VB6 Aurora > Portable Launcher Utility

Error 399


Every time I play with the wrapper I get this error whenever I try to open any of the windows.   I can select and open a game, just not actually use economics window ship designer, etc.   I have trying reinstalling multiple times and have tried putting it in program files and running as admin.  This also happens while playing without the wrapper.

Some help with this for Windows 10 would be appreciated. 

Is anyone actually going to help?

This is a tough one. I've never seen a 399 error from Aurora before.
Microsoft's Visual basic site describes a 399 as following :

--- Code: ---Visual Basic Reference
Visual Studio 6.0
You can't put a Default or Cancel button on a User Control unless its DefaultCancel property is set (Error 399)

See Also

You can't set a control's Default or Cancel property to True on a User Control unless the User Control's DefaultCancel property is True. This error has the following causes and solutions:

    You tried to set the Default or Cancel property of a control contained by a User Control to True, but the DefaultCancel property of the User Control was set to False.

    Set the DefaultCancel property of the User Control to True. This allows the User Control to participate in form wide Cancel/Default behavior.
--- End code ---
You say every window does this? It can't be a simple bug then. I might assume that Visual basic isn't installed correctly, but windows 10 comes with visual basic already installed so It's improbable. I'm going to keep digging around and see what I can find through google.

I registered two ocx files in the folder amd then unregisterrd them. Then it worked, though I have no idea why.

Open the command prompt. Don't move from t
Type the following:
regsvr32 c:/Aurora directory/comctl32.ocx
regsvr32 c:/Aurora directory/comdlg32.ocx
regsvr32 -u c:/aurora directory/comctl32.ocx
regsvr32 -u c:/aurora directory/comdlg32.ocx

Again, I've no idea what that worked, or if it will work for you.

OK thanks but for some reason it says the file directory isn't recognised.   Is this cause I might have it in a different place than you in my PC? Also I have 64bit operating system so.  .  .   If i figure this out on my own then i will update this comment

//EDIT: I have figured it out by myself from your reply.  Thanks for your time , appreciated a lot.


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