View full version: The Academy
  1. How to "Un-assign and Pick up individual officer"
  2. Dumb newbie mistakes to avoid
  3. Can I use old Armor?
  4. Time increments suddenly 2 hours only.
  5. Landing on moving carriers
  6. Cargo Handling on a Carrier, does it help recover fighters?
  7. Music files
  8. Small Missiles in too big of Launchers.
  9. RE: Detection Tab at the First Menu
  10. Error 6 overflow
  11. System Fleets and Making New Ones
  12. Baces that do Not move/ Oribital Baces?
  13. Questions about naval organisation
  14. Ramming Damage
  15. Jump tenders with multiple jump drives
  16. Compressed Fuel Storage
  17. Do Transponders work, and how much?
  18. Scientists
  19. Retooling Cost
  20. Random Lettering
  21. Less than max capacity cargo hauling?
  22. Sensor clarification?
  23. Mineral Production Overview?
  24. Population Detection
  25. Production time for shipyad extensions...
  26. Do I need to assign troops to the population of a conquered planet?
  27. NPR ship icon
  28. How will my ground combat fare...?
  29. PDC Hangar Issue?
  30. Best default & conditional orders for survey/scouts (and design strategy).
  31. Turret armor, and will shields protect turrets?
  32. Is it deliberate that Financial Centers cannot be transported?
  33. Deep Space Maintenance
  34. How to leave a terraforming platform on station, long term?
  35. how to automate a colony ship?
  36. It appears that it is possible to uncheckmark the generate only non-tn races
  37. How to increase Crew Grade?
  38. Setting up rank and class priorities - how and why
  39. Cancelling Overahaul
  40. How to delete TGs when you cant see the button?
  41. Sensor Buoys to Pre-Scout new System
  42. civilian mining colonies stopped being built
  43. how many terraformers would i need to terraform a planet in 5 days?
  44. So if I am terraforming alot should I start with infrastructure
  45. why the civilians not building?
  46. How to rename a task group on a laptop with reduced height enabled?
  47. what is Error 94?
  48. how much is the colony cost is it really 5 credits or something or bigger?
  49. what does orbital habitats do?
  50. What is a cadre and what does it do and what can I do with it?