Author Topic: 2080-2100 The Gears of War turn slowly  (Read 2553 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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2080-2100 The Gears of War turn slowly
« on: November 30, 2010, 04:00:54 AM »

Research Data hack completed

Weapons Division
Hirasi Maya has completed research into Beam Fire Control Range 40000 km - 21st April 2080
Raymundo Plough has completed research into EM Detection Sensor EM20-220 (70%) - 21st January 2081
Jeremy Mattinson has completed research into Active Search Sensor MR438-R160 (70%) - 19th June 2082
Simone Claus has completed research into Interceptor R10 Anti Missile Turret - 7th October 2082
Simone Claus has completed research into SeaDart AMM Mk 1 - 17th October 2082
Simone Claus has completed research into Capacity 100 Magazine: Exp 15%  HTK5 - 23rd November 2082
Jeremy Mattinson has completed research into Fire Control S5160-5000 (Beam) - 11th January 2083
Simone Claus has completed research into 15cm SX Laser - 11th February 2083
Michail Rozhdestvensky has completed research into Magneto-plasma Missile Drive: 4 per MSP - 16th August 2083
Hirasi Maya has completed research into Fire Control FC69-R1 - (Anti-Missile) - 26th October 2083
Faustino Chisom has completed research into Twin 25cm SX Laser Turret - 26th February 2084

Michail Rozhdestvensky has completed research into RollsRoyce J30000(5-250) Jump Drive - 17th December 2081
Sascha Neurath has completed research into Shipyard Operations: 5% Time/Cost Saving - 2nd October 2082
Sascha Neurath has completed research into Shipyard Operations: 10% Time/Cost Saving - 26th April 2084

Faustino Chisom has completed research into Terraforming Rate 0.0015 atm - 21st March 2081

Fade in peeps

I know it has been 5 years since our last communication, its not because we have gone anywhere, but there has been a surprising lack of quality news except in the research labs. After the analysis on the loss of the Wingate and WSA, it was realised Earth could not defend itself. This year EUF Fleet has requested two new warship classes, the Crusader Light Carrier, and the Panther Destroyer. These two class have been added to Janes Earth Union Vessel section.

We have been fortunate enough recently to bring you the latest developments from BrightStar's labs, as you can see the investment in weapons technology and the rate at which is produced is quite breathtaking.

We are still some time away from making any progress, BrightStar attentions are being kept very busy from the external threat that they have not turned any attentions back towards us, besides their ads they broadcast on a weekly basis in regards to Pirate radio is a great threat.

The release of the research information above may stir the bear, but majority of these discoveries have been announced in various source to keep the population abreast that BrightStar is taking the threat very seriously and helping Earth Union with all of it resources.

Till we Fade
« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 06:09:10 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2080- The Gears of War turn slowly
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 12:21:17 AM »

Deep Search Tags.....
25th October 2085Delta Pavonis-A IV Colonized
25th November 2085  Civilian Administrator Chief Director Hartmut Pfaff has retired from government service at the age of 76
10th October 2086Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Marlena Pecinovsky has been killed in an accident. Assignment prior to death: C.O. DSS Brooklyn
29th April 2088Jump Gate Construction underway at Barnards Star Jump Point Jump Point
29th April 2088An exploration of a jump point in the Ross 154 system has revealed the new system of 70 Ophiuchi
1st May 2088An exploration of a jump point in the Ross 154 system has revealed the new system of Lacaille 8760
1st June 2088Colonel Clara Körner  has developed a severe medical problem that has forced him to retire. Assignment prior to retirement: C.O. 13th "Lucky" Engineer Brigade
1st October 2088Retooling for Tapajó class completed at Jeremiah Simonson

Fade in

Some sad news today, my fellow readers, you may not be aware but High Priest Skymaster has been battling with a form of deep sleep sickness, from his time in the cryogenics. He has been very weary and now is bed ridden, we hope there is to be found to be a cure for his sickness but currently the technology does not allow us to heal him.

The Order of Righteous Knowledge shalt continue as before bringing truth to the galaxy. We as an organisation dedicate our sacraments at his altar of passion.

There has been a number of events that we have entered into the Tomes of Knowledge, included, Colonel Clara Körner riveting published book called "A visit to the unknown" The book describes the 13th Engineer Battalion in retrieving 7 alien installations that also gave Earth a couple of scientific helping hands. BrightStar is currently attempting to remove and ban this books.

The Tapajó Salvage vessels has been laid, but building progress for all EUF vessels have stalled due to the heavy reliance on Sorium, and on that note we bring you a report from some of the first colonist from Delta Pavonis-A IV.

E-Pulse to ORK

John T Booker the III here,

Y'all won't believe what BrightStar has out here, we all thought we were here to be digun up some Trit, or Dura. But there is friggen load of Sorium here. Nubody on Earthside knowz about it yet, its hard to get too, but we aimz to get it. Not sure why anyone been notified maybe the crisis is finished. The boyz here been settling in and wifey not super happy that she can't go outside and smell the sweet air, and shes hotter then Texas in a heatwave, but she will manage. Lucky we down in the minez its cooler. The boyz been saying that their bringing some new terra-something gear,  to make the planet cooler and breathable. I think there nutz.

