Author Topic: A Test of Wills: Discovery  (Read 13779 times)

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« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2008, 01:55:00 PM »
Two weeks had passed and the scientific team looked haggard, you could tell by the way that they stood just how tired they were. They had worked long hours since the initial discovery of the gravitic variances, but they still could n0t say what they were or even where they were centered. Now a new problem had come up and Fabia had had no choice but to call her department heads together to discuss it.

?Ladies and Gentlemen we have a problem. Due to the rush to get us out here we have nowhere near the supplies we could carry and what we do have is running low. I have decided to get us all together to decide how long we can stay out here before we?ll have to return to Terra for re-supply. Comments?? Fabia left the floor open hoping for some comment from her department heads.

Centurio Iustus Dardanius was the first to speak. ?Well Trierarchus we?ve still got problems with the engines and the power coils on the pila launchers are beginning to fail. We can keep them running for at most two more weeks then we will have to start cannibalizing parts and I think that?s a really bad idea.?

?We need more time, two weeks just isn?t long enough if we?re going to figure out this discovery!? Helvia shouted.

?That may be Helvia, but we will be out of food in ten days unless we cut rations and I can?t see anyone being happy about that.? Maelius Paetus said, the logistics officer who was in charge of the ships stores.

?Any ideas on how to extend our endurance?? Fabia asked her logistics officer. Silence filled the room and Helvia looked like she was about to explode. She clearly could not think of anything either and was none too happy about it.

?Well then, it looks like you have three more days then we will have to return home.  Judging by what you tell me though I think we will be back out here looking again though before too long.? Fabia said to her chief scientist and she saw Helvia relax a little.


Two days later Helvia requested a private meeting with Fabia. Fabia agreed to meet her in her office. ?Trierarchus, I?ve been reviewing the data over the last couple of days.? Fabia was amazed how tired Helvia sounded. ?I think we will have to scan most if not all of the system to pinpoint whatever these things are. We can tell they are out there but we just can?t get a fix. I?ve done a calculation and I think we will need more ships. I estimate it?ll take 1 ship something like thirty-seven months to do the survey! But I also think we could use a couple of ships to do the scan and then combine the data to produce the whole picture. I?m telling you so you can be ready when we get back to Terra. I will be including it in my report and I?ll probably need your support. I don?t think it?s going to be very popular.?

?I think you?re right Helvia. I wonder if we can explain it to Salonius. His support as a Fumum Vendere might be just the thing you need.?

?I?ll have a talk with him on the return trip and see if I can get him to understand.? Helvia said sounding even more worn.

?In my discussions with him over the last couple of weeks I have found him to be far more intelligent than I had expected. I don?t think you will have too much trouble with him.? Fabia explained to Helvia. Salonius turned out to be surprisingly easy to persuade and agreed to add it to his report to.


The Dido?s return caused a massive celebration all across Terra. The first exploration of the Sol system had been completed, and the ship returned without mishap.

The ship?s findings did indeed cause quite a bit of consternation in the Roman leadership, but with the support of the Trierarchus and the Imperial Enforcer the data was thoroughly examined and the same conclusions reached.

Before long the Dido was sent back out with extra supplies while four more sister ships of the Liburnia class were laid down, along with the command ship the Mercurius, an Aquilifer class.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:38:05 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2008, 09:57:35 AM »
Fabia watched as the gunboat neared the Apollonian Gate. It had taken almost two years to map the Sol System to find this anomaly and the other two that had been found. Helvia Cotta had been right in her assessment of the data. In the meantime the Romans had used the time to place colonies on some of the planets and moons of the system and the economy was doing well. At least that?s what she?d heard. Fabia had spent less than a week on Terra in the last two years so she didn?t know for sure.

The gunboat neared the Gate of Apollo and activated its experimental jump drive while the fleet held it?s collective breath. Suddenly without warning it began to break apart. The bridge crew watched in horrified fascination as the system patrol craft slowly broke into pieces, some of which seemed to vanish while others were thrown clear of the anomaly. After what seemed like hours, but was in fact mere minutes, there was nothing left and no sign of the volunteer crew of the gunboat.

Even though the unmanned probes had all been destroyed everyone had hoped that the larger gunboat would have the mass to survive. The problem really was that no one knew what the Apollonian Gates were. There were plenty of theories, but so far all they seemed to have done was destroy anything that activated a jump drive anywhere near them.

Fabia re-read the order in silent disbelief and started to wonder who she had upset. The order was insane! It was the next logical step, but it was still insane. She realized the bridge crew was looking at her with concern on their collective faces. ?Patch me through to the whole ship.? She realized her voice wasn?t steady and used the moment?s delay while the comm tech linked her to the whole ship to steady her voice.

?Ready Trierarchus.? The comm tech replied.

She concentrated for a moment willing her voice to be calm and then began. ?This is your Trierarchus to all hands. I have received orders from Classis Command to ask for volunteers to take the Dido in close to the Gate of Apollo.? She heard a couple of gasps from the bridge crew around her and continued. ?They have a new theory. They think the ships mass will protect us from any damage the Gate would cause. I have decided to volunteer as I think it?s important for the Republic that we find out all we can about these Gates of the Gods. You are all free to choose either to stay with the ship or be put onboard the Mercurius. You have one hour to decide.?

Fabia looked around the bridge and noted with a pride that none of her bridge crew stood up immediately to leave. In fact they all seemed to be getting on with their tasks. Fabia hoped she had done the best thing volunteering. She knew that many of the crew would volunteer simply because she had and she hoped she wasn?t leading them to their deaths.

Fabia was amazed the hour had passed and not one of her crew had come forward to ask to be moved to the Mercurius. She was also immensely proud of them and at the same time worried that she might be about to cause their deaths. ?Comm get me the Mercurius on the main viewer.?

