust massive ancient facilities rise to the moons surface and the gears within spring to life, waking the machinery and sleepers within: The Continuity of Eden has been woken again. And again it is their duty to find and cull a fledling civilisation, lest the newcomers inevitably awaken the great horrors living in the void between the stars.


Inspired by the fact, that we have not many non-Sol starts, brainstorming for community games, and by the superb Alastair Reynolds novels I decided to test a "Run-for-Sol" game.

The idea is to have several empires race for a certain star system, here Sol, and be the first to conquer the civilisation there. I therefore set up a chain of star systems leading to it. The original idea was to have three paths leading to Sol like spokes, but I have not yet meddled with DB editing needed for sane connecting of systems and so it is one way to Sol with a few arms branching off where the 2 NPCs as well as my starting point is located. The universe is largely cut off, but I and one NPC have one open JP in our chain each. The start systems are all customized to be a little bit nicer to look at. They each got an asteroid belt for instance.

Each empire starts with 500m pops, the races are generally more capable in research and industry, but take up quite a bit more planetary capacity. Starting RP are between 1.5m and 2m for each of us. It appears that we all have inertial fusion drives as starting techs from what I gathered until now. I do not expect to be much challenged by the NPCs, but that is not the aim of this game. All races have very high determination, militancy and xenophobia, so peacefull relations should be impossible.

The First Decade

Once awoken by their listening devices, the Continuity of Eden began preparations to find the fledling planet and secure their knowledge and resources before rivaling race managed to get there. Facilities and components hidden in dust belt on the systems fringes were reactivated. On their home planet Bastion mines refined the bounties of the last awakening and factories began producing supplies for the expected combats. Drones and Gliders were brought from storage and the ground troops began exercises to prepare the invasion of the newcomers planet.

The first years were uneventfull as the four "Xenoceratops" class Survey Cruisers mapped the local space. Early construction efforts were severly hampered be misscalculations when the Continuity last went to sleep around 2 million years ago. The maintenance of the stored ground units took a lot more of the industrial capacity than expected. As such the fabrication of new drones and combat gliders was put to a halt.

For the first years after wakeup the void navy was composed mostly of the carrier group with the "Give the Devil His Due" and its 20 fighters and 40 bombers. The destroyer "Unto the Breach" and its newly build cousins "Fifth Winter" and "Say My Name" guarded the carrier group against enemy missile attacks. The only other combat vessel combat ready was the frigate "Saanich", an fast ship specialised to take down enemy beam combatants with its fearsome battery of lance weapons. The "Ontomyia" patrol vessel dutifully laid watcher class bouys at every jumppoint and sweeped newly found star systems.

The Battle of Lambda Trianguli Australis

In the beginning of the 10th year after being woken, a transit from the Stein system into Lambda Trianguli Australis was detected by a sensor bouy. Soon after two "Albert Steptoe" stabilisation ships and another "Violett Hacket" scout transited into the system. There was no doubt these belonged to a rivaling sleeping empire and sought the radio source and exploit its riches for themselves. The carrier group was dispatched to destroy these vessels of a rivaling empire and hamper their effort to reach it first.

This was seen as a welcome exercise for the void navy and a test for the carriers old systems and its strike craft. The "Give the Devil His Due", accompanied by the three destroyers and the fleet support vessel "Foregone Conclusion" were sent to meet the rivals. The enemy shipping was swiftly destroyed by the bombers and fighters of the "Give the Devil His Due", hopefully sending a message to the alien empire. The carrier group stays in system in case an enemy response force show up.

Indeed some days later two 16kt enemy ships jump into the system and destroy the bouy on the jump point. Earl Ketill Gausson orders the bombers to attack the enemy. Bomber Wing A launches 40 Breacher II missiles to test the enemy defenses. 20 missiles survive the AMM fire and their 40 warheads detonate. Only 23 of these hit the "George Norris 002", the others miss or are deceived by the decoys. The 23 strength 8 hits barely deplete the shields and only one warhead scratches the enemy armour.

Since bomber wing B would likely not far much better it is decided to wait for wing A to rearm. Two days later all 40 Bambiraptors are in position again and launch their attack. The attack consists of two salvos of 40 missiles each and 20s apart, as the bomber wings did not sync their fire with each other. The attack fares much better and 37 warheads of the first salvo detonate on the "George Harris 002", disabling its shields and breaching its armour. A further 20 detonate in nearby space, distracted by decoys. 20s later the 80 warheads of the second wave obliterate the enemy vessel.

