Aurora 4x

C# Aurora => C# Mechanics => Topic started by: Entaro on November 25, 2021, 07:46:00 AM

Title: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 25, 2021, 07:46:00 AM
To be honest, I am overwhelmed. I didn’t expect to face this kind of difficulty. I was too careless. I've made mistakes. Perhaps my topic will be a warning to other newbies, maybe you can advise me something ...

A little background:
I started playing for a traditional empire. From the very beginning, I tried to achieve the maximum growth rate of industry and economy, and all my construction, research and development were aimed at exponentially developing this.
Ultimately, in the first 20-30 years, I reached 1000 factories on Earth, many powerful shipyards, 5 gravity, 5 geological reconnaissance, 5 ships for the construction of gates. Then I created a total of 30 transporters of 125 thousand cargo, 26 terraforming stations with 5 modules in each, 7 huge tanker tugs.
As a result, 45 years after the start of the game, I had 3 large (a total of 250 million) inhabited colonies in other systems, and in total I terraformed and prepared 6 worlds for colonization.
I also built a huge network of warp gates connecting a total of 45 systems, and my colonization fleet is capable of loading 10 million people.

I assumed that first - to develop the economy, and then - the military sphere - is a profitable strategy. And in general I was right, but due to a number of fatal mistakes, now I can lose everything.

In preparing for war, I expected that I would build a powerful fleet capable of destroying their fleet in one general battle - which will take place in the enemy's main system.
I assumed that it would be most efficient to completely separate the ships by roles:
Separately build huge missile cruisers, each capable of firing 50 size 9 missiles:
Missile cruiser:

Off-Topic: show
Rocket BC MK1 class War Cruiser      63 616 tons       1 757 Crew       8 526.2 BP       TCS 1 272    TH 1 575    EM 0
1237 km/s      Armour 7-141       Shields 0-0       HTK 362      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 41      PPV 450
Maint Life 0.06 Years     MSP 5 083    AFR 32375%    IFR 449.7%    1YR 81 103    5YR 1 216 543    Max Repair 500 MSP
Magazine 8 950   
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magnetic Fusion Drive  EP525.00 (3)    Power 1575    Fuel Use 5.96%    Signature 525    Explosion 6%
Fuel Capacity 500 000 Litres    Range 23.7 billion km (221 days at full power)

Size 9.00 Missile Launcher (50)     Missile Size: 9    Rate of Fire 25
Missile Fire Control FC101-R60 (4)     Range 101.2m km    Resolution 60

Separately - missile defense destroyers:
Off-Topic: show
DD Rocket mk1 class Destroyer Escort      11 987 tons       291 Crew       1 695.4 BP       TCS 240    TH 300    EM 0
1251 km/s      Armour 6-46       Shields 0-0       HTK 98      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 21      PPV 59
Maint Life 0.92 Years     MSP 2 588    AFR 1149%    IFR 16.0%    1YR 2 817    5YR 42 257    Max Repair 500 MSP
Magazine 1 759   
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magnetic Fusion Drive  EP300.00 (1)    Power 300    Fuel Use 15.40%    Signature 300    Explosion 7%
Fuel Capacity 250 000 Litres    Range 24.4 billion km (225 days at full power)

Size 1 Missile Launcher mk1 (59)     Missile Size: 1    Rate of Fire 10
Missile Fire Control FC11-R1 (4)     Range 11.6m km    Resolution 1
Missile Fire Control FC28-R1 (1)     Range 28.3m km    Resolution 1

Later - build ships that provide touch control, as well as shelling the enemy with dummy missiles to destroy enemy anti-missiles
Off-Topic: show
DD SCOUT AMM mk1 class Destroyer Escort      10 331 tons       216 Crew       2 140.5 BP       TCS 207    TH 300    EM 0
1452 km/s      Armour 10-42       Shields 0-0       HTK 57      Sensors 6/2/0/0      DCR 11      PPV 25
Maint Life 1.44 Years     MSP 2 629    AFR 854%    IFR 11.9%    1YR 1 406    5YR 21 087    Max Repair 588 MSP
Magazine 1 215   
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magnetic Fusion Drive  EP300.00 (1)    Power 300    Fuel Use 15.40%    Signature 300    Explosion 7%
Fuel Capacity 250 000 Litres    Range 28.3 billion km (225 days at full power)

Size 1 Missile Launcher mk1 (25)     Missile Size: 1    Rate of Fire 10
Missile Fire Control FC185-R90 (1)     Range 185.4m km    Resolution 90
SPAM SENSOR 190m (100)    Speed: 21 800 km/s    End: 145.6m     Range: 190.5m km    WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 72/43/21
Anti AMM SPAM (495)    Speed: 16 800 km/s    End: 182.2m     Range: 183.6m km    WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 56/33/16

Active Search Sensor AS166-R80 (1)     GPS 47040     Range 166.7m km    Resolution 80
Active Search Sensor AS16-R1 (1)     GPS 112     Range 16.9m km    MCR 1.5m km    Resolution 1
Thermal Sensor TH1.0-6.0 (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  19.4m km
EM Sensor EM0.5-2.5 (1)     Sensitivity 2.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  12.5m km

I specially built such slow ships to accommodate a maximum of weapons systems in their tonnage.
And that was my first fatal mistake.

The war began suddenly, with an enemy attack on my distant colony with automatic mines. The program for the construction of the military fleet has not yet been completed: at the moment, 6 missile cruisers and 8 missile defense destroyers have been built, but only half of the missiles have been produced for them, and there is not a single sensor control ship, the construction of military landing ships, as well as supply ships has not started yet.

As a result, my fleet is not yet capable of operating at a distance from my home planet, which the enemy actively took advantage of: they blocked the warp gates leading to my system, and thus deprived me of the supply of resources.
The worst thing that can happen now is that they will move on and simply destroy all my colonies.

I have a powerful economy, and I am sure that if I had another year or two, I could easily cope with this situation, but I have no time at all.
Even 30 years ago, I saw an enemy in the home system - 57 ships of 21 thousand tons of tonnage ... then I hoped that these were not warships. I was wrong.
The only hope for that is if these are the ships that were built 30 years ago, perhaps they are technologically quite backward. But judging by the speed of 4500 km / s, I would not count on this.

