Author Topic: Poor Earth AAR  (Read 14263 times)

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Offline CharonJr (OP)

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2019, 12:16:35 PM »
Thx ;)

A question here, isn't the conquerer supposed to the the minerals of the conquered?

Because with just 500 mines converted from conventional industry in total there should be a larger Corundium stockpile (27k in 1871). It looks like just Germany's stockpile is shown.

edit. Ah, never mind, each "nation" still has its own stockpile. Dang, been too long since I played last ;)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 12:19:07 PM by CharonJr »

Offline Father Tim

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2019, 12:20:03 PM »
It looks like just Germany's stockpile is shown.

That's because "Germany" is a separate colony from "France".  France's conquered minerals are sitting right where France left them.  Only wealth is electronically portable -- everything else has to be moved.

Offline CharonJr (OP)

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2019, 03:12:51 PM »
Thx, was a tad too slow with my edit ;)

Since my ISP seems to have some problems today, there will be no pictures.

Germany starts to build a civilian shipyard. Since Earth is about to run out of important minerals it is essential to look for them elsewhere in the Sol-System. Geo-Sensors have already been researched, and in theory Germany should be able to build a spaceship since it must have been a spaceship that crashed on Earth a long time ago. The main question is how to build it and where to build it. The where is a field close to Berlin in Germany and the shipyard will include all current theories about the how. The construction is expected to be completed in late 1883.

Due to the non-integrated nature of the “colonies” a fairly large number of smaller research projects are started – Terraforming Modules, improved Terraforming Rate, Turret Tracking Speed, Large Fuel Storage, Duranium Armor, EM Sensor Sensitivity 6 and a Cargo Handling System. Once the colonies become fully integrated (imperial population) the industry and labs will be centralized.

In order to help with the mineral problem weapons and armor of the dissolved units from both wars are recycled, providing about 50% of the metals initially used for it (600 Duranium, 1800 Neutronium). But new industrial production will still have to be limited to essential projects.

In September research into lowered fuel consumption for spaceships is completed and scientists start with a first draft of a vessel capable to leave Earth and look for minerals on other planets. Hans-Joachim Neubauer (PP 10%) starts to look into making ship engines more powerful (Max Power x1.25). One weak later August Roth (PP 10%) finishes research into a new means of power generation, the Pressurised Water Reactor and starts to look into a application for it (Nuclear Engine Theory). Britain starts to build a naval shipyard for the planed vessel, completion is expected in July 1882.

But even with minimal features the new ship is way larger than expected and does not look like a really viable design. It weights nearly half as much as one of the last navy ships build by Prussia before the TN materials were discovered – SMS Medusa of the Nymphe-Class. On the other hand it is fairly cheap to build and there might be lessons to be learned from a prototype.
Code: [Select]
Blucher class Cruiser    1 250 tons     30 Crew     162.4 BP      TCS 25  TH 2  EM 0
80 km/s     Armour 1-10     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 6.7 Years     MSP 81    AFR 12%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 3    5YR 47    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 0   

2 EP Conventional Engine (1)    Power 2    Fuel Use 81%    Signature 2    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 10 000 Litres    Range 1.8 billion km   (257 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

In October the populations of former Russia and France become more accepting of the German rule and consider themselves occupied instead of conquered. The other former nations follow suit shortly afterwards. Britain is fully integrated into the German Kaiserreich (imperial population), but the transfer of labs and construction facilities will have to wait until the current projects are finished. All remaining conventional units are being transformed into Garrison Battalions.

In November Sector Command is completed and Veronica Oliver (Mining 30%, Pop Growth 20%) will improve the efficiency of the government. And since it uses less resources (but more time) to first convert conventional industries into mines and then convert mines into automated mines instead of building them directly, industrial efforts in the colonies are split 50/50 between converting into industries and mines. A decent reserve of Corundium will have to be kept since it takes 75 Duranium and Corundium each to convert a mine into an automated one.

In order to find possible mineral sites in the Sol-System astronomers have begun to enhance their telescopes with TN materials. In addition to visible light the telescopes are now able to receive and interpret wavelengths of higher and lower frequencies as well. While trying to calibrate their new device strange emissions from Luna show up on the display. First this is thought to be an error in the new equipment. But no errors were found, the only conclusion being left is that there is someone or something on the Moon, which is generating those emissions. Most likely a listening post from the NPR that was generated on Earth at the beginning.