The EUFS Brooklyn has gone through yet another Captain, the Brooklyn series seem a bit of a cursed series. Although these series is well past the use by date, yet Earth cannot or will not replace the final survey ship, since shipbuilding is currently unworkable.

Till we Fade

« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 07:59:17 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2080- The Gears of War turn slowly
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2010, 10:41:55 PM »

Deep Search Tags .....

25th March 2089  Retooling for Marcellus class completed at Odense Steel Shipyard Inc. Ltd. on Earth
25th January 2090  Pallaeon 003 (Pallaeon MkII class) refitted on Earth
1st May 2090  Akagi (Tapajó Mk II class) Launched
12th July 2090  Akagi is destroyed, in Lacaille 8760 system

New item archived .....


Good Evening, sorry to interrupt your normal scheduling. We have just received confirmation, that the Akagi Recovery Vessel has been destroyed on it maiden voyage to investigate some derelict space craft.

Earth Fleet had surveyed this system with no previous encounters so it was assumed safe for UEFS Akagi to begin operations. The Akagi were moving to the site when they were struck 5 times from a "41 Arae" type missile system. The vessel was outfitted for defence purposes and was destroyed within 5 seconds. There is no reported survivors.

Our condolences go out to all the families of the 478 crew that was onboard the UEFS Akagi that have perished.


Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2080- The Gears of War turn slowly
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 12:33:08 AM »

6th March 2091   Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Colton Orndoff has been killed in an accident
7th October 2091   Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Ooka Nobuyoshi has been killed in an accident
7th January 2092   Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Ingeborg Perbandt has retired from the service at the age of 62

Fade in

Welcome viewers,

We will focus on disturbing information that has been happening around EU Fleet HQ. We have linked a number of sources together to bring you the truth about how political and devious our top echelon leaders are.

The story begins with the South African Rear Admiral Colton Orndoff, he was the first Fleet Commander after a period of time where control was directly under the EUD, a number of mistakes from Fleet Command and the political nature of the appointment, is why EUD took a number years to recreate the position.

Orndoff's period of tenure, had been a difficult one, due mainly to slow progress in building a defensive fleet. The loss of the Akagi, brought a lot of criticism to Orndoff's office, which much of the blame resting with him. Orndoff survived the inquiry due to the support of many of the western senators, the senators from Far East and South East Asia, had formed a protest block, they have expressed anger over what they see Western attempts to suppress their countries status in EU Fleet. A deal was struck to keep Orndoff on until the next promotion, which would go to a officer from the Far East block.

Orndoff was returning from an inspection of the Fleet, when a fuel valve malfunctioned and his shuttle exploded in Earth Orbit. The inquiry into the accident had only begun, and the Eastern Block had nominated the Japanese commander Ooka Nobuyoshi, into the promotion and permission of Rear Admiral of the Fleet.

Within months there was a number of appointments which had upset the Western Block senators, due to the apparent "jobs for the boys" feel about them.

Commander Okamoto Akimitsu promoted to Captain
Commander Feng Bi Hua has been promoted to Captain
Lieutenant Commander Konae Naoshige promoted to Commander
Lieutenant Commander Kang Shi Cai promoted to Commander

The Western block then accused the East of killing Orndoff to instate Nobuyoshi for their own political agenda, the media started describing Nobuyoshi, no more then a puppet. Tensions escalated but only inside the halls of the EUD, until the mysterious death of Nobuyoshi.

Nobuyoshi was visiting a BrightStar research facility where, although he was told not to enter the room where a laser experiment was taking place, he wandered in and was mortally wounded by a malfunction.

Considering Nobuyoshi was an intelligent man, considering the number of accidents in a BrightStar are about once per year and rarely fatal, the final report from the BrightStar investigation does not seem to be fair assessment of the events of that day. Unfortunately I do not believe we ever know what actual took place.

Although the continual squabbles continue in the EUD halls, Ingeborg Perbandt had been promoted to Rear Admiral of the Fleet, a Dutch representative and served 1 years before retiring, which would of been around the same time Orndoff was set to retire.

The wheel of time turns, and most times you find yourself exactly where it began.

Till we Fade

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2080- The Gears of War turn slowly
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2010, 12:11:37 AM »
24th February 2093 Michail Rozhdestvensky recieves the Science Medal for services to the field of engine design
4th November 2096 BrightStar to move components from Mars to Delta Prime was taken, this is the new name given to the colony at Delta Pavonis IV
1st June 2097 Construction of Naval Shipyard Complex completed on Earth

Fade in peeps

Welcome viewers,

Life on the Homeworld and the two colonies have had a mundane existence, the thoughts and concerns of Alien races invading our system have been left far behind, in many respects Earthers feel safe, as they feel the aliens do not have any jump technology, otherwise they would of encroached on our shores a while ago.

The colonizing of Delta Prime, is actually the sacrifice of Mar colony, instead of building new installations BrightStar is stripping Mars, which is also stripping it of any strategic importance to earth. The Martians have develop a fair bit of commercial industry, so the job market is still health but this has still set upset many Martians who feel Earth have abandoned them.

We enter a new century, humans have already had an eventful century of space flight, we wonder what another century will bring in on this note we will  conclude todays message.

Till we fade