A shortcoming of the "Give the Devil His Due" are the small magazines which can only hold missiles for one and a half strikes of the bombers. Only enough for one wing is left on the carrier and as it has been shown not to be enough, the accompanying fleet support vessel is ordered to resupply the carrier. The "Foregone Conclusion" carries 800 AAMs as well as 320 Breacher II ASMs, enough for four full carrier strikes. Thankfully the carrier group is hidden far from the enemy, as the inexperienced crews of the fleet urgently need the training. Only after one and a half weeks is the carrier and its strikegroup rearmed.
This time, both wings manage to launch their salvos simultaneously and there is no enemy AAM fire. The "Needy Swales 003" is obliterated by 54 hits as a further 74 hit its decoys, proving the need for such large salvos again.

The carrier group returns to Bastion to rearm and refuel, while those participating are awarded the Lambda Trianguli Australis ribbon.

After overhauling and an extended shore leave, the carrier group returns to the battle field to cover the freighter Talos as it salvages the wrecks in the system. The enemy is confirmed to use the same class of drives as the Continuity. Furthermore the "George Norris" is confirmed to have at least 4 Size 2.5 AAM launchers and a science department is found on the destroyed "Violett Hacket" class, which was already suspected to be some kind of exploration vessel.

Status after ten years

The Continuity has now completed its first decade. About twenty systems have already been charted and the surveyors are optimistic that a way to the G2-V star can be found in the next 20 or 30 years. The void navy has been slightly expanded and already two new destroyers are being laid down and the first drafts of a new class of cruiser designs are being finished. While the economic crisis is not yet resolved, the establishment of a colony on the parent planet of Bastion, White Spot, is expected to provide some much needed capacities. Refined mineral stockpiles are stable, although the first few depots are running dry. As the Continuity was not successfull in securing stockpiles during the last two raids after it was woken, finding new mineral deposits is a top priority. However, there is still enough in stock to allow for a slight expansion of the navy in the next decade.
General C# Fiction / Re: Oh, the Humanity! (2.5.1)
« Last post by L0ckAndL0ad on July 22, 2024, 12:51:09 PM »
Ouch. It seems future attacks have to be more focused.
The demise of CruDesGroup 4 pushed Humanity to start building new Size 20 missiles and LACs capable of launching them. But with size 1, 2, 5, 6, 20 weapon systems (and size 12 missiles coming in the future to replace size 6 ASMs), and with all the modifications based on quickly changing situation... It's a logistical nightmare. Stay tuned for more info in later entries.

I hope Earth has some good STOs. How many combat warships has the navy in reserve?
Humanity does not have a single STO unit. Most of the research was put into missile technologies, so beam weapons are really bad (except for Gauss). 12cm UV lasers with 160k range is the best anti-ship weapon currently. Which is why it's not fielded.

As of January 15, 54 TN: 8 CGs, 28 DDGs, 8 FFGs, 64 LACs in Earth's orbit. That's pretty much all the Navy's warships.

Very fun to read AAR!
Thank you!
The main enemy group was moving at 7207km/s towards the blockading force. Humanity ships had no other choice but to engage. All 164 ASM-60Bs were launched simultaneously against four battlecruisers, resulting in only 29 strength-9 hits. Not a single missile managed to penetrate the armor.

Ouch. It seems future attacks have to be more focused.

Within the next 45 seconds, Cruiser Destroyer Group 4 no longer existed as a unit. All that was left were the lifepods with some crew.

I hope Earth has some good STOs. How many combat warships has the navy in reserve?

Very fun to read AAR!

Industry and Race Information of the UEG


Ground Forces of the UEG

Colonial Military Authority Army and Marine Corps

The Colonial Military Authority maintains a standing ground force its purpose is the ground defense of colonies, employing over 150,000 Frontline personnel it is the largest force of its type in the solar system. The force is organised into Army Corps for a total of five Army Corps each of these have a personnel strength of over 25,000 dedicated to the protection of a planet and any of its moons. The primary mission for the CMAA is peacekeeping and engaging insurrection forces in former insurrection strong points such as Ganymede, they are however still equipped to engage in large scale conventional warfare.

In addition to the CMA Army, the CMA also maintains a small marine corps who provide security for CMA ships  and are important in daily tasks such as security checks and commerce regulation.

United Nations Marine Corps

The UNMC has its roots in the interplanetary war and works closely with the UNSC Navy, its primary role is to defend the Moon and Earth, with a secondary role to respond to insurrection in the colonies, while only 20,000  frontline personnel serve within the branch it has higher training standards  and it is equipped specifically for Low gravity environments. The force is organised into Marine Expeditionary Forces, thanks to their smaller size these units are flexible allowing rapid response to new threats.

