Aurora 4x

C# Aurora => C# Mechanics => Topic started by: Ekskavator on April 26, 2020, 03:30:18 PM

Title: Ground-based AA Fire. Question about efficiency of Light Anti-Aircraft.
Post by: Ekskavator on April 26, 2020, 03:30:18 PM
In the topic hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg109914#msg109914 we see "If a hit is scored, the damage vs the fighter is (Ground Damage Value  / 20)^2 rounded down.  For example, an AA unit with a ground damage value of 40 would have AA Damage of (40 / 20) ^ 2 = 4. "
But Light Anti-Aircraft have damage 2. 0 and this means that if Race Weapon Strength is, for example, 9, then the damage will still be 0.
How then to use it?
My experience of the game is still small, I consider only its very beginning, but it seems to me that RWS is equal to 10 or, if possible, higher is still very far away.
Maybe it should be done so that such a weapon does at least 1 unit of damage?
Title: Re: Ground-based AA Fire. Question about efficiency of Light Anti-Aircraft.
Post by: Zap0 on August 30, 2020, 11:29:56 PM
Going to necro this as I have pretty much the same question. This is the thread about AA rules linked above (

Will light AA just do no damage?
Also, what is the AA Value that gets shown in the unit design window when mounting AA? Is it the damage done to planes on hit? If so, it doesn't match the rules linked above, in my attached image the designing empire has a racial weapon strength of 8 and another one with 10 gets the same AA Values.
Does the penetration stat on AA only affect it's ground combat values and has no effect on shooting fighters?
Title: Re: Ground-based AA Fire. Question about efficiency of Light Anti-Aircraft.
Post by: Prapor on October 01, 2020, 04:37:28 AM
My frontline units of space infantry too much interested in understanding the question whether the them LAA in any way effective?