?Aye aye Trierarchus, raising them now.? The young tech sounded scared, Fabia knew the feeling.

The large screen at the front of the bridge changed from the view of seemingly empty space where the Gate of Apollo was to the inside of a bridge similar to the Dido?s.

?Navarchus Scipio here, how many have you for me Trierarchus Andronica?? The head of the Survey Squadron asked.

?None Navarchus. Not one of them wants to miss the fun.? Fabia held her voice steady but she?d known Antonius Scipio for a year now and could tell by the way he was standing that he liked the idea of risking one of his ships and it?s crew as little as she did.

?Fabia I want you to know I tried to talk them out of this.? He said with utter sincerity.

?Thank you sir. We?re beginning our approach now.? She said and motioned the Nav Tech to begin moving the ship forward.

?Good Luck Dido, the Classis salutes your bravery. Mercurius out.?

The tension on the bridge and all over the Dido was almost thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. As the gunboat had done before it, the ship moved slowly towards the Gate. Fabia could hear one of the enlisted personnel, somewhere on the bridge, muttering what she assumed must be some kind of prayer to Iuppiter. Normally she?d have stopped such foolish superstition right away. Yet somehow though this seemed like the right time for prayers and she wished for the first time in her life that she knew how to pray.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:38:57 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2008, 09:18:07 AM »
Fabia noticed a change in the pitch of the engines as the jump drive activated and then all at once without any other warning something happened. For a moment she seemed to be all over the bridge and even outside the ship. Then her environmental suit began a series of malfunctions and she felt her stomach heave, with hard work she managed to stop the contents from exiting her mouth and filling her helmet, a very unpleasant thought. Nearby someone didn?t manage it and she could hear the consequences. Then her environmental suit shut down completely and she wondered if she was about to die.

As suddenly as the experience had begun it ended. Fabia could tell that the ship?s computers had begun a reboot and a few seconds later she retracted her helmet into the collar of her E-Suit and could fully see the bridge again. Fabia was disgusted to see her Nav Officer had his helmet retracted and had vomit all over his E-Suit, and then she realized he had been the one who she had heard getting sick.  ?Go and get yourself cleaned up Hirrus.? She ordered far more sharply than she had intended. ?Use the bridge?s head, but be quick about it.?

She looked up and saw the bridges main viewscreen was coming back on line. ?Damage report!? she snapped, her training taking over now that the effect of the passage was over.

The response from the department heads was a little slower in coming than she would have liked, but given the unusual circumstances she again let it pass.

?No damage reported Trierarchus, but it does seem like the computers all over the ship had to reset themselves after whatever just happened, happened.? Her exec Lusius Belenus said.

?Comm patch me through to the Mercurius, lets find out what they saw.? Several seconds passed and Fabia began to wonder if her Comm officer had heard her.

?Sorry Trierarchus I can?t raise them, I?m trying alterative frequencies but they?re not responding.?

?Trierarchus, Sensors do not show the squadron any more!? Iulius Gratian her Sensor officer shouted out.

?Have they gone or have we?? Fabia wondered out loud.

?I can?t find any trace of Terra Trierarchus so I?d say, we?ve gone.? Helvia responded while bent over the science console. ?From the stellar positions I?d say we?re a little over four light years from Terra.?

?So we?ve passed through some kind of wormhole??

?That was one of the many theories about the anomaly Trierarchus and it seems to fit with what just happened.? Helvia said.

?Wasn?t that your theory Helvia??

?Yes Trierarchus.? That was why I named the anomalies the Gates of Apollo,? Helvia said, sounding somewhat embarrassed.

?Okay people, what is nearby and do we have a fix on where we entered and where ever we are so we can try the reverse trip??

?I?ve got a fix on where we entered Trierarchus. Scanners show nothing else close by.? Iulius Gratian responded.

?Science Instruments show we are in a Trinary Star System Trierarchus, most likely Alpha Centauri; judging by the distance and our knowledge that Alpha Centauri is a Trinary system. No sign of any other drive signatures though.? Helvia replied almost at the same time.

?Great we scare ourselves half to death and then find nothing here. If I believed in the Gods I?d say one of them is having a joke at our expense!? Fabia said blowing away the last of the tension she?d felt since reading the order to approach the Apollonian Gate.

The Nav officer returned and retook his place at the Navigation console.

?Okay lets turn the ship around and see if this wormhole works both ways! And this time Nav try not to suffocate yourself.?

The Dido turned in space and began a slow move back towards its entry point. As suddenly as the first time when the jump drive activated, Fabia found herself all over the bridge, however this time it didn?t seem quite so bad. She surmised that this time she wasn?t as scared as the last time. She still felt dreadful and her E-suit and all the ships computers still needed to reboot, but it was nowhere near as bad as the last time.

It took about half a minute after Dido?s arrival for all the systems to come back on line. When they did the bridge crew all started cheering, there arrayed in from of them were the other five ships of the Roman Survey Squadron, they were home.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:40:42 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2008, 10:14:22 AM »
Casca looked out his palace window that overlooked the Mare Tyrennium and wondered, what, what will we find?

The Magister Classis had reported that the Dido, a Liburnia class scout, had just completed the first Apollonian Gate transit and returned safely. The Dido had made a small and pre-emptive calculation of its position, and during those calculations the Trierarchus had realized that they were in all likelihood in the Alpha Centauri star system. The Dido had then returned to report the finding.

Casca, along with most of the Senate, had believed that finding the Gates of Apollo had been an augury from Iuppiter, and was a sign to bring the Pax Romana to the stars. Yet Casca still could not bring himself to order the exploration of the new star system his scout had found, because, like any pious Roman, he considered the stars the playground of the Gods. Yet it was also true that Iuppiter himself had shown them the way to the stars.