Imagine picture of Luna with red Thermal 55 and EM 55 here, will try to edit it in tomorrow.

That’s it for today…
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 11:26:06 PM by CharonJr »
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Offline CharonJr (OP)

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2019, 03:56:54 PM »
By July the populations of Russia and France have improved their status to subjugated. Followed by the other nations at the end of July. On July, 11th the first naval shipyard – Zeppelin Werke - on Earth is completed in Britain. And after the project control has been transferred to Germany the Geo-Survey prototyp Humboldt (former Blücher, but since it is a science vessel and the name Blücher might have a sting to it for the French, the name was changed) is put on keel. Especially since finding those signals from Luna gives heading there a very high priority. To support the ship the construction of a maintenance facility is started. And before being able to build the Humboldt the capacity of Zeppelin Werke’s single slipway has to be expanded from 1kt to 1.5kt which should be completed in December.

In August Hans-Joachim Neubauer (PP 10%) completed research into Maximum Engine Power Modifier x1.25 and does some calculations if this might have any meaningful impact on the Blücher. He finds that an “improved” engine would have the same speed, but due to higher fuel consumption and additonal crew needed for it would actually be worse – for now the design will be unchanged and he starts to look into the other end of the spectrum, at a x0.4 engine modifier.

On September 16th, the last Corundium on Earth has been mined, for now the combined stockpiles of 25k is all that is left before new sources have to have been found, mines delivered and the minerals started to be exploited.

At December, 1st the first commercial shipyard – Meyer Werft – is completed and due to the experiences with the Zeppelin Werke an immediate expansion by 10kt is ordered. Part of the freed up capacity is used to build a fighter factory, a interesting new concept based on small spaceship with a very limited durability and piloted by a very small crew. At the moment the factory will be kept small, being limited to producing just a couple of small experimental prototypes. With better engines those craft might be durable enough to explore some of the planets and asteroids close to Earth. The remaining capacity is split between a second naval yard and an additional research lab.

In March Heiko Zenz (LG 35%) completed research into Cargo Handling System and starts to look into means to lower the size of the Engineering Section of ships, another part that may be of use to the new fighter concept. The expansion of Zeppelin Werke by 500t (to 2kt) is completed by the end of April and another 500t is  ordered. In May Jana Scheele (LG 25%= completes research into Fuel Storage – Large and follows up with Cryogenic Transport.

On June, 13th the first spaceship ever build on Earth, the SMS Humboldt is completed and revealed to the public. A couple of viewers who were familiar with the design of submarines where reminded of them by Humboldt’s look.  Kapitän zur See Ruth Rohde was choosen as the captain, mainly due to her survey (25%) background and courageous nature. Part of the crew will be made up by additional survey specialists who are supposed to propect Luna for minerals that might escape the geo-sensor. In addition they are tasked to look at the strange signal being emitted from Luna. Since there is no fluctuation from the signal at all it seems unlikely that aliens are the cause of it. The survey team will be equipped with TN based Raumanzüge which should protect them from the vacuum of space which has been discovered by scientics programs using simple rockets. Elisabeth Huber will lead this team. In addition Duranium Armor has been researched by Adele Laurentius and (DS 10%) and she starts to look into a higher density version. Using the new Duranium Armor the Humboldt Mk2 is designed, at 1.1kt it is weighing 150t less than the original Humboldt.

Humboldt’s journey to Luna takes 1:20h and after close to 4 days in orbit no minerals were found - actually there were 160kt Corbomite (0.9), 349kt Vendarite (0.6), 754kt Sorium (0.2) and 2499kt Gallicite (0.9), but as mentioned at the start, minerals on Luna will be deleted – but the Geo-Survey team starts to look for minerals anyway while Humboldt continues it exploration of the Sol-System. A small base has been constructed which will house the Geo-Team. SMS Humboldt will head to survey Mercury next.

In early July Hans-Joachim Neubauer (PP 10%) completes Minimum Engine Power x0.4 and starts to look into a improved power source (Pebble Bed Reactor Tech). After spending more than 1 month chasing Mercury Humbold finally enters orbit, but after a couple of days it become clear that they are not able to detect any minerals. The next target is Venus. By the middle of August Humboldt reaches Venus and completes the survey on the 18th, 20mt of Duranium and 13mt of Boronide were found, but at minimal accessibility (0.1), in addition 29mt of Uridium with good accessibility (0.8 ) were found. This marks the first mineral deposits outside of Earth, but sadly those minerals are very hard to mine or not really in any danger of running out soon. Since the comet Comas Sola is moving close to Venus it is the next target. And 37kt of Tritanium (0.6 ) are found. Next up is the survey of Mars and Zeppelin-Werke gets another expansion by 500t.