The question is, what can I do to improve my chances of surviving now, and winning in the future ...
I have poured all my research resources into advanced sensor development programs and energy weapons (plasma carronades). For now, the enemy is using small fleets of 2-3 ships against me, which I would easily cope with if I had fast ships. It is them that I am going to begin to produce in large quantities, but if the enemy sends their entire combat fleet to me immediately, it will be too late.
Off-Topic: show
DD RAIDER MK1 class Destroyer Escort      10 285 tons       253 Crew       1 383.8 BP       TCS 206    TH 1 350    EM 0
6563 km/s      Armour 9-42       Shields 0-0       HTK 69      Sensors 6/2/0/0      DCR 11      PPV 72
Maint Life 2.30 Years     MSP 2 584    AFR 846%    IFR 11.8%    1YR 664    5YR 9 960    Max Repair 202.5000 MSP
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magnetic Fusion Drive  EP450.00 (3)    Power 1350.0    Fuel Use 21.73%    Signature 450.00    Explosion 9%
Fuel Capacity 500 000 Litres    Range 40.3 billion km (71 days at full power)

30 cm C3 Plasma Carronade (8)    Range 60 000km     TS: 6 563 km/s     Power 24-3     RM 10 000 km    ROF 40       
Beam Fire Control R60-TS5000 (1)     Max Range: 60 000 km   TS: 5 000 km/s     83 67 50 33 17 0 0 0 0 0

Thermal Sensor TH1.0-6.0 (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  19.4m km
EM Sensor EM0.5-2.5 (1)     Sensitivity 2.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  12.5m km

ECM 40

The reactor is not here yet, it is being developed

How effective would small fighters be as replacements for large sensor ships?
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: dsedrez on November 25, 2021, 08:12:22 AM
Hi Entaro! You're on the defense, so that's where you should concentrate at the moment. I can say what I'd do in your place.

1. The carronades I'd use to blockade my side of the JPs, so that I'd be able to shoot them down when they come across: I'd build them as large as I can and shoot them point-blank. I haven't tried this strategy yet, in fact I haven't used carronades yet, since they're best at point-blank range. They're too big and their damage falls off too quickly for other types of battle.

2. I'd design box launchers for my missiles: that would allow me to maximize the volley size, sacrificing reload time. The strategy would be to build masses of small ships (1000-2000 ton FACs/corvettes, or if you don't have the shipyards as I usually don't, use fighters instead) with a single MFC and a prime number of launchers (7 is fine,). They must have enough endurance to patrol your system, so once a fleet is detected in your system they'd attack then retreat either to your HW or to a carrier. Also, I'd build a lot of small scouts (again fighters are useful because you can build a number of designs without the need for retooling the shipyards). Scouts are necessary to detect the enemy fleets, you can't fight what you can't see.

3. Your larger ships, I'd use reduced-sized/slow reload launchers, again to maximize volley size, fire against the enemy and then run away like hell...

4. If you do that, maybe you'll lose the colonies in the other system but you'll at least save your HW and home system.

5. To try to breach the JPs, from what you have, I'd try "monitors", heavily armored ships with plasma carronades: send them through the JPs and expect them to be pounded mercilessly until their systems recover from the jump and they're able to fire. I'd send them a large number of them paired with a few others full of PD mounts. Probably railguns, since gauss turrets can be destroyed before armor is fully breached. If they survive the first minute, they should be able to establish a "beachhead" so your missile ships can follow, launch their own huge missile volleys and then scoot back through the JPs to reload. The monitors would each have two sensors, one small one with 80HS resolution (I use sz 0.7 sensors for that, I find them optimal for this) so they can "see" what the enemy has within firing range, and one with resolution 1, against missiles: the PD monitors would need a ~10m MCR range, I think, while the others would have a small one, just as backup.
Oh, and hope your enemy hasn't thought of deploying microwaves. If they did, you're toast anyway.

[edit] Oh, your War Cruisers have an awful maintenance life, I'd think they're nearly useless as they are. You should either refit them with more engineering stations, or turn off maintenance for this game...

[edit 2] And use your jump stabilisation ships do *destabilize* the JP on your side. Allocate a jump tender to allow your ships to jump through, but if the enemy jumps they'll be trapped. Otherwise, your JP blockade fleet might not be able to hit them: the AI can jump back through without delay.

Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Drakale on November 25, 2021, 09:44:14 AM
Some pretty good advices already, but I would add that for a guerilla war like that where you cannot take the enemy head on it can be good to consider using a carrier force. They allow you to make remote strikes with missile equipped fighters. You already have some big shipyards to make the carriers and if you can switch your economy to mass produce fighters and mid size missiles it is very good at giving the enemy a bloody nose, even if you can't outright beat him for some time. You can even make some commercial carriers to deliver fighter fleets to key outposts for added defense against raids if you can spare the fighters. It will take some time to setup though, so I would go with some of the proposed box launcher corvettes first. The real limitation is how many fighter and missiles you can build without crashing your gallicite income.

The other thing you should do is put civilian sensor bases(make it very cheap!) or sensor buoys on every JG that might get attacked. They will let you know when the enemy force is moving towards your assets and allow you to prepare a defense or a retreat even if you are slower than him.

And if all else fails, these kind of games are still very fun to play even into a defeat, good luck!
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Blogaugis on November 25, 2021, 12:50:20 PM
Do you have any fighter factories, to build a quick fighter reaction force, should you detect them too close for (relative) comfort?
Still, a plasma carronade can be a bit too big for a fighter... Missiles, gauss and railguns are at least a viable choice to arm small fighters; reduced size lasers requiring research...

So, what kind of weaponry have you got, besides missles and carronades?
Also, do you have any Surface To Orbit ground force units?
Space stations (armed, potentially shielded and with armor - requiring a shipyard to build)?
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: TheTalkingMeowth on November 25, 2021, 01:44:41 PM
[edit 2] And use your jump stabilisation ships do *destabilize* the JP on your side. Allocate a jump tender to allow your ships to jump through, but if the enemy jumps they'll be trapped. Otherwise, your JP blockade fleet might not be able to hit them: the AI can jump back through without delay.

You can't do this. Stabilized jump points cannot be destabilized. Once they are stable, that's it, period, forever.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on November 25, 2021, 02:38:12 PM
The biggest mistakes that I see from most people when they describe their fleets and especially failures is that they always build the fleets and ships they want and not what they actually need. You should pretty much never build the ships you want and only ever build what you need.

Your first priority should always be to build up a strong defensive fleet so you can beat anyone that tries to encroach on your territory, after this you can consider a space superiority navy and then one that can invade an enemy home world with all the ground forces to take it.

I always end up in the situation that I have next to no fleet or army when I meet my first alien. Mainly because I role-play and see no reason to even consider there might be an alien threat in the first place. I usually have some patrol ships to satisfy colonies, but that is it. These are usually some Railgun corvettes that can at most serve as point defence ships in any military capacity.