Ground Doctrine:

The doctrine of both the CMAA and UNMC is rather similar, with organisation of forces based around the former United States Military, these forces focus on the use of combined arms tactics and close coordination with naval assets to ensure victory. the UNMC advocates for quick aggressive assaults, often used by the UEG to crush uprisings, while the CMAA focuses on a defensive posture using its numbers to garrison and maintain general peace and security, CMAA forces rely more heavily on armour while as of 2362 the UNMC has no tank forces due to their maintenance costs and as such conflicting with their primary mission.

Note: Organisation is based off the US Militarys Force 2030 organisation

Total Ground Force Strength
Code: [Select]
Total Formations: 404
Total Transport Size: 2,313,410 tons
Total Cost: 73,055 BP

97,869x Infantryman (PW-LIA)
18,000x Marine (IPW-LIA)
14,313x Infantryman (CSAP-LIA)
13,560x Infantryman (LAV-LIA)
10,086x M1034 Logistics System (LM1000-LVA)
4,275x M910 Howitzer (MB-LSA)
1,692x M23 Alligator Infantry Fighting Vehicle (MA-LVA)
930x M1046 Engineering Vehicle (CE-LVA)
840x M10 Orion MBT (MAV/CSAP-MVA)
216x Battalion Headquarters (BAHQ-LIA)
58x Marine Major (HQ250-LIA)
57x Brigade Headquarters (BAHQ-LIA)
38x Division Headquarters (DHQ-LSA)
15x Engineer Headquarters (HQC-LVA)
12x M23H Alligator Infantry Fighting Vehicle (HQ-LVA)
5x Corps Headquarters  (HQ-LSA)
3x MEU headquarters (HQ-LSA)

Ground Force Formation Designs

Attached below are the core combat ground force formation designs, this does not go over each individual element but rather the makeup of the formations themselves.

Code: [Select]
Infantry Battalion
Transport Size: 5,000 tons
Build Cost: 101.5 BP
603x Infantryman (PW-LIA)
70x Infantryman (LAV-LIA)
69x Infantryman (CSAP-LIA)
1x Battalion Headquarters (BAHQ-LIA)

Code: [Select]
Field Artillery Battalion
Transport Size: 4,977 tons
Build Cost: 101 BP
95x M910 Howitzer (MB-LSA)
1x Battalion Headquarters (BAHQ-LIA)

Code: [Select]
Combined Arms Battalion
Transport Size: 5,000 tons
Build Cost: 234.5 BP
28x M10 Orion MBT (MAV/CSAP-MVA)
24x M23 Alligator Infantry Fighting Vehicle (MA-LVA)
159x Infantryman (PW-LIA)
35x Infantryman (LAV-LIA)
36x Infantryman (CSAP-LIA)
1x Battalion Headquarters (BAHQ-LIA)

Code: [Select]
Light Amoured Battalion
Transport Size: 4,897 tons
Build Cost: 198.9 BP
81x M23 Alligator Infantry Fighting Vehicle (MA-LVA)
1x M23H Alligator Infantry Fighting Vehicle (HQ-LVA)

Code: [Select]
Marine Battalion
Transport Size: 4,993 tons
Build Cost: 101.4 BP
500x Marine (IPW-LIA)
83x Infantryman (CSAP-LIA)
60x Infantryman (LAV-LIA)
1x Battalion Headquarters (BAHQ-LIA)

In terms of missiles I am using 12 missiles per  pod, so 96 = 8  Missile pods, I find the MFC method doesnt make that much sense to me.

I probably explained poorly as usual.

What I mean is that instead of thinking "1 pod = 12 launchers", I think "1 pod = 12 launchers + 1 MFC". Basically, the MFC is part of the hardware that makes up an entire single pod. That way in the fire control screen I see my missile launchers grouped up into pods and it matches my conception.

I understand your thinking yea, I might implement it, generally am not gonna fire 12 launchers at a time though, so for example on the burlington am probably gonna fire salvos of 60 or 36 at individual enemy ships which is why i have 3 MFCs
In terms of missiles I am using 12 missiles per  pod, so 96 = 8  Missile pods, I find the MFC method doesnt make that much sense to me.

I probably explained poorly as usual.

What I mean is that instead of thinking "1 pod = 12 launchers", I think "1 pod = 12 launchers + 1 MFC". Basically, the MFC is part of the hardware that makes up an entire single pod. That way in the fire control screen I see my missile launchers grouped up into pods and it matches my conception.
No., crap.

Looks interesting and I'm excited to see a Halo campaign that goes some distance on this board!

Yea hopefully, am planning for longterm with the goal of actually having large large scale stuff going on, lag willing

you might format this as:

Good idea, will do so, appreciate you.