In September another addition of 10kt to the Meyer-Werft is ordered (20kt at the moment). When SMS Humboldt enters the orbit around Mars on October, 3rd it detects a signal very similar tho the one from Luna.

In October August Roth (PP 15%) completes his research into Nuclear Thermal Engine and begins to design an improved engine. In addition the remaining labs and population of former Britain is completely integrated into Germany (except for 1 naval academy). With the new engine technology the envisioned fighter becomes reality and the naval shipyard will be freed up for other tasks. August Roth takes over the Pebble Bed Reactor research (with 7 labs now) and Stefanie Trattner (MK 20%) is assigned 1 lab to look into 10cm Railgun.
Code: [Select]
Humboldt Fighter class Geological Survey Vessel    500 tons     16 Crew     142.5 BP      TCS 10  TH 5  EM 0
500 km/s     Armour 1-5     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 20.7 Years     MSP 178    AFR 2%    IFR 0%    1YR 1    5YR 12    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 0   

5 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine (1)    Power 5    Fuel Use 89.1%    Signature 5    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 30 000 Litres    Range 12.1 billion km   (280 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and maintenance purposes

It will take more than 1 year to build the new Humboldt fighter, clearly showing that additional fighter factories are needed, another 40 (for a total of 50) are ordered.

That’s it for today…
« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 04:00:11 PM by CharonJr »

Offline CharonJr (OP)

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2019, 12:12:45 PM »
After the latest batch of officers and administrators have graduated from the naval academies all over the world the final remaining installation in Britain – the naval academy – is integrated into Germany as well, thus completing the integration of Britain.

In November Brauchitsch Transport Corporation launches 2 freigthers, 1 large freighter at 34.1kt with 25kt capacity and 1 huge freighter at 67.6kt with 50kt capacity. The authorities are at a loss what they actually want to transport, but it is suspected that they want to be prepared for when Germany starts to send automated mines to important mineral sites and infrastructure to potential colonies. And while both plans have not been communicated to the public plans are prepared for this. But it seems that they do not know that it is planed to test a new idea for the transportation of the minerals itself. There is a theory that batches of minerals can be shot from giant magnetic cannons and be received by a similar device at the destination. Early tests have been very promising amd a first “Mass Driver” is already under construction (but at a fairly low priority at the moment).

In early December a second civilian shipping line is established, Bartsch Shipping Lines. Later in December the Elisabeth Huber Geo-Team on Luna complete their investigation, but come up empty handed. Neither did they find any minerals nor have they been able to force entry into the installation they did find and which seems to be the source of the signals detected on Earth. They head back to Earth with a small shuttle that has been send for them. And in another shuttle they are heading off to their next destination, the comet Comas Sola (personally I dislike the micro involved in moving the geo-teams by actual shuttle, due to this I simply “beam” them to their new destinations – disbanding them and re-creating them). It looks like military forces will be needed to open the alien installation, but currently Earth lacks the means to move troops to Luna.

At the end of December Zeppelin Werke finished its expansion to 3kt and the slightly smaller and faster Humboldt Mk2 (which is still way inferior to the new Humboldt shuttle). Due to this no new ships are ordered for now, but the capacity expansion contines. Kapitän zur See (R3) Detlef Zweig (Survey 20%) is assigned to the Humboldt Mk2 which shows another advantage of the new Humboldt shuttles. They do not need a Fregattenkapitän (R2) to command them, a Korvettenkapitän (R1) is enough and thus officers more qualified for survey will be able to do the planetary surveys. Zweig is order to look for minerals on the closest system bodies.

Competition among civilian shipping lines will be really intense with two new competitors, Rosenfelder and Lindenbaum. And in March the remaining colonies on Earth improve their status to candidate populations. In April Timo Geizler completes Turret Tracking Speed 2kkm/s and Bastian Redlich (PP 20%) start to look into Capacitor Recharge Rate 2. And 474k Duraium at 1.0 accessability is discovered on Ceres. This is a very nice find, but Corundium is still more of a problem.