If and when I feel the pressure to build up a military fleet fast that would almost always be with a commercial engine carrier design, a beam/AMM escort, missile fighters and scout crafts of different sorts. This is something you can design and build relatively fast. I probably would not build a monitor fleet as my first option that early... I would concentrate on building up STO defences on my colonies and my home-world in particular.

Now.. you happen to have angered those aliens pretty fast which is a bummer, you might just have come across a particularly xenophobic alien species and then it simply can be hard luck.

Whatever you do don't build large ships or expand your military yards, it is way better to build more slipways and keep those yards small (when under pressure that is), you get more build capacity that way. Sure if you already have really large yards you can use them. 1-2000t ships are quite good as missile corvettes to swarm an enemy, should work almost as good as fighters most of the time, especially if you don't have enough fighter factories. A few yards at 2000t with a few slipways and you should be able to produce a fair amount of these ships. You don't need much defensive capacity on them as you would treat them as fighters more or less but with greater reach.

The idea is that you will operate close to your supply bases so you will need minimal maintenance, deployment and defensive capacity... so building large ships will be taxing for you as you need good defences and since you are likely to have lower tech you want to fire at them while they can't fire at you.

The general rule of any conflict will also always be intelligence, never engage unless you are certain you will win... probing attacks are just fine to ascertain enemy strength, but never engage a large portion of your fleet unless you have high confidence of victory.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: alex_brunius on November 25, 2021, 03:03:58 PM
Whatever you do don't build large ships or expand your military yards, it is way better to build more slipways and keep those yards small (when under pressure that is), you get more build capacity that way. Sure if you already have really large yards you can use them. 1-2000t ships are quite good as missile corvettes to swarm an enemy, should work almost as good as fighters most of the time, especially if you don't have enough fighter factories. A few yards at 2000t with a few slipways and you should be able to produce a fair amount of these ships. You don't need much defensive capacity on them as you would treat them as fighters more or less but with greater reach.

This is a very good point. I find myself often investing in alot more capacity small military yards ( A few yards around 1000-5000 ton capacity with 5-15 slipways each ) and they mainly hang around doing not much, but Oh-Boy do they come in handy when you need to pivot quickly and design something to just crank out tonnage to meet specific threat or reinforce your point defense capacity with more escorts. Smaller components & ships research faster, retool faster and build faster.

I love how Aurora mirrors real WW2 era shipbuilding strategy in this way, that what matters the most often are the expendable spammable smaller subs, corvettes and destroyers much more so than the giant few prestige ships.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 25, 2021, 03:16:51 PM
Hi Entaro! You're on the defense, so that's where you should concentrate at the moment. I can say what I'd do in your place.

Thanks a lot!

1. I just recently started researching technologies for carronades. I have (as you can see from the Rader template ship) 30cm carronades, with a reload speed of 3 (soon to be 4), which, it seems to me, is not very much.
I have 1 free shipyard with 5 slipways and the ability to build ships up to 10600t - on it I will produce them, trying to create the necessary components by the industry in advance, but it will take much longer than the enemy to fly to me if they want.

As for the largest ships ... I have a 60,000t shipyard with two slipways. I could convert her to build "carronade battleships." But I'm not sure if it's worth doing it now, given that my carronades are still poorly researched, and the shipyard is being refurbished for a very long time.

2. I don't really understand what is the advantage of such ships ... In fact, I could protect my system with my existing ships, and I can do this when my sensor ships are built, or at least sensor fighters.
I have only 5 fighter factories so far, no aircraft carriers.

3. I do not quickly convert my large ships, and I also like them the way they are. I would somehow gain time before I can use them (when the sensors appear) ... and their only major drawback besides speed is that it will be very inconvenient to storm enemy JPs with them, that's why I'm building carronades.

4. If I lose colonies in other systems, I will actually lose a decade of development, and the entire resource base. But the home system is really more important.

5. I guess I will need to do some reconnaissance to see if the enemy is actually blocking my JPs with a large enough force. If so, you really have to build such "monitors", but it will take about a year ..
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 25, 2021, 03:24:59 PM
So, what kind of weaponry have you got, besides missles and carronades?
Also, do you have any Surface To Orbit ground force units?
Space stations (armed, potentially shielded and with armor - requiring a shipyard to build)?
I have very, very, very cool rockets!
And carronades that are close to the initial level (not yet built, just starting to re-equip the shipyard).

I also have 9 ground divisions of 25 thousand each, and 15 more are in preparation.
There are no space stations with weapons, but my 6 heavy missile cruisers are very similar to such stations.
In total, they are capable of making volleys of 300 powerful missiles with an explosion force of 25, or 600 missiles (with two stages) with an explosion force of 16 - and this is every 25 seconds!
I believe that even one of my missile cruisers is capable of easily destroying a typical enemy 20 thousand ton ship without getting hurt in any way, and making only a few volleys. The only problem is that I
1) I cannot see them further than 300 million km. from the earth
2) I can't catch up with them.
3) I don't think it is a good idea to storm JP with rocket ships.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 25, 2021, 03:29:22 PM
The other thing you should do is put civilian sensor bases(make it very cheap!) or sensor buoys on every JG that might get attacked. They will let you know when the enemy force is moving towards your assets and allow you to prepare a defense or a retreat even if you are slower than him.

It is the sensors that I miss in the first place. I’m thinking which is better ?:
  - fighters of 250-500 tons, equipped with powerful sensors (at what distance should I keep them so that the enemy does not notice them)?
  - touch buoys?
By the way, the question about their placement ... how do I create a "waypoint"? Anywhere on the map ... After all, directly on the JP, a sensor or a fighter will quickly be detected and destroyed. It is logical to place them a little further ...
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 25, 2021, 03:37:01 PM
Your first priority should always be to build up a strong defensive fleet so you can beat anyone that tries to encroach on your territory, after this you can consider a space superiority navy and then one that can invade an enemy home world with all the ground forces to take it.

Now.. you happen to have angered those aliens pretty fast which is a bummer, you might just have come across a particularly xenophobic alien species and then it simply can be hard luck.

Whatever you do don't build large ships or expand your military yards, it is way better to build more slipways and keep those yards small (when under pressure that is), you get more build capacity that way. Sure if you already have really large yards you can use them. 1-2000t ships are quite good as missile corvettes to swarm an enemy, should work almost as good as fighters most of the time, especially if you don't have enough fighter factories. A few yards at 2000t with a few slipways and you should be able to produce a fair amount of these ships. You don't need much defensive capacity on them as you would treat them as fighters more or less but with greater reach.

I just underestimated the aggressiveness of NPR, or allowed some diplomatic failure. I thought that we would peacefully coexist, develop, and then I will cunningly and suddenly invade their home system with a fleet of such composition, which they can not oppose anything. I wouldn't have to deal with anti-raiding, protect waypoints, etc. in this case...
But the enemy attacked first.

