Thank you.
I just wish I had more of a chance to post here lately.
The oldest boy just shipped out for Afghanistan at the end of January, and just a week later my wife was in a car accident. She's doing ok, but was laid up for some time. (And she has no problem letting me do her housework for her. Now if the other driver would have had insurance - that would have helped...
And after that, the computer that had my outline for March 2205 fried. I couldn't salvage anything off of it.
So I've been redoing the outline from my notes and retyping the next few parts as best I could remember.
So we haven't even gotten in our normal game nights on Fridays for about a month now.
But my wife's back to work, we've got a new computer, and I'm hoping to get the next part out mid week.
I have to go over to my mother's to work on my taxes...