Temple-1 – surveyed at the end of May – looks decent, but still no Corundium: Neutronium 42kt @0.6, Corbomite 40kt @0.6, Tritanium 52kt @0.5, Mercassium 117kt @0.8 and Gallicite 10kt @0.9. A new research lab was constructed and another one ordered and Meyer Werft expanded its capacity by 10kt and another 10kt are ordered.

In August research into Cryo Transport is completed by Jana Scheele (LG 35%) and she start to look into Troop Transport Bays. In theory Earth would be able to colonize other planets and moons, but currently still lack the infrastructure to support large colonies. But production of infrastructure will get a higher priority and a first test base will be established on Luna with the available infrastructure (40 units). Civilian shipping is ordered to take care of the transport.

In September Wilhelm von Knapp (BG 40%) completes looking into Terraforming Rate 0.12 and tries to further improve it. Later this month the first Humboldt-Shuttle is completed and tasked with surveys of the more distant planets and moons due to its higher speed and longer range. With knowledge about a smaller engineering section just about 4 month away there is no order for an additional shuttle for now. A civilian mining colony was established on Faye with 3 mining complexes – Duranium 37kt @1, Corbomite 22kt @0.8, Trianium 30kt @0.5 and Mercassium 18kt @0.9 – none of this minerals are desperately needed at the moment, but are still useful. In addition the treasury holds more than 150k credits, with a surplus of about +580, so the decision to buy those minerals is easily made.

After finishing EM Sensory Sensitivity 6 in October Gabriele Schenk (SF 50%) starts to look into Beam Fire Control Range 10kkm. Towards the end of December August Roth (PP 15%) completes his research into the new Pebble Bed Reactor and continues with Nuclear Pulse Engine Technology.

Heiko Zenz (LG 45%) finishes his Engineering Section – Small project and tries to reduce the size even further. The reason for this becomes clear when the new section is fitted into an improved Humboldt shuttle. It is still way too large for a fighter chassis. But since it is still an improvement one new Mk2 is ordered.
Code: [Select]
Humboldt Shuttle Mk2 class Geological Survey Vessel    500 tons     14 Crew     140.5 BP      TCS 10  TH 5  EM 0
500 km/s     Armour 1-5     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 0
Maint Life 9.2 Years     MSP 88    AFR 4%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 2    5YR 28    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 72 months    Spare Berths 0   

5 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine (1)    Power 5    Fuel Use 89.1%    Signature 5    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 60 000 Litres    Range 24.2 billion km   (561 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and maintenance purposes

February sees the launch of the first luxury spaceliner by Rosenfelder Marine, enabling the more affluent people to take a pleasure cruise into space. An environment previously reserved for scientists and the military. With the second mass driver completed on Earth civilian transports get a contract to move a mass driver to Faye. Soon it will be known whether mass drivers work over planetary distances as well. In March Elisabeth Huber’s Geo-Survey team finishes their work on Mercury without finding anything, they are shuttled to Faye where the mass driver is starting to send minerals back to Earth. And the mass driver is working as expected with the driver on Earth neatly catching the packets send by the driver on Faye. This should safe fuel and transport capacity, even though at the moment both of those are there in abundance. The geo-team fails to find any new deposits.

In June Stephanie Trattner (MK 20%) finished research into Railgun 10cm and continues to look into larger calibers. And it is starting to get really crowded around Earth, despite still not much to do for the civilians (well, except moving stuff from Earth to Earth ;) ).

That’s it for today…

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2019, 09:52:08 AM »
Yeah, you get an an early civilian commerce boost from the fact of having multiple colonies on Earth. Usually it takes until a Moon/Mars colony for that to happen.

Offline CharonJr (OP)

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2019, 06:28:11 AM »
Yes, unexpectred benefit, but another reason to integrate the colonies as quickly as possible once the reach "imperial population" level.

The next update will be a bit delayed, currently downloading Interstallar Space: Genesis and taking a look at it today :)

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2019, 03:08:27 PM »
I see you shipped a mass driver to Faye to get the minerals to Earth. In case you didn't know civilian mining colonies have an implicit mass driver that can be used when you have selected purchase minerals. This means that the mass driver you shipped to Faye is wasted, unless there was more than two trips worth of minerals stockpiled on Faye.
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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2019, 03:43:08 PM »
Ah, great, thx for the heads up, another thing I have forgotten. I had wondered why there were 2 packets at first, but this explains it nicely :)

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2019, 05:57:50 AM »
Civilian mining complex's mass drivers will only send the production of the CMCs.  If you have automines as well, the minerals from them will build up.