The lack of STO in my colonies is actually a huge omission ... I did not pay attention to this at all, and now my colonies are completely defenseless. But, again, I had no idea that the enemy was attacking so effectively.

About my shipyards:
I have:
60 thousand tons - 2 slipways - equipped with the construction of missile cruisers
12 thousand tons - 4 slipways - missile defense destroyers were built, converted into sensor ships.
10 thousand tons - 5 slipways - I begin to convert to ships for plasma carronades
I can, in principle, create another shipyard and start production of corvettes, but it will take a long time ... it's easier to start producing fighters - but there are almost no factories for them yet.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: dsedrez on November 25, 2021, 04:00:20 PM
Hi Entaro! You're on the defense, so that's where you should concentrate at the moment. I can say what I'd do in your place.

Thanks a lot!

1. I just recently started researching technologies for carronades. I have (as you can see from the Rader template ship) 30cm carronades, with a reload speed of 3 (soon to be 4), which, it seems to me, is not very much.
I have 1 free shipyard with 5 slipways and the ability to build ships up to 10600t - on it I will produce them, trying to create the necessary components by the industry in advance, but it will take much longer than the enemy to fly to me if they want.

As for the largest ships ... I have a 60,000t shipyard with two slipways. I could convert her to build "carronade battleships." But I'm not sure if it's worth doing it now, given that my carronades are still poorly researched, and the shipyard is being refurbished for a very long time.

2. I don't really understand what is the advantage of such ships ... In fact, I could protect my system with my existing ships, and I can do this when my sensor ships are built, or at least sensor fighters.
I have only 5 fighter factories so far, no aircraft carriers.

3. I do not quickly convert my large ships, and I also like them the way they are. I would somehow gain time before I can use them (when the sensors appear) ... and their only major drawback besides speed is that it will be very inconvenient to storm enemy JPs with them, that's why I'm building carronades.

4. If I lose colonies in other systems, I will actually lose a decade of development, and the entire resource base. But the home system is really more important.

5. I guess I will need to do some reconnaissance to see if the enemy is actually blocking my JPs with a large enough force. If so, you really have to build such "monitors", but it will take about a year ..

You're welcome!

It's not quite "carronade battleships" I'd have in mind, but specialist ships whose mission is to storm a blockaded JP. If there's no blockade, I wouldn't build one, they're not much use elsewhere. If I could choose what to build for that mission, I'd build slow big armored ships with lots of railguns, both small ones and very large ones. That'd make a single, more flexible design, with good maintenance stats and a number of microwave-resistant BFCs. But since what you have is carronades and gauss, that's what you must use because time is paramount. I'd build the largest design that could be made ready fast enough... but I think 60kt ships may be too big, I'm not sure if they'd be ready in time. Meanwhile my missile ships would all be parked on Earth protecting it.

Small ships are extremely flexible, as Jorgen_CAB and alex_brunius said. Since they'd be new designs they could be made fast enough to pursue the small fleets that you said are present in the system. Your present ones are no good in that role, so you need something new, fast.
Besides, box launchers are the easiest way to defeat a superior AI enemy. A massive single volley that can't be effectively defeated by the enemy's AMMs and PDs. They're cost-effective, and cheap and quick to build. Which is what you need right now.

Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: dsedrez on November 25, 2021, 04:08:21 PM
The other thing you should do is put civilian sensor bases(make it very cheap!) or sensor buoys on every JG that might get attacked. They will let you know when the enemy force is moving towards your assets and allow you to prepare a defense or a retreat even if you are slower than him.

It is the sensors that I miss in the first place. I’m thinking which is better ?:
  - fighters of 250-500 tons, equipped with powerful sensors (at what distance should I keep them so that the enemy does not notice them)?
  - touch buoys?
By the way, the question about their placement ... how do I create a "waypoint"? Anywhere on the map ... After all, directly on the JP, a sensor or a fighter will quickly be detected and destroyed. It is logical to place them a little further ...

You can order it to keep a distance: there's a number 0 which you can replace with the desired distance in thousand km.

For the waypoint, I don't use them much but there's a button "create waypoint" I think.

Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Drakale on November 25, 2021, 04:11:48 PM
I don't have the game in front of me, but for the waypoints you can easily place them from the system map, it's in one of the tabs I think named Waypoints. Just name one and click on the map to place it where you want. You have the regular waypoint you can put anywhere and there is one where you associate it with an object. The problem with fighters is that they won't last forever. A civilian station will. So will sensor buoy, if you want to go that way. A recon fighter is incredibly useful still, you should definitely make them, use them to scout JP and system before you commit your fleet.

RP wise I like putting civilian stations more than buoy, I like the idea of a brave crew on the frontier making sure the equipment is running fine and the border is secure.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 25, 2021, 04:49:14 PM
Is it possible to use off-the-shelf components in the production of fighters?
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on November 25, 2021, 05:24:28 PM
Is it possible to use off-the-shelf components in the production of fighters?

Only if you produce them in a shipyard which you can do if you like.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 26, 2021, 03:25:06 PM
An amazing thing happened. I don't know how this can be understood - either I "found" a bug, or something broke, or there are some logical reasons why this happened ...

In general, the enemy fleet from the very ships that destroyed my automated colony about a year ago - arrived in the solar system and headed to Mercury (where there is a civilized mining colony).
I sent my fleet towards them.
The enemy fleet arrived at Mercury, stopped, and did NOTHING. Nothing at all! My fleet flew up to the range of fire of my missiles (70 million km.) And just shot the enemy fleet, it was like shooting at targets in a shooting range!
The surprising thing is:
1. The enemy did not begin to move (neither in the direction of my fleet, although it is difficult not to detect it - there are ships measuring 60 tons of tons, and the most powerful active sensors, nor to run away).
2. The enemy did not try to shoot down my missiles (although this is the same class of ships as the one that destroyed my colonies with energy weapons).
3. The enemy did not start attacking my colony (although in response to my hostile actions it was logical for him to show hostility).

Is this a bug and you need to write in "errors and suggestions"?
If you try to find a logical reason for this ... perhaps the enemy ships were not equipped at all with sensors capable of detecting my attacking missiles, and were not able to notice ships measuring 60 thousand tons at a distance of 70 million km.
But even if this is so, they had to do at least something - or immediately fly in the direction where the missiles came from, or at least start to run away ...
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on November 26, 2021, 05:22:15 PM
An amazing thing happened. I don't know how this can be understood - either I "found" a bug, or something broke, or there are some logical reasons why this happened ...