Casca was still trying to decide when he was disturbed by his attach?. The intercom holocube flared with the image of his trusted friend, ?Imperator, pardon my interruption of your musings, but your son, Sempronius, has just arrived back from the Imperial academy.?

?Iunius, that is good news, send him in and bring us an amphorae of the best Gallic wine we have, so we can celebrate his graduation from the Officer's Academy.?
?As you wish Imperator.? The holocube then went silent as Iunius signed off.

Two minutes later Iunius, a balding man in his 40?s, entered, escorting a muscular youth dressed in the ceremonial armor of a Legati Legionis. Sempronius strode forward and knelt in front of his father and kissed the signet ring on his middle finger, ?Father, I have returned from the Academy and I am awaiting your command.?

?Rise my son and give your father a proper greeting, and not this ceremonial garbage.? Casca said to his son. With that Sempronius rose and gave his father a bear hug of a greeting that showed his true love for his father, something that, at times, was lacking in the halls of power that was Roma.

The two men, one the Emperor of the Senatus Populesque Romanus, and his only surviving son, both sat and poured a glass of Gallic wine that Iunius had brought in.

?So tell me Sempronius, do you have a preference for a posting? As you know I cannot post you higher than a Centurio, but I CAN pick the unit you serve in.? Casca said.

?Father I have been giving it some thought, and I would like to be posted on a Liburnia class scout. I want to be in on the exploration of the stars.?

Casca was startled by his son?s choice; he had thought that he would have chosen a posting in the Equites Augusti Singulares. But he also knew his son wanted to be Emperor some day, and Roman tradition required that an heir to the Empire must have first commanded troops and conquered a territory, or by commanding an exploration expedition, added to the Republic. Then they had to be a Senator in good standing. So his son?s choice was both logical and good. He was proud of his son?s choice, for no Roman could fault his son for a lack of courage, because all know a Liburnia has almost no defenses and if they found a larger and hostile opponent, the ship would be lost.

?Sempronius, I'm surprised by your choice, but at the same time pleased. Maybe for the first time in the gods knows how long, a blood relative will take the throne from his father. I approve of your choice, and it also helps me make a decision I have had difficulty making. Sempronius keep up this line of actions and maybe one day you will also be called Caesar.? Casca said with pride in his voice.

?Iunius, have the commander of the Classis come immediately to my council chambers, and tell him the Primus Princeps has made his decision about the exploration of the stars.? Casca said to his loyal servant. He much preferred the civilian title of First Citizen to the militaristic Imperator, Emperor.

?As you wish my lord, I will head there post haste.? And with that Iunius went to fetch the head of the fledgling Roman Star Navy.

?Sempronius please accompany your father to his council chambers since this also concerns you to.?

?As you wish father, I will be right behind you.? With that father and son proceeded to an unknown future.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:41:31 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2008, 01:08:00 PM »
When Casca and his son arrived at his meeting chambers the Magister Classis, Chief of the Navy, Gaius Marcus Antonius was they?re waiting for him to arrive. ?Hail Imperator et Primus Princeps, I await your command.? Marcus said to his commander.

Casca noticed that Antonius was accompanied by one of the new style Lictors, ones who were always present at momentous points in the history of the Empire.


For 300 years civil wars had torn the Empire asunder as one claimant after another had tried to seize the Imperial Purple by force. None of the pretenders had ruled more than a handful of years before either being assassinated or overthrown in another of the endless coups that occurred during this period. It had been the nadr of the Empire, and most Romans did not expect the Empire to survive the continual civil wars.

Then one man, Quintus Maximius Aratus, Casca?s spiritual forebear and the Pro Consul for the province of Nihonii, began his quest for the Laurel Leaves and the Purple. The difference between Maximius and the other pretenders was he had a plan to end the civil strife tearing the Empire apart. It was nothing less than a total reorganization of the Empire?s government and way of life.

One of the critical components was the reorganization of the Lictors. Before Maximius the Lictors were the bearers of the Fasces, the symbol of the Empire. What Maximius had in mind for the Lictors was to evolve them into the bearers of the Empire?s honor.

While Maximius was the Pro Consul for Nihonii he had seen how the local administrator?s, called Shogun?s, ran their districts. One thing he had noticed was that the Shogun?s had virtually no rebellions against them and he kept them from killing each other, so Nihonii was a very stable province. What he had noticed was that they had a class of warrior called the Samurai, which means in the local tongue ?to serve? and they enforced the Shogun?s word, which also was his honor.

The thing that he had found fascinating about this warrior class was that if they considered their Shogun to have lost his honor they would present their grievances to the Shogun for rectification. If the Shogun refused to regain his honor in the eyes of the Samurai, that Samurai and any who agreed with him would commit what they called ?Seppuku? or suicide, to try and chide the Shogun into doing what was right.

To Maximius?s Roman eyes, the suicide part was rubbish and a waste of good personnel, but he thought he could turn these ?Samurai? into faithful servants of the Empire. Instead of committing suicide the Samurai turned Lictor would challenge the person who has failed the Empire to personal combat. If the challenged defeated and killed his challenger, he would have exactly one year to rectify what had set off the challenge in the first place. If the challenged had not fixed the problem by the end of the grace year, the Commander of the Lictors himself would challenge the person to personal combat. There has never been a survivor of being challenged by the Commander of the Lictors. Even Emperors and Senators were not above the challenge by the Lictors. That was one of the vital changes Maximius felt that was needed to weed out the corruption that was strangling the Empire from within.

