Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Starkiller on April 12, 2009, 06:36:55 PM

Title: Alien Contact!
Post by: Starkiller on April 12, 2009, 06:36:55 PM
Ok, I still had the game in SM mode and entered an unexplored WP. The event log mentioned that Deep Survey Beta had transited, and that one or more
Alien fleets were present in the system. Now, since this was marked 'SM only', I assume with SM mode off, you wouldn't have gotten the warning. Now,
I'm not going to send unarmed survey ships into a system with an alien presence, especially since they could be anywhere in the system. :) OK, Arm Chair Admirals, how would you proceed from here? Do I send in the military and have the survey fleet do their
job under Home Fleet's watchful Eye? Or maybe send in the Military only, and head straight for the planets? Should I have active sensors on and shields
up, or just wait until actual contact on passives? Should I leave a ship to watchdog the warp point?

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Michael Sandy on April 12, 2009, 06:50:36 PM
Well, since you are acting on SM information to inform your probe, why not go whole hog and just see what is there?

Seriously, what is the basis for summoning the Home Fleet?  Imagine that kind of wild goose chase actually being used as the precursor of a coup, getting much of the Fleet out of communications range of the Home System so it can be purged of elements disloyal to a faction.  Then they come back with a story of mythical alien invaders, blah blah, head to the homeworld for 'repairs', but are actually fully functional, overthrow the ruling body.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Starkiller on April 12, 2009, 07:30:50 PM
Paranoia, really. I don't know how Aurora does it, but every other 4X game I played was either 'Be Strong...or Be Dead.' :) Heh.

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Starkiller on April 12, 2009, 08:54:20 PM
Hmmm. Maybe I should do what Steve would have done with his Rigellians. I know there is something there, but the Imperium doesn't.
Maybe this is a good time to roleplay and survey as I normally would.

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Starkiller on April 12, 2009, 09:52:12 PM
GoodLord! Would you look at the SPEED this bugger is clocking?! I gave orders to haul ass outa there, but no way I'm gonna outrun this bugger. It's gotta
be a precursor as I doubt any NPRs would be this advanced yet. I think Home Fleet is staying on the proper side of the warp point for now. I think this
guy will likely clock my ships without working up a sweat. :)


Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Cassaralla on April 13, 2009, 08:11:45 AM
I've found the first NPR in my game.  I continued to survey as normal and only sent a military scout after I'd lost a geo and grav survey scout in the system.  Fortunately for me, my NPR seemed to be a full tech level behind me as they are now firmly conquered and under occupation.  Took a fair few more nukes than I expected though, so I'm busy moving them to a nearby moon while the dust and radiation settle.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Andrew on April 13, 2009, 08:31:38 AM
Each of my survey squadrons has a scout ship attached, when they probe a warp point the scout is sent in to do a fly by of all Oxygen/nitrogen world looking for signs of inhabitation, so far only one had found anything and it turned out he was as fast as their missiles
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: alexwildstar on July 13, 2009, 03:03:57 AM
Well i been dinking around learing various parts of the game     While I was doing that two npr sship decided to  orbit of my home planet lol how do you establish commo with them
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Charlie Beeler on July 13, 2009, 07:26:22 AM
Quote from: "alexwildstar"
Well i been dinking around learing various parts of the game     While I was doing that two npr sship decided to  orbit of my home planet lol how do you establish commo with them

In this version you don't.  Eventually you'll be able to attempt deplomatic contact.  But for now all you can do go to war.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Paul M on July 13, 2009, 08:59:32 AM
Actually you can establish contact...I did that in my first game.  I had a ship of mine orbiting a NPR colony and went to the screen listing the NPR details and clicked on establish contact.  I can't off the top of my head recall which screen or button you need to call up/click though.

The trouble is I don't know what good it will do you as they will still be hostile and you can't do any diplomacy but regardless you can establish contact and learn each others language.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: sloanjh on July 13, 2009, 09:48:03 AM
Quote from: "Paul M"
Actually you can establish contact...I did that in my first game.  I had a ship of mine orbiting a NPR colony and went to the screen listing the NPR details and clicked on establish contact.  I can't off the top of my head recall which screen or button you need to call up/click though.

The trouble is I don't know what good it will do you as they will still be hostile and you can't do any diplomacy but regardless you can establish contact and learn each others language.

If you go to the system map, it's the icon with an alien head.

If you don't know their language, you get a severe penalty on intel picked up from interrogations of captured aliens.

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Paul M on July 13, 2009, 10:15:46 AM
Well, good one for Steve there.  

"gaahugahma aah ugaha mouahfala!"  "Same to you alien scum, in spades even."  "ffaofuifj eofaeeoajfa lsliod o!"  "Damned aliens, ah heck I'm off shift now; your turn to ignore the gibberish, you would almost think they are starting to make sense after enough time listening to them."