In general, the enemy fleet from the very ships that destroyed my automated colony about a year ago - arrived in the solar system and headed to Mercury (where there is a civilized mining colony).
I sent my fleet towards them.
The enemy fleet arrived at Mercury, stopped, and did NOTHING. Nothing at all! My fleet flew up to the range of fire of my missiles (70 million km.) And just shot the enemy fleet, it was like shooting at targets in a shooting range!
The surprising thing is:
1. The enemy did not begin to move (neither in the direction of my fleet, although it is difficult not to detect it - there are ships measuring 60 tons of tons, and the most powerful active sensors, nor to run away).
2. The enemy did not try to shoot down my missiles (although this is the same class of ships as the one that destroyed my colonies with energy weapons).
3. The enemy did not start attacking my colony (although in response to my hostile actions it was logical for him to show hostility).

Is this a bug and you need to write in "errors and suggestions"?
If you try to find a logical reason for this ... perhaps the enemy ships were not equipped at all with sensors capable of detecting my attacking missiles, and were not able to notice ships measuring 60 thousand tons at a distance of 70 million km.
But even if this is so, they had to do at least something - or immediately fly in the direction where the missiles came from, or at least start to run away ...

Either a bug or they did not longer consider you an enemy as the diplomcy status had improved enough, then you go and start a new war by attacking them for no good reason... ;)
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 26, 2021, 05:43:08 PM
An amazing thing happened. I don't know how this can be understood - either I "found" a bug, or something broke, or there are some logical reasons why this happened ...

In general, the enemy fleet from the very ships that destroyed my automated colony about a year ago - arrived in the solar system and headed to Mercury (where there is a civilized mining colony).
I sent my fleet towards them.
The enemy fleet arrived at Mercury, stopped, and did NOTHING. Nothing at all! My fleet flew up to the range of fire of my missiles (70 million km.) And just shot the enemy fleet, it was like shooting at targets in a shooting range!
The surprising thing is:
1. The enemy did not begin to move (neither in the direction of my fleet, although it is difficult not to detect it - there are ships measuring 60 tons of tons, and the most powerful active sensors, nor to run away).
2. The enemy did not try to shoot down my missiles (although this is the same class of ships as the one that destroyed my colonies with energy weapons).
3. The enemy did not start attacking my colony (although in response to my hostile actions it was logical for him to show hostility).

Is this a bug and you need to write in "errors and suggestions"?
If you try to find a logical reason for this ... perhaps the enemy ships were not equipped at all with sensors capable of detecting my attacking missiles, and were not able to notice ships measuring 60 thousand tons at a distance of 70 million km.
But even if this is so, they had to do at least something - or immediately fly in the direction where the missiles came from, or at least start to run away ...

Either a bug or they did not longer consider you an enemy as the diplomcy status had improved enough, then you go and start a new war by attacking them for no good reason... ;)

Well, of course there was a message that they "stopped considering the enemy", despite the fact that the relationship is -2000. But, I thought they would change this status right after my attack :)
P.S. Built carronade ships and found out something interesting. Namely: these enemy ships are rather strange ... and they are not very much. I don’t know what exactly is the matter - but I don’t know how they could design such ineffective ships.
They are armed with something that fires 68 shots every 20 seconds, each shot deals 3 damage, but ... But these shots are terribly inaccurate. At a distance of 25 thousand km, at the speed of my ships - 6500 km / s, they did not hit me AT ALL.
At a distance of 0 km, and a speed (following) of 4500-2500 km / s, they hit about 6-7 times, i.e. chance of hitting 10%! Some very strange weapon :) The only thing they are capable of is to destroy defenseless colonies and transport workers.
Oh, yes, I have Level 4 electronic countermeasures installed on my ships, maybe this is so effective ...
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: ArcWolf on November 26, 2021, 06:35:30 PM

Well, of course there was a message that they "stopped considering the enemy", despite the fact that the relationship is -2000. But, I thought they would change this status right after my attack :)
P.S. Built carronade ships and found out something interesting. Namely: these enemy ships are rather strange ... and they are not very much. I don’t know what exactly is the matter - but I don’t know how they could design such ineffective ships.
They are armed with something that fires 68 shots every 20 seconds, each shot deals 3 damage, but ... But these shots are terribly inaccurate. At a distance of 25 thousand km, at the speed of my ships - 6500 km / s, they did not hit me AT ALL.
At a distance of 0 km, and a speed (following) of 4500-2500 km / s, they hit about 6-7 times, i.e. chance of hitting 10%! Some very strange weapon :) The only thing they are capable of is to destroy defenseless colonies and transport workers.
Oh, yes, I have Level 4 electronic countermeasures installed on my ships, maybe this is so effective ...

sounds like they have 15cm rail guns. And ECM4 is very strong, it effetely reduced their accuracy by 40% if they have no ECCM.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 26, 2021, 10:14:59 PM
Hmm ... I'm somewhat disappointed with NPR. They fight completely ineffectively and use completely useless ship templates. At least my current opponent ...
It feels like the ships I'm at war with are the very ships that I discovered in his system 30 years ago. Why their accuracy is so bad is not clear, but that's not even the problem.
I have not met any of their ships with missiles, or with anti-missile missiles. Their most popular class of warships has 17 * 4 railguns and 5 armor, with 21,500 tons of tonnage, but they do not use these ships effectively - they split them into many small fleets, which I destroyed one by one. The only thing holding me back from immediately attacking their capital is the fact that I spent most of my missiles on destroying most of their fleet, but they did not even try to combine their fleet and deliver a powerful blow to me.

Why these ships do not fire back with their railguns is also absolutely not clear.
Hopefully the next enemy will be better.
I set the difficulty higher, I think to include the "intruders" ..
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: nuclearslurpee on November 26, 2021, 10:23:40 PM
Hmm ... I'm somewhat disappointed with NPR. They fight completely ineffectively and use completely useless ship templates. At least my current opponent ...
It feels like the ships I'm at war with are the very ships that I discovered in his system 30 years ago. Why their accuracy is so bad is not clear, but that's not even the problem.
I have not met any of their ships with missiles, or with anti-missile missiles. Their most popular class of warships has 17 * 4 railguns and 5 armor, with 21,500 tons of tonnage, but they do not use these ships effectively - they split them into many small fleets, which I destroyed one by one. The only thing holding me back from immediately attacking their capital is the fact that I spent most of my missiles on destroying most of their fleet, but they did not even try to combine their fleet and deliver a powerful blow to me.

Why these ships do not fire back with their railguns is also absolutely not clear.
Hopefully the next enemy will be better.
I set the difficulty higher, I think to include the "intruders" ..