The one who challenged the dishonorable subject was always the champion of the Lictors. The Lictors hold hotly contested tournaments to fill that position. The position of Challenger was a very highly prized position in the Lictors, for the honor of the Empire is truly resting on his shoulders. With this in mind, Maximius thought these Samurai would be perfect for the new role of the Lictors. Even though the majority of the Lictors are from the Samurai class in Nihonii, there are other peoples from all over the Empire. All they have to do is prove their dedication to the honor of the Empire above ALL else.

The Lictors never became involved in politics in any way, as they knew that was the path to corruption and dishonor. Any Lictor who even hinted at a political bias was ?urged? to commit Seppuku before an official investigation was launched. Needless to say, there have only been a handful of Lictor Seppuku?s in the 400 years since their new roles were founded. They truly believe that the honor and good health of the Empire rests on their shoulders.
Since the Lictors have taken up their expanded role, the level of corruption in the Empire has dropped to almost nothing. Also the new commanders who did not have to worry about a corrupt commander holding them back have unified Terra. Most Romans think Maximius was inspired by Iuppiter himself with the introduction of the new style Lictors to the Empire.

So the presence of the Lictor had somewhat surprised Casca, as he had not considered the exploration of space that momentous of an occasion. The presence of a Lictor showed they considered the subject of great portent. Even if the Lictors never showed any emotion while a decision is being made, their presence alone caused all present to ponder their decisions with great care. And that made all the difference for the Empire and its continued growth and stability.


?Marcus, I have given it great thought, we shall explore the new system and bring the Pax Romana to the stars.? Casca could see the slightest relaxation of tension in the Lictor, so he guessed he had made the right decision in their eyes.

?My lord, that is outstanding news! We in the Classis had no doubt you would come to that conclusion, for we have faith in your guidance of the Republic?s foreign affairs.?

?Truth be told Marcus, my son Sempronius with his choice of postings helped me make the final decision.? You could see the look of surprise in the Magister Classis and the Lictor?s faces at that revelation.

?What was the choice of duty assignments the son of the Emperor chose my lord??

?He wishes to be posted to a Liburnia Scout, and be in on the exploration of the stars.?

?My lord your son has wisdom beyond his years, and that bodes well for a possible future Emperor.? Marcus said with genuine respect in his voice. The look that the Lictor was giving Sempronius was also heartening for Casca. For if the Lictors were impressed by Sempronius?s decision, then maybe, just maybe he might have a chance at becoming Emperor himself.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:43:15 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2008, 11:37:23 AM »
The red alert alarm began to sound loudly throughout the Exploration Trireme Spatha. Navarchus Sempronius Longinus climbed out of his rack, donned his E-suit and left for the bridge, all the while in a bad mood. Why did these alerts always happen at the wrong time? He sighed to himself. It seemed they only occurred whenever he was trying to get some sack time.

?This had better be damned good!? He growled at Virius Felix, his third in command and currently the duty officer.

Virius knew his commander?s routine and knew exactly why he was so annoyed.  ?Sorry Navarchus, but it is really important.?

?Hurry up and tell me then!? Sempronius snapped. He could tell by Virius?s voice that whatever it was it was important but he really didn?t feel like giving the Centurio even an inch of room.
?About a minute ago we detected a massive burst of energy just inside the gas giant Scipio III.? The younger man replied.

?What kind of massive burst of energy?? Sempronius asked.

?Gravity, heat, light, X-Ray, basically everything.? Virius replied.

?It has all the characteristics of an Apollonian Gate transit sir, but much bigger and just inside the gas giant,? the ships senior science officer Messiena Maia added.

?Did we get a holo recording of the event??

?No sir we were scanning the planet Scipio II at the time, but I have put the location on the main viewer.? Virius informed his commander.

 ?Is that freighter still in range of us??

?Yes Navarchus. It?s about ten Light Minutes away.?

?Comm get them on the horn and tell them to hold their position while we have a look and see what?s happening. Navigation set a course for Scipio III and get us moving.?

A few minutes had passed and then Centurio Livia Aponia, the Comm officer said,  ?Sorry Sir the freighter refuses to stop, they say time is money and they can?t afford to be late for their next pick up.?

?What!? Sempronius thought for a moment. ?Tell the captain the Classis will pay for?? Suddenly on the main viewer there was a huge flash. ?What was that?? Sempronius asked his science officer.

?Same thing again sir.? Messiena said. ?All the readings are off the scale, the energy released must be extraordinary!?

?What was I saying, oh yes, tell the freighter captain we will pay for his time. Any more ideas wh?? Another flash. ?Weapons, are we in danger of taking any damage??

?No sir?  the Centurio manning the Weapons console replied, ?not at this range.?

Another flash cut across the screen before Sempronius could ask anything else. ?Any estimates on how close we can get without sustaining damage??

?Looking at the figures sir I?d say?? another flash, ?at maybe a couple of light seconds we would begin taking shield damage.?

?Navarchus I?m getting an omni-directional signal from somewhere near Scipio III, but it doesn?t seem to make any sense.? The comm officer said.

?Lets hear it.? Another flash. Livia linked the communication through the main bridge speaker system. The words coming through the speakers were clearly words, but they did not seem to mean anything. One thing was clear from them though, the voice sounded desperate. ?Who ever they are they sound like they?re in trouble. Navigation, full tactical speed.?

?Aye sir full tactical speed.?

?Sir the freighter reports they have stopped and will pass on any messages we need to send.?
?Well at least something?s going right!?
Moments later there was a sixth flash. Then as suddenly as the flashes had started they stopped. ?Comm see if you can raise that unknown ship.?

?Aye Sir.?

A few minutes passed. ?There doesn?t seem to be any response to my hails Navarchus.?

?Keep trying anyway.?

?Aye Sir.?

