Aurora 4x

C# Aurora => C# Mechanics => Topic started by: roug on August 08, 2020, 01:33:52 AM

Title: Auto assign
Post by: roug on August 08, 2020, 01:33:52 AM

Just a quick question, in some games auto assign commanders doesnt always work, now my freighters and colonyships needs me to assign them manually, why is that?
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Froggiest1982 on August 08, 2020, 01:39:38 AM

Just a quick question, in some games auto assign commanders doesnt always work, now my freighters and colonyships needs me to assign them manually, why is that?

Auto assignments of officers works as long as:

There are enough officers to assign of the same rank

If there arent:

Priority will be given considering the priority set in the design

So my guess is tgat you have got not enough officers in ranks equal to the ships in question and or they have been assigned to other ships if you havent set any priority to them.
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Kelewan on August 08, 2020, 03:17:38 AM

Just a quick question, in some games auto assign commanders doesnt always work, now my freighters and colonyships needs me to assign them manually, why is that?

Auto assignments of officers works as long as:

There are enough officers to assign of the same rank

If there arent:

Priority will be given considering the priority set in the design

So my guess is tgat you have got not enough officers in ranks equal to the ships in question and or they have been assigned to other ships if you havent set any priority to them.

The commanders also need to have a bonus in a relevant skill, in this case Logistics.
See C# Aurora Changes List: Auto-Assignment of Naval Commanders (

Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: roug on August 08, 2020, 05:28:37 AM
I have 110 Lieutenant commanders, maybe 50 of those do have logistic skills, i have 10 commercial ships without commanders, bug?
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Dreadder on August 08, 2020, 08:41:21 AM
I have 110 Lieutenant commanders, maybe 50 of those do have logistic skills, i have 10 commercial ships without commanders, bug?
Are you sure those ships don't perhaps require a Commander instead of Lt Commander?
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: roug on August 08, 2020, 12:19:34 PM
I have 40 commanders, both frighters and colonyships only need LT Commanders, i have plenty of both, my 6 corvetts get new commanders everytime someone get promoted or retire, strange problem.
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Froggiest1982 on August 08, 2020, 03:06:45 PM
I have 40 commanders, both frighters and colonyships only need LT Commanders, i have plenty of both, my 6 corvetts get new commanders everytime someone get promoted or retire, strange problem.

Go under all designs and change priority use 1 for military ships and 2 for the rest. Once done go under the officers tab and click on reassign naval. Let us know.
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: roug on August 08, 2020, 04:35:50 PM
Just so i understand you, i go on the design window, under miscellaneous, and under the commnander priority 1 for military 2 for civilian/ commercial?

I have done this, but nothing change.
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Froggiest1982 on August 08, 2020, 10:11:44 PM
Just so i understand you, i go on the design window, under miscellaneous, and under the commnander priority 1 for military 2 for civilian/ commercial?

I have done this, but nothing change.

Did you hit reassign naval?
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: roug on August 09, 2020, 01:08:33 AM
yes, it did not help. I checked another game that i also have, its the same there. Maybe i should try to reinstall Aurora?
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Froggiest1982 on August 09, 2020, 03:02:13 AM
yes, it did not help. I checked another game that i also have, its the same there. Maybe i should try to reinstall Aurora?

Dont think it's that, I havent checked my game yet as I was out for the weekend. I wonder if it's the same now
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Black on August 09, 2020, 03:30:06 AM
yes, it did not help. I checked another game that i also have, its the same there. Maybe i should try to reinstall Aurora?

I checked my game and I have my LTCs with usefull skills all asigned. I do not have enough for all of my ships, but those with Logistics skill are in command of my colony ships and freighters.
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: roug on August 09, 2020, 01:14:07 PM
I guess the problem was that my adim dident have logistic skill, i startet a new game, and was making sure my "commercial fleet" admin had the right skill, now all my freighters got commanders assigned automatic
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Froggiest1982 on August 09, 2020, 05:06:27 PM
yes, it did not help. I checked another game that i also have, its the same there. Maybe i should try to reinstall Aurora?

I checked my game and I have my LTCs with usefull skills all asigned. I do not have enough for all of my ships, but those with Logistics skill are in command of my colony ships and freighters.

Yes assignments works properly, however it works only for military ships. So for instance you will still end up with a lot of commanders not assigned sooner or later. I will put in the suggestion of adding a forth cycle to commercial ships so that all officers are actually manning a ship.

I guess the problem was that my adim dident have logistic skill, i startet a new game, and was making sure my "commercial fleet" admin had the right skill, now all my freighters got commanders assigned automatic

I don't think so. You started a new game so it may be entirely possible that you don't have enough ship for the problem to appear again. I have just checked my game and I had the same issue, I guess I never realized because all my military was assigned properly and a lot of my civilians were too.
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: idefelipe on August 10, 2020, 01:30:36 AM
Does the "promotion score" affect to the character auto-promotions?

Or it is just a matter of skills?
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Elvin on August 10, 2020, 02:20:57 AM
From my understanding it's the Promotion Score that's used for auto-promotions. It's a combination of factors including Skills, but also Medals and time in rank.
Title: Re: Auto assign
Post by: Froggiest1982 on August 10, 2020, 02:23:03 AM
Does the "promotion score" affect to the character auto-promotions?

Yes, unless you playing with political promotions on. I don't remember exactly how it works but I think the formula will include that as a bonus so to favor thoseceith hugher political bonus when officers are due to promotion.