Also CMCs spawn with a Deep Space Sensor and a garrison troop, if you have that tech, and a low tech armor division if you don't.  Low tech armor divisions can be turned into cadre to help build marine divisions faster.

Offline CharonJr (OP)

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2019, 01:41:21 PM »
Yes, thx, but at the moment the plan is to use the asteroids/comets either exclusivly for civilian OR government mining. I used cadres extensively during the initial phases of this AAR ;)

In August a decent source for Corundium has been found on the comet Wolf – Corundium 83kt @0.8, Mercassium 21kt @0.5, Tritanium 16kt @0.5, Vendarite 16kt @ 0.9, Corbomite 11kt @1.0. For the moment there will be no colony established on Wofl, hoping that a civilian mining company might begin to exploit the minerals which would be bought from them. Later in August the Humboldt Shuttle Mk2 is completed and starts its exploration. Due to their low speed and bad fuel efficiency the original Humboldt’s will remain at Earth when they return there once their current fuel runs out.

In October Gabriele Schenk (SF 55%) finishes Beam Fire Control Range 10kkm and she looks into Active Grav Sensor 10 next. And in December the supply of Mercassium on Earth has been exhausted. The current stockpiles are at about 40kt and the best current alternative source is Temple-1 at 117kt @0.8. But for now there is no immediate need to do anything about it. A few days later the second naval shipyard is completed, Braun Systems. For now nothing will be build there, but its capacity will be extended. The program to convert mines into automated mines is expanded.

In April a civilian mining company is established on Encke with 3 complexes – Corbomite 35kt @0.6, Sorium 97kt @0.9, Mercassium 37kt @0.6, Vendarite 24kt @1.0 and Bornide 19kt @1.0, the minerals are bought for now since the current surplus is still at +520 credits and the treasury at 216k.

In Mai Jana Scheele (LG 35%) completes research into Troop Transport Bay and she starts to look into Boat Bay. The concept to carry smaller sized and highly specialized boats inside a large mothership to their destination and launch them there seems very intriguing. With the completion of the Troop Transport Bay Earth should finally have the means to break into the alien installations on Luna and Mars.  The Kranich troop transport is designed and a new commercial shipyard will be build to construct it since Meyer Werft is currently expanded to 70kt.
Code: [Select]
Kranich class Troop Transport    8 450 tons     73 Crew     232 BP      TCS 169  TH 100  EM 0
591 km/s     Armour 1-36     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
MSP 43    Max Repair 40 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 3   
Troop Capacity: 2 Battalions    Cargo Handling Multiplier 10   

EP0.40 - FC0.10 - 25HS 50 EP Commercial Nuclear Thermal Engine (2)    Power 50    Fuel Use 6.83%    Signature 50    Exp 4%
Fuel Capacity 50 000 Litres    Range 15.6 billion km   (305 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

With 200 infrastructure stored on Earth these are transported to Mars, this should enable a small human colony there, the first human colony outside of Earth itself and the first real step to the stars for Humanity. Construction of infrastructure is stepped up and a Mass Driver is send to Mars to provide minerals as needed and a tracking station to look for any other alien outposts. The first colonists arrived an Mars at July, 17th 1886. Harald Alt (Wealth +25%, Mining +5%, Terra +10%) becomes the first governor of Mars.

In September another civilian mining colony is established, this time on Machholz, but with just 1 mining complex (raised to 3 over the next couple of months) – Corbomite 41kt @ 1.0, Sorium 20kt @ 0.8 and Corundium 28kt @0.8. Due to the Corundium this mining output will be bought by the government as well. With Active Grav Sensors 10 completed Gabriele Schenk (SF 55%) start to look into Thermal Sensor Sensitivity 6.

In November August Roth (PP 15%) completes Nuclear Pulse Engine Tech and starts to look into civilian and military applications for the new technology. NPEs should open up the next level of speed for Earth’s navy. In December the military engine design is completed. I will "instant" every design below 100RP and research anything above 100. The new Humboldt Shuttle Mk3 raises its speed from 500km/s to 800km/s and the Kranich Troop Transport design ends up with twice the speed – from 591km/s to 1183km/s.