The frustrating bit was that it took a year to establish contact...I think between us we had a -20 communications penalty if not a bit more so there was lots of one step forward, 2 steps back and a shuffle to the side going on before the break through happened.  Then about 3 months later the alien fleet found a way to my home world and well that was bad, very bad, very very bad.  Real diplomacy will be very nice to see.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: alexwildstar on July 13, 2009, 11:51:58 AM
I will look for the establish contact button but i never could find it under the alien head but then again i having a tough time figuring out how to do most things but slowly getting there.  

   So any idea of why they havent nuked Earth yet.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: alexwildstar on July 13, 2009, 11:55:48 AM
oh and i forgot to ask where the save game button is
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Charlie Beeler on July 13, 2009, 12:39:39 PM
The game saves on exit.  

Those may not be warships.  If they are geosurvey they just doing thier job.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Erik L on July 13, 2009, 01:19:45 PM
If you hae a PDC (or more) on the planet, go to the combat information screen (F8 I believe) and turn on their active sensors. Scan them while they survey your world ;)
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: schroeam on July 17, 2009, 04:45:30 PM
Quote from: "alexwildstar"
I will look for the establish contact button but i never could find it under the alien head but then again i having a tough time figuring out how to do most things but slowly getting there.  

   So any idea of why they havent nuked Earth yet.

If you haven't found it yet, the establish comms button is next to communication status and called initiate.  Once you've established communications (i.e. translated their language to yours) all you can do is declare war, make peace, and establish trade and military treaties.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: alexwildstar on July 17, 2009, 07:12:32 PM

ok i moved thru my jump point surveyed it and it apears to be a dead end.   ie only one way in   so since that my only jump point what happens now lol
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Father Tim on July 17, 2009, 09:15:12 PM
Activate SM mode (Ctrl-S), open the system winow (F9) and create a new jump point.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Steve Walmsley on July 18, 2009, 03:22:51 AM
Quote from: "alexwildstar"
oh and i forgot to ask where the save game button is
The game saves as you play it. If you want a separate saved game for a specific point in time, create a copy of the Stevefire.mdb file. If you want to return to that point, copy the file back into the installation directory, Be aware that this would overwrite the existing game.

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Steve Walmsley on July 18, 2009, 03:24:01 AM
Quote from: "Charlie Beeler"
Quote from: "alexwildstar"
Well i been dinking around learing various parts of the game     While I was doing that two npr sship decided to  orbit of my home planet lol how do you establish commo with them

In this version you don't.  Eventually you'll be able to attempt deplomatic contact.  But for now all you can do go to war.
Diplomacy with NPRs is in the next version.

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: alexwildstar on July 20, 2009, 12:47:57 PM
Well after much trial and error my campaign is finally going I jumped thru a couple of jump points and found  what I believe to be enemies.   They appear to be orbital bodies and are labeled LP   what are they.    

    Also my survey ships in these systems seem to get hung up and stop surveying.   Is this a bug or are they reacting to something I am not aware of.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Kurt on July 20, 2009, 01:07:53 PM
Quote from: "alexwildstar"
Well after much trial and error my campaign is finally going I jumped thru a couple of jump points and found  what I believe to be enemies.   They appear to be orbital bodies and are labeled LP   what are they.    

LP's are Lagrange Points, a local version of standard warp points that will allow you to jump from one LP to another within the same system (including between stars of binary and larger systems).

Quote from: "alexwildstar"
   Also my survey ships in these systems seem to get hung up and stop surveying.   Is this a bug or are they reacting to something I am not aware of.

This depends on what is happening.  I have had my survery ships report that there are no more gravitic survey locations within range (I think the preset range is 10 billion kilometers), even though there are survey locations left to be surveyed.  In these cases I've found that my survey ships ended up too far to one side of the system, so that the remaining survey locations, which are on the far side of the system, are more than 10 billion kilometers away, so the survey ship sits and waits for orders.  In these cases, I usually send them to the system primary, at which time they will be within range of the remaining survey lcoations and will start surveying again.  

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: alexwildstar on July 24, 2009, 04:10:28 PM
Well I figured out how to get my ships surveying again.  I had to reform them back into fleet them divide them again and they started working.   My ship were at survery points but not finishing up there surveys for some reason.

   But now I am on a different problem maybe.    So I am gathering I have civilian fleets that I am not in control of.  I had a ship that went to a colony of mine which was identified as an unkown ship and depicted as a red icon for hostile.  So I sent my warships to engage it.  got within beam range and was still showing as a red icon but ship class was a pegasus which is one of my ship classes it said civilian something pegasus but was still red.    So I engage with my beam ship and shot it up  a bit then went I better ask a question on this.  So did I just blast my own ship.   Below is the event log for the time period in question

