View full version: The Academy
  1. ground forces - what to build and how to organize
  2. help with supply ships
  3. diplomacy how-to
  4. missile substitution?
  5. Is it viable to use only beams
  6. A few questions about anti-missile fire control
  7. Civilian Mining Complex
  8. Reproducing components from fiction/AARs
  9. First STO design - am I missing anything?
  10. Fighter strategy
  11. AWACS style ships in support
  12. Mechanics for FFD and ground units capable of bombardment?
  13. Are ground support fighters effective? Are they worth the effort?
  14. Best route to mining Io
  15. Sensor station with no sensors - what am i doing wrong
  16. Survey Ship Fleet Organization
  17. Can a Beam PD target a ship?
  18. AMM or PD or both
  19. How many FC's does a AMM ship need to defend against multiple salvo's?
  20. First contact with a neutral NPR
  21. Some help with firing from range if i may
  22. Creating brigades, regiments, divisions etc
  23. Unable to target enemy despite being in range
  24. New colony must haves and have nots
  25. Harvesters and refuelling wisdom
  26. Fleets at home and away
  27. Missile combat supplies
  28. Steve’s magic tonnage algorithm
  29. Unprepared for first contact
  30. New system entry jump point 3 years from planets
  31. Ground survey potential?
  32. Can a tug be too small?
  33. Noob Questions
  34. Unrest on Luna
  35. Obsolete species
  36. Question About Missile Hits
  37. noob request
  38. Missile design question
  39. Orbital Mining Platforms - best way to mine Venus
  40. Alpha Centauri IIIA and Proxima questions
  41. Beam weapon dropoff
  42. negative numbers in mass driver column in mining screen
  43. My terraforming station is ready - help towing it out to Luna
  44. (v2.5) Tips for new Players (and old ones)
  45. Comet with multiple minerals but i only really need one
  46. Private companies have arrived
  47. New game no "Know star system"
  48. Supported Population percentage not moving
  49. Turrets in STO
  50. Automines On Halle Bopp