And now you know why so many players play with multiple player races.  ;)

To be fair to the poor NPRs, Steve is making some changes in 2.0 to help the AI including adding some logic to combine their fleets before giving battle, which should at least help with the whole destroying-them-piecemeal problem that makes them so easy to kill. Still, as long as NPRs lack tactical cleverness or any ability to adapt to changing circumstances on the battlefield, they will be easy for a seasoned player to beat - or even a new player in cases like this.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 26, 2021, 10:56:57 PM
And now you know why so many players play with multiple player races.  ;)

To be fair to the poor NPRs, Steve is making some changes in 2.0 to help the AI including adding some logic to combine their fleets before giving battle, which should at least help with the whole destroying-them-piecemeal problem that makes them so easy to kill. Still, as long as NPRs lack tactical cleverness or any ability to adapt to changing circumstances on the battlefield, they will be easy for a seasoned player to beat - or even a new player in cases like this.

Yes, now I understand :)
Although I don't really like playing "with myself".
In general, there are 2 problems with AI: the separation of fleets (and their behavior ...) and ship templates. I got the feeling that the enemy had a template from somewhere when I found it (or from the very beginning of the game) and has not changed since that time. I cannot explain otherwise such weak railguns ...

The game provides a huge number of options for waging war, from long-range missiles (as in my favorite space opera by David Weber "Honor Harrington") to clouds of fighters, but against NPR any, the most clumsy tactics will do.
Maybe there are some ways to complicate the game in terms of military operations?

I really liked the concept that you need to predict, study the enemy, adapt to his technologies (which are unknown), try to achieve maximum advantage - and in order to understand how, you need to conduct battles during which the capabilities of the enemy are revealed. But alas, the logic of NPR behavior and the templates of their ships definitely need to be improved.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Steve Walmsley on November 27, 2021, 06:42:23 AM
I also found a bug in NPR automated ship design that prevented them from using ECCM. That is fixed for v2.0.

Regarding the NPRs actions. It sounds like the relationship recovered enough to make them neutral again (the -2000 is your view of them, not their view of you). Some NPRs will not attack populations without STO (usually those with low XEN) and will use ground forces instead. So if they were railgun-armed they couldn't respond to missile attack and their philosophy prevented planetary bombardment. When they engaged, the ECCM bug would reduce their effectiveness against ECM-protected ships.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Droll on November 27, 2021, 12:18:27 PM
I also found a bug in NPR automated ship design that prevented them from using ECCM. That is fixed for v2.0.

This explains so much why ECM dominates massively. I think this fix alone is going to have a large effect on generated NPR difficulty moving forward.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 27, 2021, 12:20:05 PM
I also found a bug in NPR automated ship design that prevented them from using ECCM. That is fixed for v2.0.

Regarding the NPRs actions. It sounds like the relationship recovered enough to make them neutral again (the -2000 is your view of them, not their view of you). Some NPRs will not attack populations without STO (usually those with low XEN) and will use ground forces instead. So if they were railgun-armed they couldn't respond to missile attack and their philosophy prevented planetary bombardment. When they engaged, the ECCM bug would reduce their effectiveness against ECM-protected ships.
I wrote in the topic about errors, about all the illogical manifestations of AI that I noticed ...
The main problem, I suppose, is not in ECCM, but in the fact that the AI ​​in my game:
1. Did not replace templates of my ships with new, improved ones.
2. Did not include in fleets with the most massive warships - ships with anti-missile point protection.
3. Did not use railguns as missile defense.
4. After all the battles with me, I am unable to assess the threat posed by my fleet.

I'm not sure how this can be programmed (I guess building the AI ​​in this game is a very difficult task), but something like
1. "If the enemy fleet possesses 3 ships of the Kruiser mk1 type and it destroyed 20 of my ships without loss, then do not send less than 50 ships against fleets with 3 ships of this type" (accordingly, the number depends on the number).
Well, this is the simplest thing.
2. "If the enemy fleet fires missiles":
A) To add anti-missile ships to the combat fleets.
B) If 1 enemy salvo inflicted 400 damage and destroyed 2 ships:
 - calculate the approximate maximum stock of enemy missiles based on the tonnage and the number of rocket launchers (salvo size)
 - calculate, taking into account the speed of the AI ​​ships and the speed of the missiles, the time required to approach the player's ships.
 - If it is possible to create a fleet that is EITHER large enough to survive all the enemy's volleys, or, taking into account the speed, is able to reach the effective range of fire while retaining ENOUGH ships - create it and attack (ideally, combine all warships).
 - If it's impossible, avoid the fight.
At the same time, to activate the program for the construction of anti-missile ships, so that they are able to shoot down the entire maximum salvo of the enemy.
C) In principle, it is possible to simplify the life of the AI, and provide it with information about weapons, stock of missiles, etc. ships that participated with him in battle - directly. This way the AI ​​can adapt more easily.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Steve Walmsley on November 27, 2021, 01:22:33 PM
I wrote in the topic about errors, about all the illogical manifestations of AI that I noticed ...
The main problem, I suppose, is not in ECCM, but in the fact that the AI ​​in my game:
1. Did not replace templates of my ships with new, improved ones.
2. Did not include in fleets with the most massive warships - ships with anti-missile point protection.
3. Did not use railguns as missile defense.
4. After all the battles with me, I am unable to assess the threat posed by my fleet.

I'm not sure how this can be programmed (I guess building the AI ​​in this game is a very difficult task), but something like
1. "If the enemy fleet possesses 3 ships of the Kruiser mk1 type and it destroyed 20 of my ships without loss, then do not send less than 50 ships against fleets with 3 ships of this type" (accordingly, the number depends on the number).
Well, this is the simplest thing.
2. "If the enemy fleet fires missiles":
A) To add anti-missile ships to the combat fleets.
B) If 1 enemy salvo inflicted 400 damage and destroyed 2 ships:
 - calculate the approximate maximum stock of enemy missiles based on the tonnage and the number of rocket launchers (salvo size)
 - calculate, taking into account the speed of the AI ​​ships and the speed of the missiles, the time required to approach the player's ships.
 - If it is possible to create a fleet that is EITHER large enough to survive all the enemy's volleys, or, taking into account the speed, is able to reach the effective range of fire while retaining ENOUGH ships - create it and attack (ideally, combine all warships).
 - If it's impossible, avoid the fight.
At the same time, to activate the program for the construction of anti-missile ships, so that they are able to shoot down the entire maximum salvo of the enemy.
C) In principle, it is possible to simplify the life of the AI, and provide it with information about weapons, stock of missiles, etc. ships that participated with him in battle - directly. This way the AI ​​can adapt more easily.

