Aurora 4x

C# Aurora => C# Suggestions => Topic started by: Lazerus on May 10, 2020, 10:34:42 PM

Title: Ground Forces Tab - Organizing Large Formations
Post by: Lazerus on May 10, 2020, 10:34:42 PM
So I've run into a bit of an issue with my current game where I'm building up much larger garrison, that being...

I can't actually build units properly since I can't cut and paste, or move things where they need to go, due to screen height issues.

As you can see, due to the size of my military formations, I literally cannot get the PDF units from lower down my scroll to the PDF units, and since most of my Astra Militarum Units are going to Corps still in training, I'm kinda stuck.  I'm currently trying to simply move a bunch of units to a different planet to allow for some kind of organisation but it's a major pain.

Is there any way for a future patch to allow for a kind of naval order setup where you can order units to join certain HQs, or like how in Class Design the wide view provides 2 columns, potentially allowing you to drag units from one side to the other to assign units to higher HQs.

If there's a workaround, please let me know as currently this is a bit of a QoL issue for GUs in any real quantity.

EDIT: forgot the screenshot
Title: Re: Ground Forces Tab - Organizing Large Formations
Post by: clew on May 10, 2020, 11:03:47 PM
Can you add them to a holding army or something like that in order to get a formation layer built in that you can then toggle?
Title: Re: Ground Forces Tab - Organizing Large Formations
Post by: Lazerus on May 10, 2020, 11:36:56 PM
The problem is that would require an absurdly large HQ, which then just leads to them all being THERE.  The problem is that you can't scroll to say, your mechanized infantry you want to stick in THIS division, vs all your armour or artillery or what have you, or if you instead want to make some geosurvey units while your ground troops wait for their HQs to finish cooking.  I think a way to order them to specific HQs a la Naval Org or a dual column that can drag one to the other would work best, but I don't know what Steve can do for this.
Title: Re: Ground Forces Tab - Organizing Large Formations
Post by: Black on May 11, 2020, 12:51:32 AM
You can open two Ground Forces windows and drag and drop between them.
Title: Re: Ground Forces Tab - Organizing Large Formations
Post by: Exultant on May 11, 2020, 12:54:15 AM
You can open 2 windows by shift-clicking the ground forces button. Drag-drop works between two windows.
Title: Re: Ground Forces Tab - Organizing Large Formations
Post by: Lazerus on May 11, 2020, 01:10:34 AM
Did not know that was a thing, so that definitely fixes the issue, however I think from a QoL standpoint integrating that functionality into a single window still stands for my suggestion.
Title: Re: Ground Forces Tab - Organizing Large Formations
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on May 11, 2020, 07:32:52 AM
Did not know that was a thing, so that definitely fixes the issue, however I think from a QoL standpoint integrating that functionality into a single window still stands for my suggestion.

You also can just SM in a couple of holding formation used for sorting the formation, should not really be difficult. As long as the HQ are bigger than the biggest HQ you drop in there it does not have to be bigger than that. There is no need for the HQ to be "able to hold" them all if they are not for fighting purposes.

In conjunction with opening a second window that should be enough.