Code: [Select]
Humboldt Shuttle Mk3 class Geological Survey Vessel    500 tons     14 Crew     140.5 BP      TCS 10  TH 8  EM 0
800 km/s     Armour 1-5     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 0
Maint Life 9.2 Years     MSP 88    AFR 4%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 2    5YR 28    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 72 months    Spare Berths 0   

EPx1.0 FCx0.9 1HS 8 EP Nuclear Pulse Engine (1)    Power 8    Fuel Use 89.1%    Signature 8    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 60 000 Litres    Range 24.2 billion km   (350 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and maintenance purposes

Code: [Select]
Kranich class Troop Transport    8 450 tons     77 Crew     263 BP      TCS 169  TH 200  EM 0
1183 km/s     Armour 1-36     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
MSP 49    Max Repair 40 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 1   
Troop Capacity: 2 Battalions    Cargo Handling Multiplier 10   

EPx0.5 FCx0.9 25HS 100 EP ComNPE (2)    Power 100    Fuel Use 11.93%    Signature 100    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50 000 Litres    Range 8.9 billion km   (87 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

August Roth starts to look into lower fuel consumption next (0.8 liters). And it looks like only the rich and famous are moving to Mars. Despite 2 regular colony ships in Earth’s orbit everybody who resettles to Mars uses a luxury liner… ;)

That’s it for today…

Edit: The trigger for the luxury liners is having the capital colony on Earth set to stable, once it is a source of colonists the other ships join in moving colonists.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 03:39:16 PM by CharonJr »

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2019, 03:35:25 PM »
Completed techs: Boat Bay, Terraforming Rate 0.0015atm, Capacitor Recharge 2, Fuel Consumption 0.8, Engineering Section- Tiny
New techs being researched: Construction Brigade, Terraforming Rate 0.002atm (1 lab), Jump Point Theory, Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Tech, Mining Production 12, Construction Rate 12, Fighter Production 12, Research Rate 240, Ship to Ship tractor beam

Construction Brigades are being put up for research since they are very helpful for building up a new colony. In addition they are useful if/when alien ruins are discovered. And I should have started to research Mining Production much earlier, but since I still lack a CP specialist I was still hoping for one, started now without any specialist. Same for Construction Rate 12. Fighter Production 12 and Research Rate 240 are only researched as training for the two 0% CP specialists I do have available.

In April the Neutronium and Boronide supplies on Earth have been exhausted. But for the moment there are still decent stockpiles of around 20kt of Neutronium (not that decent actually) and 34kt Boronide. A new civilian mining colony has been established on Neujmin using 2 complexes – Neutronium 20kt @0.7, Sorium 29kt @1.0, Corundium 17kt @0.6 – with a surplus of still 500cr and 251kcr all civilian mining production will be bought for now. Later in April the new commercial shipyard is completed – Otto Systems. 1 Kranich Troop Transport is ordered (should complete in February 1888) and the shipyard will be extended to 20kt.

 In July the next mineral supply has been exhausted on Earth, Gallicite, remaining stockpile is at around 47kt. With Corundium levels dropping below 15kt something has to be done. This picture does look bleaker than reality since there are still 7 other colonies on Earth with their own (but much smaller) mineral stockpiles.

With the civilian mining companies refusing to work on Wolf a colony is established there and all 22 automated mines and 1 mass driver are send to Wolf, additional mine conversions are needed and ordered. And still in July all remaining colonies on Earth reach imperial population status. Over the next years Earth will complete its unification (last research finishes in 1890).


Completed techs: Thermal Sensors 6, High Density Duranium Armor
New techs being researched: Fire Control Speed Rating 2000km/s, EM Sensor Sensitivity 8, Composite Armor

In mid-January Earth’s first troop transport SMS Kranich is completed. She loads 2 Assault Battalions and the Christian Kellermann Xeno team (only roleplay reasons for the team) and heads towards the alien installation on Luna. The resistance is heavier than expected, even if it just seems to consist of automated defenses. The two Assault Battalions are only slightly more powerful than the defenses. In order to lower the risk another 2 Assault Battalions are brought from Earth. Due to this and another same sized alien installation on Mars a second Kranich class is ordered.