Not knowing exactly whom the distress signal was coming from, Sempronius had the Spatha approach the signal with all possible speed.
Just over an hour later - and no more flashes having occurred - his Sensor officer hailed him. ?Sir I have one large object and a debris field. The large object is at five light seconds and seems to be about two-thirds our size. The debris field masses between four and five times the mass of the ship, but some of it is already falling back towards Scipio III. So it was probably larger to begin with.? Virius said, now manning the sensors.

?Sir, we?ve just lost engine room number five. Engineering says the run out here caused it to burn out. They say they can have it jury rigged within a couple of hours, but it will need yard time to completely repair it.? The Navigation officer said.

?Is the ship where the comm signal is coming from??

?Yes Sir.? Virius replied.

?Comm, any luck working out what they?re saying.?

?No sir, it?s not a language from Terra, nor anything even remotely close to any of them.? Livia responded.

?Okay. Nav get us as close as you can with the drive and we will see what shape they are in. How far away are they??

?Range is now 3.5 Light Seconds sir.?

As the Trireme came within a light second of the unknown ship it became obvious that it had been hit hard, indeed very hard by something. The hull was marked and scored. It was blackened and in places it looked like hull plates were missing.

?Comm, any luck in contacting them??
?No Sir, nothing.?
?Sir this is as close as I can get with the shields up, any closer and I?ll fry them.? The Navigation officer said.

?Comm let the freighter know we?re going to drop our shields and try to dock with the unknown ship.?

?Aye Sir. Message sent.?

They watched the damaged ship on the main viewer while they waited for the reply from the freighter. The more Sempronius looked at it the more he was sure that the whole ship had between twisted. It looked like a giant pair of hands had taken hold of the ship and wrung it out. Sempronius shuddered at the power required to do that to a ship.

?The freighter replied they understand and are standing by. Oh and they wish us good luck sir.?
?Thank them.?

?Aye Sir.?

?Nav close with thrusters.?

?Aye Sir.?

?Weapons drop the shields.?

?Aye Sir.?

?Virius get the Manipularii together and prepare to do a little zero gee boarding action.?

?Sir, yes Sir!? Sempronius noticed the young man sounded excited at the prospect of a boarding action.

The Spatha slowly closed on the unknown ship. After a few minutes the two ships were lined up and the docking clamps were fired from the Spatha. Slowly the Manipularii made their way across the gap between the two ships.

Sempronius put a call through to the medical officer. ?We may have some aliens for you to treat Medicus. Better get your people ready.?

?Will do Navarchus.?

Sempronius watched the unknown ships airlock slide open as the Manipularii approached it. For some reason he couldn?t stop himself from thinking, Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly. Then the Manipularii were inside.

?Incoming message from Centurio Virius.?

?Okay, put him on the main viewer.?

?Sir, they look like us!? Virius sounded shocked.

?What?s their situation??

?The ship is very badly damaged and there?s a lot of injuries. No way we can space walk a lot of them. Can we air dock sir? I think some of them will die unless we get them to our medical bays quickly.? Virius said, sounding more professional and less shocked with every word.

Sempronius thought for a moment. This was first contact. First ever contact. Letting any of them die just wasn?t an option. ?Comm let the freighter know we have met what appears to be aliens and they are in trouble. Tell them we are establishing an airtight dock in order to help as many of them as possible as quickly as possible. Then tell them to get that message back to Terra with all possible speed.?

?Aye Sir.?

?Virius, get the air dock set up and lets see if we can help as many of them as we can.?

?Yes Sir!?


Of the 662 crew aboard the unknown vessel 457 were dead before the Spatha could get to them. Six more died even with the best efforts of the ships medical personnel. This was with the help of some of the unknown ships crew who even with the complete lack of communications somehow managed to get across that they were medical personnel.

Once the Spatha had picked up all the crew of the unknown ship it made its way back to Terra with the survivors. It was repaired and then returned to the Scipio System where it moved the unknown ship into a higher orbit around Scipio III by towing it with tractor beams and using thrusters only. The Spatha then settled into orbit around Scipio III waiting for any other transits.

A month or so later and the following information was learned from the crew of the unknown ship.

Commander: Commodore Robert Schneider.
Ship: Ranger One
Race: American

                 Scientific report on the Arrival of Ranger One (American)

It appears that the American scout arrived at a Gate of Apollo that had formed within the gas giant Scipio III. The scout was very badly damaged by the shock wave the opening of the Apollonian Gate caused within the dense internal atmosphere of the gas giant, but its shields protected it long enough for the ship to be blown free of the gas giant?s atmosphere. It appears five more ships followed Ranger One. However these ships arrived much closer together and the combined shock waves seemed to have destroyed each ship as it arrived. These additional shock waves also further damaged Ranger One.

Unfortunately the Spatha was not close enough to Scipio III to get an exact fix on the location of the Apollonian Gate. Since the Gate of Apollo is at an unknown depth within the gas giant it is recommended that a ship be stationed to monitor the Gate for further transits but nothing else be done at this time.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:52:10 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2008, 10:38:58 AM »
This section came about due to the great suggestions of including the 'alien' point of view in the Siliconate War thread.  :D

Rama Toulon stiffened as he always did just prior to each wormhole transit. As always he was amazed that he became so nervous, after so many transits it was foolish. Slowly he forced himself to relax. Around him the other engineering staff moved to their transit seating. Rama?s mind went back to his dream briefly, it was always the same and was the reason he was so nervous about transits. He had avoided mentioning it to anyone; after all it wasn?t proper.
The dream was always the same, everything would seem normal at first and then the ship would buckle and twist around him, the hull would crack and for a moment he would feel the cold of space, then he would wake in a pool of sweat. He had it again last night, but then he had known they would transit today. It was foolish, the navy had never lost a ship to transit effects, so why would they now?

