Fiction > Starfire

New Starfire PAPER game

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Hey guys, I am interested in getting a new paper Starfire game going. I was thinking of using this cool 3D map proggy I have to flesh it out as we go. It would be 3rd edition of course and probably done via email. Anyone up for it, let me know? Thanks, Damon

Sorry guys, I have been seriously ill and can no longer sit without a great deal of pain, so writing or doing much Starfire anything is out. My cancer is reaching the end stage apparently and I have been hospitalized on and off for the last 3 months. I am in enormous pain and and drugged to the gills, haha. I wish you guys all the best......Damon

Steve Walmsley:

--- Quote from: "idahobeef" ---Sorry guys, I have been seriously ill and can no longer sit without a great deal of pain, so writing or doing much Starfire anything is out. My cancer is reaching the end stage apparently and I have been hospitalized on and off for the last 3 months. I am in enormous pain and and drugged to the gills, haha. I wish you guys all the best......Damon
--- End quote ---

It's difficult to know what to say Damon. I hope that if I am ever in a similar situation I will follow your example and keep living my life as well as I can for as long as can. The very best of luck!


Hey Steve, thanks man and just so you know, you, above all others involved in Starfire, have been a huge inspiration for me. Your work has especially been encouraging and outstanding and thought-provoking, moving me to accomplish much in the Starfire realm. I was grateful to be a (small) part of your 3DG as well. I am looking into some voice recognition software so I can continue my work as long as I can, but the pain I am suffering is just awful and although I have many projects I want to get done, I don't think I will be able to finish the things that I want. I hope you continue to do the (outstanding) work that you always seem to produce. I will continue to admire from a distance. Best wishes, Damon


Hey Beef, sorry you're not doing well. Take care as best you can and we'll keep praying for you.



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