By the end of March the first (of 2) aliens units on Luna is destroyed. 10 days later the second unit is destroyed as well. No living aliens were encountered, just automated defenses and “robots” as one of the troops with Russian origins had started to call them and the name stuck. Except for some infrastructure nothing was found in the alien installation, making its purpose a mystery. All four commanders involved in the fight are awarded the Xeno Combat Medal.

At the end of February Earth Academy finally produces a decent construction/production specialist, Karl-Ludwig Hettinger (CP 10%) who takes over the Mining Production project, sadly his inexperience prevents him from overseeing more than 5 labs. 1. and 2. Mobile Infantrie Brigaden are send to Mars to provide protection and breach the alien installation there. And another 17 automated mines are send to Wolf, for a total of 39, still not enough.

At the beginning of June the assault by 2 mobile brigades on the alien installation on Mars is launched. After one month the assault is completed successfully. As expected it turned out that the installation was nearly identical to the one on Luna, including 2 robotic defense units. And again only infrastructure was found. After a thorough examination of both installations it was deemed that nothing new could be learned here and both sites are sealed.

In early December TF Survey 1 (a Humboldt Shuttle) runs out of fuel due to having failed to account for Earth’s movements in the calculations for heading back to refuel. But the fairly close proximity to Earth will allow the troop transport SMS Kranich to provide enough fuel to enable the return to Earth.

BTW, any idea how I can get rid of those annoying messages? Most of these empires are integrated into Germany by now and they have no colony left (used “abandon” to get rid of them).

That’s it for today…
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Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2019, 07:00:21 PM »
CMCs only appear on colonies with at least .7 of Duranium or Sorium.
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Offline Garfunkel

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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2019, 05:24:19 AM »
You have to use SM mode to delete the "race" completely.
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Re: Poor Earth AAR
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2019, 01:45:14 PM »
Had forgotten about the "Race Screen", but found it after some looking around, thx :)


Completed techs: Terraforming Module, Construction Rate 10, Reduced-size Launcher 0.75 Size / 2x Reload, Mining Production 12
New techs being researched: Asteroid Mining Module, Railgun Launch Velocity 1

By the end of February Humboldt Shuttle 001 suffered a maintenance failure, despite still having some supplies left if shows that wear and tear will take it toll after having been in constant use for close to 4.5 years. Since it is starting to be fairly slow and inefficient by current standards it will be scrapped when it heads back to Earth to refuel the next time. A modern replacement is already under construction – 800km/s speed and 28.3 billion km range vs. 500km/s with a range of 12.1 billion km.

By the end of the year the most highly decorated ground commander, Generalleutnant Katharina von Helms was retired due to a severe medical problem. She participated in all the battles of Earth’s unification and was leading I. Infantrie Division before being forced into retirement. Generalmajor Gunnar Pelz, also a veteran of all the early battles is taking over as commander of I. Infantrie Division.

Completed techs: Railgun Launch Velocity 1, EM Sensor Sensitivity 8, Ship to Ship Tractor Beam, Construction Brigades, Research Rate 240
New techs being researched: Railgun Launch Velocity 2, Active Grav Sensor 12, Salvage Module 500, Colonization Cost Reduction 5%, Shipbuilding Rate 560

With the completion of research into Construction Brigades the last impediment for the total integration of the former nations of Earth into the Kaiserreich has vanished. Humanity truly stands united and is ready to take their next step on the voyage to towards its destiny.

Total Population

Earth details

Earth minerals and stockpiles


Shipping lines - I see some nasty pirates attacks here in the future ;)


Concerning research only 1 scientist with a positive CP-rate is a fairly heavy burden. Karl-Ludwig Hettinger has just a 10% bonus, but at least he is able to coordinate 20 labs now. The other research areas are covered pretty well, except for DS with is at just 10% as well: BG 45%, EW 30%, LG 60% and 40%, MK 30%, PP25% and SF at 55% and 50%.

The biggest overall concern is the lack of any really good sources for minerals. Between the civilian mines and about 110 automines the situation is fairly stable, but at the moment there is essentially no shipbuilding or expansion of shipyard capacities going on. And this will not really change till larger deposits are found and exploited. Jump Point Theory will get a higher priority soon.

8 construction battalions and 2 brigade HQs start their training to help with the development of Mars. And with the completion of Research Rate 240 8 labs are focused on Jump Point Theory now, which should speed up completion to November 1891.

That’s it for today…