Rama looked around the small engineering compartment of the frigate and saw everyone was ready. Lt. Mike Haskins nodded to him, ?is everything ready?? The nod asked. Rama swept his eyes one last time over his panel and nodded back.
?Engineering ready for transit sir.? Haskins said into the small mike.

For a short while the ship seemed quiet, then Rama heard the engine note change as the ship got underway. He watched the panel concentrating on his job, everything was normal. Suddenly he felt the jump engine activate and almost immediately afterwards the wormhole effect. It was the same as always, one moment he was setting in his seat the next he seemed to be all over engineering at once. The panel in front of him suddenly lost power and the lights flickered out. Everything was as it should be. As soon as it started the feeling of being everywhere at once stopped, and it then ceased to be normal.
All hell suddenly broke loose, Rama was aware of three things at once. First a noise, like the ship being hit in a thousand places at once with a huge hammer. Second the sound of metal rupturing behind him and third a huge sense of deja vous. It was his dream; this time he was sure it wouldn?t kill him though, or at least he hoped it wouldn?t.

A quick look behind confirmed the hull was indeed breaching. Rama hit the emergency hull seal button on his panel as hard as possible and held on to his seat. Time seemed to slow. In slow motion Rama watched as Lt. Haskins and three crewmen in engineering where pulled from their transit seating and flew through the air towards the gap that was appearing in the hull. At the same instant sealing foam was fired from the ceiling at the other wall of engineering. Slowly Haskins and the foam raced each other towards the gap. Rama swiveled his seat and with his free hand made a grab for Lt. Haskins, but the distance was too far. He watched in horror as the Lt. was sucked through the hole first, then a moment later the foam sealed the breach, it was too late to be any help for the head of engineering.

Rama was stunned briefly and took the time to assess the rest of the engineering crew. As Engineering Second in Command these were now his men. They all looked shaken but apart from Crewman Johnson who was holding his arm no one seemed hurt. ?How?s your arm Johnson?? Rama asked the wounded crewman. He was surprised how calm he felt.

?I think it's broken sir. I hit it on the console when the hull breached.? Johnson answered, sounding anything but calm.

?Report to the medical bay. The rest of you let?s find out what?s working and what isn?t.? The crew began to move back to their stations and Rama turned back to face his console. The panel showed the shields were up though only one of the engines was active. Worryingly one of the two fusion reactors wasn?t looking too healthy either.

?Hank shut down reactor two, the rest of you try to get the engines back online.? He said and continued to scan the panel.
The ship was stationary and seemed to lack any inclination to move. Rama didn?t like the idea of sitting on top of the wormhole. He was about to contact the bridge when he heard Lt. Haskins? console pinging to indicate an incoming message.

Rama crossed the small room to Mike?s console, somehow it felt wrong to touch it with the man dead, but he was in charge now and someone would want a report. He pressed the switch to activate the comm link and Commodore Schneider?s face appeared. His face was streaked with blood and he had a cut just above his left eye. ?Where is Lieutenant Haskins?? He asked, but Rama could see from his eyes that he already knew.

?Sir, Lieutenant Haskins is dead, he was sucked out of the ship by a hull breach. I am his second in command, Lieutenant JG Rama Toulon.?

?That?s a shame, he was a good engineer. Speaking of which how are our??

Some sort of explosion suddenly hit the ship. It felt like there had been an explosion somewhere off the frigates stern. Rama was thrown off his feet and struck his head on the edge of the console as he fell. Then the lights went out and the comm screen went dead.

With his head throbbing Rama regained his feet. ?The reactors are off line Lt, I?m switching to emergency batteries.? A voice said.

For a moment Rama didn?t recognize it. Then he realized it was crewman Hank Gutterman. He felt groggy and shook his head to try and clear it. He suddenly realized that was a bad idea as he stumbled and the floor came up to meet him.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:53:14 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2008, 10:52:48 AM »
Rama awoke and looked around. He was in the corner of a large room that seemed familiar to him. Somehow the room seemed too dark. After a moment his head began to throb. Two women came over towards him and spoke to him, but they didn?t seem to make any sense. Each woman then wiggled a finger in front of him. The whole thing seemed amusing and Rama wondered why the two women were doing everything at the same time. Both women then reached out and took his left arm, somehow it seemed wrong that he should have two left arms but there they were next to one another so he must have two. The women injected him with something and then turned and moved away. Rama suddenly felt tired and drifted off to sleep.

When he awoke again he was somewhere else and his head had stopped throbbing. He slowly sat up and looked around. A woman began to come over towards him and he recognized her as Doctor Gonsalvez. Suddenly he realized that the two women had both been Doctor Gonsalvez.
?How are you feeling now Lt. Toulon?? The doctor asked.

?Hungry but fine doc, what happened??

?You fell and sustained a minor concussion, how many fingers do you see?? The doctor inquired moving a finger back and forth in front of Rama?s face.


?Good, I think you?re over your concussion. Lie here for a bit then we will try to get you on your feet and make sure you?re okay.?

?Okay doc, you?re the boss.?

Doctor Gonsalvez moved back to the other end of the room. Rama looked around the medical bay. It was full of double bunks with around sixty members of the crew on them. At the far end he noticed two men wearing some sort of powered armor, for a moment he wondered why the Marines would be in the medical bay. Then he realized this wasn?t his ships medical bay. It was too big, in fact even the color of the walls were wrong. Looking once again at the two figures he began to realize their armor was nothing like what a power armored American Marine wore; in fact it vaguely looked like a Roman infantryman?s armor.
Where am I? He thought with some confusion.

The minutes seemed to drag by as he waited for the doctor to return. He spent the time looking around the bay. Strangely, the more he looked at it the less it looked like an American ship. Somehow the design lacked the elegant simplicity of the frigates medical bay. It seemed only half thought out, like the design had been rushed.

