Author Topic: Constructing a Warp Hub  (Read 1393 times)

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Offline Thiosk (OP)

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Constructing a Warp Hub
« on: September 17, 2011, 04:27:59 PM »
I am considering the construction of a warp-trade hub for my empire.  I do not intend to use the warp hub for my own military vessels, except in the event of an invader wormhole in the system.  (god forbid)

I intend to waste about a million research points on the project (a sequence of giant jump-drive racial techs) to simulate it being a major investment of time and effort by my empire.

What the system is going to do is act as a shortcut system for linking the far-flung portions of the empire with an easy path allowing the trade vessels to transit between the major economic centers in a few jumps.  Imagine earth at the center, five major economic centers 4 separate jump paths away, then I will link all the distant centers together with two jumps so ships can cross the empire in two jumps.

I was wondering if anyone who has experience in system creation can provide any tips to avoid game corrupting disaster.  I would prefer the system to be bodyless...

Is there any computational disadvantage by linking five stars in my empire to a single SM created system?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 04:31:32 PM by Thiosk »

Offline voknaar

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Re: Constructing a Warp Hub
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2011, 09:52:45 PM »
That's actually a good idea. Space Empires V you can actually do this with existing tech if you have it researched. Basically in that game you can close and open warp points  (jump points in aurora) using open wormhole and close wormhole devices respectively. Doing so you could construct a hub you could have connected to all systems in your empire. One thing i did was have a hub system and a second system that i could send an invading force then close the warp point after them. From there I'd open a point to a place I'd want to invade and send them on their way. As expected AI doesn't handle pathing well when there are players able to legitly move open and close jump points on a whim. But if you started with only basic tech then odds were you could have conquered everything before you advanced to that point.

But anywho back to aurora: You could just use a bodiless system generated randomly in your travels, especially if it only has one point in the first place. I haven't heard of issues created because of the use of the system generation feature but I'd just suggest backing up the game before you started on that path. Good luck.

Offline Thiosk (OP)

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Re: Constructing a Warp Hub
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 01:00:18 PM »
Yeah I think I broke something... drat. 

error in display wp
error 5
invalid procedure call