The AI designs and builds ships with newer technology as it progresses. There are other options for missile defence besides railguns and not every AI fleet will have effective AM protection because some have different roles.

The AI looks at every shot you fire and everything your ships do and adjusts accordingly, using same tactical intelligence information that is available to the player. It is a LOT more sophisticated than your suggestion above. However, as with any AI, it is never going to come close to a human player in a tactical situation because a human can weight different factors in a given situation and plan accordingly. Also, the more complex the game, the more difficult to create an AI that can adjust to any situation. If I made Aurora much simpler, the AI would handle it far better.

Consider how basic the rules are for Chess or Go or Poker and consider how much effort and how many years were required to build an effective computer opponent. I suggest playing the game longer until you have encountered a lot more situations and then think about the AI code that would be required to handle all of them given the huge variety of different factors and potential systems involved.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Steve Walmsley on November 27, 2021, 01:25:23 PM
I also found a bug in NPR automated ship design that prevented them from using ECCM. That is fixed for v2.0.

This explains so much why ECM dominates massively. I think this fix alone is going to have a large effect on generated NPR difficulty moving forward.

If you want to do a hot-fix, go into DIM_AutomatedClassDesign and ensure there is a 1 in the ECCM field for every design that has a 1 in the ECM field, except for the military tanker and scout.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Droll on November 27, 2021, 01:45:25 PM
I also found a bug in NPR automated ship design that prevented them from using ECCM. That is fixed for v2.0.

This explains so much why ECM dominates massively. I think this fix alone is going to have a large effect on generated NPR difficulty moving forward.

If you want to do a hot-fix, go into DIM_AutomatedClassDesign and ensure there is a 1 in the ECCM field for every design that has a 1 in the ECM field, except for the military tanker and scout.

Thanks, this is the query I used to help find everything (could probably make an update query instead):

Code: [Select]
select DesignID, ECCM
from DIM_AutomatedClassDesign
where (ECM = 1 and
      (not DesignID = "Scout" and
       not DesignID = "Military Tanker"));

Question regarding this hotfix for Steve but it has to be spoilered:
The invader scout has ECCM set to 0, since it is a type of scout I left it at 0 but do the invaders have special armed scouts that should have ECCM?
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 27, 2021, 01:56:47 PM
The AI designs and builds ships with newer technology as it progresses. There are other options for missile defence besides railguns and not every AI fleet will have effective AM protection because some have different roles.

The AI looks at every shot you fire and everything your ships do and adjusts accordingly, using same tactical intelligence information that is available to the player. It is a LOT more sophisticated than your suggestion above. However, as with any AI, it is never going to come close to a human player in a tactical situation because a human can weight different factors in a given situation and plan accordingly. Also, the more complex the game, the more difficult to create an AI that can adjust to any situation. If I made Aurora much simpler, the AI would handle it far better.

Consider how basic the rules are for Chess or Go or Poker and consider how much effort and how many years were required to build an effective computer opponent. I suggest playing the game longer until you have encountered a lot more situations and then think about the AI code that would be required to handle all of them given the huge variety of different factors and potential systems involved.
I understand. Sorry, I didn't want my error message to sound like a rebuke to you personally! I understand perfectly well that Aurora is a very difficult game, and it is almost impossible to make an adequate AI in it that would be comparable to a human in abilities.

Off-Topic: show
I previously played Gary Grigsby's War in the East - a game about the Second World War, where each support division / regiment is a separate unit with many parameters, and a map of the Second World War (Eastern Front) where every 10km (+ -) is a separate hex with its own parameters. It is also a very complex game, and there it was also almost impossible to create an AI even approximately comparable to a human.

Simply, specifically in this situation, it seems to me that we are talking about some kind of error in logic. I'm sure it doesn't have to be that way. I understand that AI is not perfect, that it can be stupid, separate its fleets, not calculate forces, design ships not in the most optimal way ...
But when the AI, after the conclusion of a truce, does not react to the fact that I destroy its ships with missiles, or when it sends fleets that have no anti-missile defense at all (despite the fact that it has separate missile defense ships!) - to my ships with missiles - this is very strange.

The point is that the AI ​​has designed a certain type of ship:
having: 17 Railgun DMG 3 * 4 80904 km ROF 150.
And almost all of its combat fleets consist only of ships of this type.
I don't know what kind of equipment they have inside, but they are definitely not capable of firing at my missiles. Even on slow (16000 km / s).

Either there is a mistake that the AI ​​does not install anti-missile sensors on these ships, and therefore is simply not able to see them, or the AI ​​does everything correctly in terms of ship templates (having separate missile defense ships - I also do this, and do not put sensors 1 on my main warships), but does not add ships of the main combat class - missile defense destroyers to its fleets.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: nuclearslurpee on November 27, 2021, 02:18:20 PM
much words

It is worth noting that at least a partial fix may come in v2.0, as per Steve post here ( the AI will try to combine its fleets in a system instead of sending piecemeal forces, so offensive ships should be accompanied by anti-missile escorts assuming these are present in the system. Frankly if this change works its impact in making NPRs reasonable opponents cannot be overstated I think although how well it works will remain to be seen.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Droll on November 27, 2021, 03:54:06 PM
much words

It is worth noting that at least a partial fix may come in v2.0, as per Steve post here ( the AI will try to combine its fleets in a system instead of sending piecemeal forces, so offensive ships should be accompanied by anti-missile escorts assuming these are present in the system. Frankly if this change works its impact in making NPRs reasonable opponents cannot be overstated I think although how well it works will remain to be seen.

I know it's been discussed before but for me where the NPRs really falloff is in the empire building aspect and not the tactical side, I think the ECCM bug is major but that's the only massive thing that I've noticed tactically.

I don't ever expect them to match my meager tactical genius but if the AI, esp. the generated NPRs get a bit better at building empires then I am gucci.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Kristover on November 27, 2021, 03:56:00 PM
much words

It is worth noting that at least a partial fix may come in v2.0, as per Steve post here ( the AI will try to combine its fleets in a system instead of sending piecemeal forces, so offensive ships should be accompanied by anti-missile escorts assuming these are present in the system. Frankly if this change works its impact in making NPRs reasonable opponents cannot be overstated I think although how well it works will remain to be seen.