14th June 3003 20:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 VIII cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Tau Ceti,DD Rommel 001 Unable to locate target
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Tau Ceti,DD Rommel 002 Unable to locate target
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Tau Ceti,No attempt to fire due to zero chance to hit
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Tau Ceti,CA Prince of Wales 001 - Fire Control S04 700-25000 targeting Pegasus 015 at 4,183k km: Base Chance to Hit: 0% (Fire Control To Hit: 0%  Modified by Crew Grade: 0%)
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 VI cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 V cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 IV cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 III cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 II cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Tau Ceti,DD Rommel 003 Unable to locate target
14th June 3003 20:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 VII cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Maintenance Module destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 5 points of damage. 43 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 3 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 1 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Photonic Drive E1 destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 2 points of damage. 8 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Active Search Sensor S1080-R67 destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 12 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 3 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 2 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,5 damage absorbed by armour.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 2 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,DD Rommel 002 Unable to locate target
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 3 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 2 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 3 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Cargo Hold destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 1 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,EM Detection Sensor EM6-144 destroyed on Pegasus 015 after receiving 1 points of damage. 16 Casualties.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 VIII cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Civilian Cargo Fleet Alpha slowed to 7692 km/s due to damage to Pegasus 015.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 II cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 III cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 IV cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 V cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,Pegasus 015 hit by 25 points of damage from 80cm C25 Far Gamma Ray Laser
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Centaurus,Survery Group 3 VII cannot carry out orders as there are no ships in the fleet
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Unknown,Sensor Data reveals that the alien ship class Civilian Pegasus (Civilians) has an armour strength of 1
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,CA Prince of Wales 001 - Fire Control S04 700-25000 targeting Pegasus 015 at 803k km: Base Chance to Hit: 49% (Fire Control To Hit: 43%  Modified by Crew Grade: 49%)
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,CA Prince of Wales 001: 80cm C25 Far Gamma Ray Laser missed.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,CA Prince of Wales 001: 80cm C25 Far Gamma Ray Laser hit the target and inflicted 25 points of damage.
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,DD Rommel 001 Unable to locate target
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,DD Rommel 003 Unable to locate target
14th June 3003 21:29:32,Tau Ceti,The ship has no shields
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Charlie Beeler on July 24, 2009, 04:27:31 PM
Yep, you blasted one of your races independent civilian ships.  

You need to make a change on the Tactical Inteligence screen.  There are to fairly easy ways to get to it from the F3/Systems Map.  The far right button (next to the Events button) of the Query ID button under the Contacts tap on the left side.  Change the Alien Race Status at the top right to friendly.  You will also need the Civilian Transponders ON on the Contacts tab.  

As long as you are seeing the civilians with active sensors they should then show green after their transponders are queried.  With passives they will stay red.
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Erik L on July 24, 2009, 08:50:47 PM
Just use it as an excuse to increase military spending ;)
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: welchbloke on July 25, 2009, 03:43:08 AM
Let that be a lesson to those pesky civilians! How dare they fly around conducting trade  :D
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: alexwildstar on July 25, 2009, 09:20:00 AM
Yeah seems like there a need in the budget for an IFF system.  All civilian traffic could be at risk until congress passes emergency funding to study the problem.  (that should be a few trillion dollars for the navy)
Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Steve Walmsley on July 31, 2009, 12:17:32 PM
Quote from: "alexwildstar"
Yeah seems like there a need in the budget for an IFF system.  All civilian traffic could be at risk until congress passes emergency funding to study the problem.  (that should be a few trillion dollars for the navy)
This should be less likely to happen in v4.1. When you detect the transponder of a civilian ship, you will get the correct class and name for the ship rather than a randomly assigned name. All civilian shipping (i.e. that built by Shipping Lines) will also follow a naming formula which is <Shipping Line Name> <Class Name> <Unique build number for Shipping Line>

So as an example there are three Shipping Lines operating in my test Empire. Mason Limited, Barker Transport Corporation and Hill Marine (all these names are created by the program based on the racial naming theme). Their ships have names such as Mason Ocean 007 or Barker Vanguard 014. When you detect them on active sensors or see a transponder you will get the actual ship information.

Below are two examples. The first is an active contact as a Mason Limited freighter leaves Earth orbit. The reason the contact is blue is that in v4.1 you can select different display colours for the five different contact types (Hostile, Neutral, Friendly, Allied and Civilian). All contact information in v4.1 is also displayed less cryptically than before so you see tonnage instead of TCS and Thermal instead of just TH. The second shows the transponder contacts for a group of civilian colony ships that have just entered the Sol system

Title: Re: Alien Contact!
Post by: Magnnus on January 11, 2010, 05:57:46 PM
Now that the versions have advanced a bit what kind of contact can I make with aliens? Some ships flew by earth about a year ago and in between then and now I've successfully deciphered their language, but I can't find any way to actually communicate with them. I currently have a few ships tailing one of theirs that flew by, but I don't think they want to lead me to one of their colonies seeing as they are currently about 10 billion miles from any body in the system and are only going further out. I would really like to get some trade and general friendly contact going with them, but can't find any way to move in that direction.

Also, how do I know if my transponder is on and can I turn it on or off without giving the whole task force an order in the task force order screen?