He turned his attention to the other American crewmen around the room. Very few of them were awake and none near him was. He began to worry where the rest of the crew was. Before he could give it much thought though he noticed Doctor Gonsalvez coming back across the room towards him.

?Where are we doc?? He asked when the doctor finally arrived.

?Lets get you on your feet and see if you?re okay. The Commodore wants to see you as soon as you?re cleared for duty and I?m sure he?ll explain it better to you ?privately? than I could.? Dr Gonsalvez said and Rama took the hint.

Standing turned out to be no problem at all and a few minutes later Rama was dressed and on his way to see the Commodore. As the doctor led him down a short corridor once again he got the impression that the ship could have been more ergonomically designed and again that its design had seemed to have been rushed. At the end of the short corridor the doctor opened a door and indicated the engineer should go in.

The room contained a desk and a bed and behind the desk was Commodore of the American Star Fleet Robert Schneider. ?Glad to see you are up and about again.? The Commodore said. ?How?s the head feel??

?No pain at all sir.?

?I will bet you?re wondering what?s going on?"

"That I am, sir." Rama replied instantly.

"Well on the surface it looks like we are lucky to be alive. Some passing aliens rescued us after we went through the wormhole and something happened to us. Unfortunately we haven?t managed to communicate directly with the people who rescued us. I?ve got Lt. Davis and his first contact team working on that at the moment. They?ve shown us some holo footage and from that it looks like we transited in the middle of a gas giant and that we were followed by the five other ships of the Squadron, they were destroyed because they came through too close together. If the footage is fake, it is very good and I don?t see how they could know about the standing orders for five ships to pass through the wormhole after the lead ship unless it happened.?

?So you have your doubts then sir??

?Yes and no. They seem to wear some sort of powered armor every time we meet. They might be fooling us to gain information or it might be their preferred way of making first contact. If they seem like good people we will more than likely be friendly with them. But they also seemed to hustle us off of Ranger One a bit too quickly. I didn?t think about it at the time as it looked like she was about to blow, but now I wonder. That said they seem like the perfect saviors and seem very friendly.?

?So they might have rescued us? or not. Which way do we play it, sir??

?For now we assume they are genuine and really are just helping travelers in distress. Once we can communicate with them I?ll ask them to take us back to Ranger One and we?ll see what, if anything, her sensor logs can tell us. For now we are stuck here. Any questions??

?Is it just me, or does that powered armor have a vague resemblance to a Roman infantryman?s armor, if it had been updated for modern combat??

?You know, now that you mention it, they do, and their language has a vague resemblance to Latin. I will pass that on to Shadd and his first contact team. Any other questions or observations??

?How many of the crew are still alive??

?Now that you?re out of the medical bay there?s fifty-eight in there and sixty-one billeted around the rest of the ship in some quarters they?ve given up for us.?

?Four hundred-fifty seven dead then??

?Dead or missing. Anything else??

?No sir.?

?Okay I?ll take you to where the other officers are billeted.?


The rest of the trip was fairly boring. Towards the end of it partial communications were established. A remarkable feat for the first contact teams of both sides. It turned out that the tip of the possibility of Latin being the root language was the key. The species called themselves Romans.
A few days later the Roman ship arrived at it?s destination that turned out to be the Roman Home world Terra. The ship landed at a military base close to the Capital of Roma. By now Rama had come to the conclusion that these Romans had been the result of Alien tampering with Earth, the Earth his people had also left behind.

Ranger One?s crew was transferred via closed vehicles to a large building in the middle of the city. Rama was surprised how luxurious the rooms were they were shown to. ?What is this place.? He asked one of the Romans who was showing them to their quarters.

?One of the government houses.? He replied. Which left Rama none-the-wiser.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:54:36 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2008, 10:08:15 AM »
Six weeks later the first contact team finally achieved full communications. A day or so later the Commodore had a meeting with one of the Roman?s Praefectus Classis and then called a meeting with Lt Rama Toulon, Doctor Naomi Gonsalvez, Commander Edward Collins (the Commodore?s Flag officer) and Lt Commander Hazel Dickson (head of the science department). This group represented the highest ranking and surviving officers.

?I?ve just had an interesting meeting with a Roman called Praefectus Classis Gaius Marcus Antonius. Praefectus Classis seems to be about the equivalent of Vice Admiral. He seems to be one of the senior men in their navy. I asked him to let us return to our ship so we can check it over and he agreed.? Commodore Schneider said.

?Good, maybe we?ll be able to confirm what they say.? Hazel replied.

?They?ve probably been on the ship already and wiped the records.? Ed added.

?He assured me they haven?t gone onto Ranger One since they don?t want any kind of diplomatic incident. I guess we will see when we get there,? the Commodore continued.

?If they are telling the truth what do we do about it?? Rama asked.

?Wormholes don?t orbit stars, they stay in the same place relative to the star so by now the jump point isn?t inside the planet anymore.? Hazel said, as if talking to a class of students. ?If we?re lucky the exact location of the wormhole will be in Ranger One?s computers and we can go home!?

?What if it isn?t?? Rama asked, not really wanting to know the answer. ?It could be a wandering wormhole.?

?We?ll not worry about that until we know there?s a problem.? The Commodore said in a tone that brooked no argument.

For a few seconds no one said anything, Rama was sure they were all thinking about what it would mean if they couldn?t find the wormhole.

The Commodore cut into the silence, ?Something else. Some of you have noticed that the Romans seem embarrassed when they speak to us. Crazy as it sounds they have a thing about being seen without their uniforms on. It seems they have a class system with which they use the uniforms to mark the different strata in their culture, and to them it?s a status symbol and if you don?t wear it they think you are rejecting the society, and are marked for watching. They say that?s why they haven?t let us out of this building yet.?