I can think of at least two of my games that would have ended early if the AI had combined their fleet before coming at me.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on November 27, 2021, 04:35:55 PM
As for ECCM I also hope NPR AMMs also start using ECCM as well. Missiles with decent ECM are more or less impossible by the NPRs to intercept with their AMM. Even at around ECM 3 the AI AMM become almost useless.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 27, 2021, 04:58:04 PM
Do I understand correctly that in order to play honestly against AI, you must either not use ECM yourself, or write the above line in certain files?
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on November 27, 2021, 07:22:41 PM
Aurora is an extremely complex game and the AI actually are pretty decent if you use a few constriction in your games. But there are a few flaws especially with their design templates. Outside of the ECCM bug the NPR never deploy carriers and it is not that good at scouting or defend against human scouting. The AI also always deploy full size missile launchers which is rather inefficient and relatively easy to defend against with regular beam PD and a small number of AMM. The NPR practically is not able to defend against fighter strikes very well either due to lack of scouting and weapons to defend against them.

As long as you play into the NPR strategies the NPR are decent obstacles, especially if you start at pre-TN and use slow tech progression.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: nuclearslurpee on November 27, 2021, 07:36:13 PM
The AI also always deploy full size missile launchers which is rather inefficient and relatively easy to defend against with regular beam PD and a small number of AMM.

This is to me honestly one of the biggest tactical flaws of the NPRs, along with inability to handle basically any missile attack that isn't also from full-size launchers (box launchers are the worst, but even something like 33% size launchers will run over the NPR fleets). Given what a core part of gameplay missiles are, and how extensive and flexible the missile-related mechanics and systems are, it is a big shame IMO that only the most basic missile tactics are "fair" against the NPRs because of poorly they use and defend against missiles. If you play primarily with beam-armed ships then things are generally more fair, but most of the fun missile tactics have to be reserved for use against other player races.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 27, 2021, 08:33:09 PM
Aurora is an extremely complex game and the AI actually are pretty decent if you use a few constriction in your games. But there are a few flaws especially with their design templates. Outside of the ECCM bug the NPR never deploy carriers and it is not that good at scouting or defend against human scouting. The AI also always deploy full size missile launchers which is rather inefficient and relatively easy to defend against with regular beam PD and a small number of AMM. The NPR practically is not able to defend against fighter strikes very well either due to lack of scouting and weapons to defend against them.

As long as you play into the NPR strategies the NPR are decent obstacles, especially if you start at pre-TN and use slow tech progression.
HM. I also don’t use aircraft carriers, I don’t practically use fighters, I deploy full-fledged rocket launchers :) I guess this is fair to AI. To be on the safe side, I increased the difficulty of the game to 120%. Suddenly it will help.

For the first time, by the way, I was faced with a situation that my missiles cannot solve.
Enemy mother planet with 4 missile defense destroyers in orbit. In fact, they were able to easily shoot down all of my 200 missiles with their beam weapons. Marvelous.
I'll try to bring the other half of the rocket fleet and fire a salvo of 400 missiles, but I'm not sure what will help :) If it doesn't help, I'll have to use raiders with plasma carronades, but the last time I flew them to this planet, they fired at me quite powerfully.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Steve Walmsley on November 28, 2021, 06:13:14 AM
Aurora is an extremely complex game and the AI actually are pretty decent if you use a few constriction in your games. But there are a few flaws especially with their design templates. Outside of the ECCM bug the NPR never deploy carriers and it is not that good at scouting or defend against human scouting. The AI also always deploy full size missile launchers which is rather inefficient and relatively easy to defend against with regular beam PD and a small number of AMM. The NPR practically is not able to defend against fighter strikes very well either due to lack of scouting and weapons to defend against them.

As long as you play into the NPR strategies the NPR are decent obstacles, especially if you start at pre-TN and use slow tech progression.

I think this is a fair summary. I am currently coding box-launcher FAC flotillas for NPRs, so it won't be a major step from there to carriers when I get around to it. I might also look at reduced-size launchers for major warships. The scouting and anti-scouting role is trickier, although some form of random patrolling or buoy deployment might work.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Steve Walmsley on November 28, 2021, 08:17:21 AM
I've just updated NPR design philosophy to include the option of reduced-size launchers.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: nuclearslurpee on November 28, 2021, 10:29:51 AM
I think this is a fair summary. I am currently coding box-launcher FAC flotillas for NPRs, so it won't be a major step from there to carriers when I get around to it. I might also look at reduced-size launchers for major warships. The scouting and anti-scouting role is trickier, although some form of random patrolling or buoy deployment might work.

I would love to see NPRs use missile sensor buoys at jump points to monitor traffic and track enemy fleet movements toward core systems. This would hopefully help them a lot with concentrating a fleet to deliver battle to an invader.

I've just updated NPR design philosophy to include the option of reduced-size launchers.

This and the preceding are very welcome changes!  ;D
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Entaro on November 28, 2021, 11:41:49 AM
I think this is a fair summary. I am currently coding box-launcher FAC flotillas for NPRs, so it won't be a major step from there to carriers when I get around to it. I might also look at reduced-size launchers for major warships. The scouting and anti-scouting role is trickier, although some form of random patrolling or buoy deployment might work.

Thank you for your work!

I can add information from my observations:
1. The most long-term is nevertheless for the AI ​​to unite its fleet before the main battle.
2. I noticed one more drawback:
Above the enemy planet was a missile defense destroyer, with a very powerful anti-missile defense. And on the planet STO who, when trying to shoot down these ships with missiles, defended them. In total, they were able to shoot down 300 of my good fast rockets at a speed of 37000 km / s.
I am definitely sure that both destroyers and STOs fired at the missiles.

But after I destroyed these destroyers with beam ships, when attacked with STO missiles, they did not shoot them down at all. What conclusion can I draw ...? Perhaps the problem is either with the orders, or (which is quite likely) - with the absence of an active sensor with a resolution of 1.
Title: Re: How a newbie is losing the war with NPR ... :)
Post by: Steve Walmsley on November 28, 2021, 12:15:33 PM
I think this is a fair summary. I am currently coding box-launcher FAC flotillas for NPRs, so it won't be a major step from there to carriers when I get around to it. I might also look at reduced-size launchers for major warships. The scouting and anti-scouting role is trickier, although some form of random patrolling or buoy deployment might work.

Thank you for your work!

I can add information from my observations:
1. The most long-term is nevertheless for the AI ​​to unite its fleet before the main battle.
2. I noticed one more drawback:
Above the enemy planet was a missile defense destroyer, with a very powerful anti-missile defense. And on the planet STO who, when trying to shoot down these ships with missiles, defended them. In total, they were able to shoot down 300 of my good fast rockets at a speed of 37000 km / s.
I am definitely sure that both destroyers and STOs fired at the missiles.

But after I destroyed these destroyers with beam ships, when attacked with STO missiles, they did not shoot them down at all. What conclusion can I draw ...? Perhaps the problem is either with the orders, or (which is quite likely) - with the absence of an active sensor with a resolution of 1.

These are both already in the next version. Its probably worth reading through the change log for v2.0.