Code: [Select]
I've tried my hand at a few Halo designs in the past, and what I usually found effective for roleplay was to have each missile pod be represented by a MFC controlling as many launchers as are in the pod of the lore-original ship or class. This way the lore feels represented in the game a bit more. I offer this merely as a suggestion to enhance roleplay and not in any way as a complaint.  :)

By the way, I regularly use 20% or 25% survey speed, I do find it does not slow down exploration as much as one would hope in practice, since so much of survey time is spent in transit rather than in a stationary position. I don't think there's a good solution for this besides using very slow surveyors, sadly, dropping to 5-10% is more annoying than anything as your survey craft spends years in Jupiter orbit...

In terms of missiles I am using 12 missiles per  pod, so 96 = 8  Missile pods, I find the MFC method doesnt make that much sense to me. Installing 12 at a time ie as a pod makes more sense in my brain atleast. In terms of survey speed I find 20 to 25% best, but i may reduce it depends, i dont want to slow it down too too much because i got a lot to do in a short time, am gonna be attempting to colonise and establish independent production centres etc as quickly and fastly as possible, with lots of colonies even if theres no minerals, including terraforming.
Please Put any comments here,

No., crap.

Looks interesting and I'm excited to see a Halo campaign that goes some distance on this board!

One comment, if I might, if you plan to write a lot of dialogue it is usually more readable to have each speaker on a new line. For example, instead of:
The chatter of the helmsmen and bridge crew permeate throughout the command deck as the final preparations for slipspace entry have begun, the heavy titanium doors of the bridge begin to open as the Marine guards step aside the acting bridge officer yells  "Captain on Deck". Captain Rahimi clad in dress uniform enters the bridge climbing the stairs up to the command deck, on the command deck the ships executive officer and science officer were in the middle of a discussion, realising the captain had arrived they stood to attention saluting "Captain Rahimi, Sir". "What is the status of the slipspace engine, are we on schedule?" The captain responded after returning the salute, "Yes sir, all is proceeding as planned and the last personnel have arrived including the new AI", the command table began to glow as a small avatar of a human man appeared, "Identification: Gareth, Captain I have already begun integrating with the ship and I will be operational for the planned departure". "Very good, I am sure you will work well for our mission, continue the preparations we cannot afford to disappoint history", "Aye aye sir" rings out across the command deck of the bridge.

you might format this as:
The chatter of the helmsmen and bridge crew permeate throughout the command deck as the final preparations for slipspace entry have begun, the heavy titanium doors of the bridge begin to open as the Marine guards step aside the acting bridge officer yells  "Captain on Deck". Captain Rahimi clad in dress uniform enters the bridge climbing the stairs up to the command deck, on the command deck the ships executive officer and science officer were in the middle of a discussion, realising the captain had arrived they stood to attention saluting "Captain Rahimi, Sir".

"What is the status of the slipspace engine, are we on schedule?"

"Yes sir, all is proceeding as planned and the last personnel have arrived including the new AI."

The command table began to glow as a small avatar of a human man appeared, "Identification: Gareth, Captain I have already begun integrating with the ship and I will be operational for the planned departure".

"Very good, I am sure you will work well for our mission, continue the preparations we cannot afford to disappoint history."

"Aye aye sir" rings out across the command deck of the bridge.

Unfortunately on a forum the formatting usually does not look as neat as in a printed book, so we are a bit stuck with using double-spacing to separate the paragraphs cleanly, which may mean a lot of whitespace in extended dialogue sections - but overall, I think this is easier for readers to parse.

The Fifth Winter class corvette is one of the most numerous large scale warships, capable of operating for up ot a year at a time, it is one of the more modern naval vessels in service, being designed and produced in the early 2320s, it features two Mk 10 Halberd naval coilguns for close range defense against enemy ships, while its missile defense consists of two M840H BBulwark point defense guns, finally its most impressive feature is the two M24 Defender missile pods which allow the launch of up to twenty-four Defender missiles, such a volley is capable of crippling even a frigate sized vessel.

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Fifth Winter class Corvette

M24 Defender missile pods (24)     Missile Size: 6    Hangar Reload 122 minutes    MF Reload 20 hours
MFCS-22-150 (1)     Range 22.8m km    Resolution 150

I've tried my hand at a few Halo designs in the past, and what I usually found effective for roleplay was to have each missile pod be represented by a MFC controlling as many launchers as are in the pod of the lore-original ship or class. This way the lore feels represented in the game a bit more. I offer this merely as a suggestion to enhance roleplay and not in any way as a complaint.  :)

By the way, I regularly use 20% or 25% survey speed, I do find it does not slow down exploration as much as one would hope in practice, since so much of survey time is spent in transit rather than in a stationary position. I don't think there's a good solution for this besides using very slow surveyors, sadly, dropping to 5-10% is more annoying than anything as your survey craft spends years in Jupiter orbit...
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