?Sure and I suppose they?re going to make us spiffy new uniforms and let us walk around their cities eh?? Ed said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

?Amazingly, that?s exactly what they say they are going to do. Can you imagine our government letting unknown aliens wander around the capital?? The Commodore said sounding truly amazed. ?We wouldn't even let the aliens know where the capital system was!?

?Presumably the uniform will have some sort of tracking devices sewn into them so they?ll know where we are at all time.? Ed said.

?We could just take them off,? Rama suggested.

?Antonius told me that if we?re caught not wearing the uniform outside this building we would be arrested and tried under Roman law. He implied the penalties are harsh, so I suggest for now we do as they ask.? The Commodore stated. ?Now I think we will turn to the trip back to Ranger One.?

The meeting continued with discussions about who should return to the ship and what to tell the crew about the situation and the uniforms.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:55:35 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2008, 03:35:57 AM »
Quote from: "??rgr?mr"
The Commodore cut into the silence, ?Something else. Some of you have noticed that the Romans seem embarrassed when they speak to us. Crazy as it sounds they have a thing about being seen without their uniforms on. It seems they have a class system with which they use the uniforms to mark the different strata in their culture, and to them it?s a status symbol and if you don?t wear it they think you are rejecting the society, and are marked for watching. They say that?s why they haven?t let us out of this building yet.?

Shades of Don Shotgun - will we be seeing Sam Slice somewhere?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by ZimRathbone »


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« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2008, 10:31:30 AM »
Quote from: "ZimRathbone"
Shades of Don Shotgun - will we be seeing Sam Slice somewhere?


What is this Don Shotgun you mentioned?  And who is Sam Slice? :D  And if my idea I had thought original turns out to be not so original, I will scrap the whole thing and begin from scratch.  :x  

Cheers, ??rgr?mr
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:56:59 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2008, 12:21:13 PM »
Quote from: "??rgr?mr"
Quote from: "ZimRathbone"
Shades of Don Shotgun - will we be seeing Sam Slice somewhere?


What is this Don Shotgun you mentioned?  And who is Sam Slice? :D  And if my idea I had thought original turns out to be not so original, I will scrap the whole thing and begin from scratch.  :D

The Shotgun stories were some Starfire fiction from a few years back based on a planet full of "mobsters".  They wore powered armour, which was colour coded and taking it off in public was verbotten.  Ian Clark or Clarke (iirc) was the author.  Probably available via the Starfire list archives.  Well worth a read if you can find them.

No need to scrap your plans just because someone else had a similar idea.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Shinanygnz »

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« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2008, 07:35:23 PM »
Quote from: "Shinanygnz"
Quote from: "??rgr?mr"
Quote from: "ZimRathbone"
Shades of Don Shotgun - will we be seeing Sam Slice somewhere?


What is this Don Shotgun you mentioned?  And who is Sam Slice? :D  And if my idea I had thought original turns out to be not so original, I will scrap the whole thing and begin from scratch.  :D

The Shotgun stories were some Starfire fiction from a few years back based on a planet full of "mobsters".  They wore powered armour, which was colour coded and taking it off in public was verbotten.  Ian Clark or Clarke (iirc) was the author.  Probably available via the Starfire list archives.  Well worth a read if you can find them.

No need to scrap your plans just because someone else had a similar idea.


As Stephen said, but with a minor addition - Iain Clarke also had a very similar story of a Cross-Universe wormhole appearing within a Gas Giant, with a partial survival & a lot of dead followup ships.  The story was called "A Flash at the End of the Tunnel". In fact  so  similar that I assumed that you were actually Iain under a different alias hence my somewhat cryptic comment.

In his case tho the incomer was Advanced Scout One commanded by 10th Swordsman of Worlds Hanikai of the Rigellian Empire meeting a somewhat unhappy Steve (W?) Gunblast.  Other than some minor name & terminology changes the stories are pretty much twins.

I have a copy of most of the Shotgun series if you wish, or you can also find it on Matt Wadwells Starfire Fiction site (its still up although Matt hasn't updated it for years) on

However please keep writing the Roman stories - I do find them interesting to see another's viewpoint of how the Senate & People of Rome might have developed - it seems at the moment they are very much a Dominate phase


Mike T
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by ZimRathbone »


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« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2008, 09:50:51 AM »
Quote from: "ZimRathbone"
As Stephen said, but with a minor addition - Iain Clarke also had a very similar story of a Cross-Universe wormhole appearing within a Gas Giant, with a partial survival & a lot of dead followup ships.  The story was called "A Flash at the End of the Tunnel". In fact  so  similar that I assumed that you were actually Iain under a different alias hence my somewhat cryptic comment.

In his case tho the incomer was Advanced Scout One commanded by 10th Swordsman of Worlds Hanikai of the Rigellian Empire meeting a somewhat unhappy Steve (W?) Gunblast.  Other than some minor name & terminology changes the stories are pretty much twins.

I have a copy of most of the Shotgun series if you wish, or you can also find it on Matt Wadwells Starfire Fiction site (its still up although Matt hasn't updated it for years) on

However please keep writing the Roman stories - I do find them interesting to see another's viewpoint of how the Senate & People of Rome might have developed - it seems at the moment they are very much a Dominate phase


Mike T

@ZimRathbone, I never even heard of Ian Clarke, Don Shotgun or MWadell's site till you folks told me about them.  :cry:

Cheers, Thorgrimm
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2008, 12:04:18 PM »
:D , we'd have missed out on some very good things.

Please put your Roman stuff back up and continue the story, it's well written, interesting and generally all round damn good.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Shinanygnz »