Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Starlance on April 14, 2009, 05:44:12 PM

Title: Problems with install?
Post by: Starlance on April 14, 2009, 05:44:12 PM
Hi ya'll okay I downloaded all the files off of the "full install" thread.
I ran the set up and unzipped the patches into the main folder.

Problem 1: When I select NEW on the opening screen it wont let me NAME my game or add a pass word.

Problem 2: When I have the load screen come up it's version 3.33 not 4.0

Problem 3: When I RUN the game all I get is a blank gray screen........nothing else.

Any ideas whats wrong?
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Starlance on April 14, 2009, 10:05:37 PM
No ideas or help?
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Cassaralla on April 15, 2009, 07:30:24 AM
1. I don't have an answer for.

2. Is a known bug in 4.0b.  If you installed everything then you have 4.0b it's just named wrong.

3. Every game starts at a grey screen.  You need to load the economics screen (F2) to see what's going on.  Or any of the other screens off the menus at the top left.  If they fail to appear after selecting them then you need to close all windows but the main aurora one and select 'Reset Window Positions' off the Miscellaneous menu.  Then reload the other windows and you should be away.
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Starlance on April 15, 2009, 07:41:40 PM
Ok after some fidgeting I got 1 fixed as for the grey screen lol I feel stupid now hehe

Ok new problem though when I go to do certain tasks (mainly trying to create  a ship) I get the following list of errors)

Error 381 was generated by Aurora
Invalid array property index

Error 3078 was generated by Aurora
The microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table query ' and componentID= 18', Make sure it exists and that it is spelled correctly

Error 91 was generated by Aurora
Object variable or with block variable not set

That happened just by trying to add a bridge.
When I got the the class drop down box it is blank with no options and won't let me type in a name.

I admit I'm new to this kind of game where you have to manually install everything so any idea what I might have done wrong?

I followed all the steps on the installation thread.
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Erik L on April 15, 2009, 08:25:05 PM
Did you click the button labelled "New"?
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Starlance on April 16, 2009, 06:01:25 AM
I dont see a button labeled new inside the class screen all I saw was "add" and "remove" in the components screen.........I'm obviously missing something lol but I cant find it oddly enough.
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Cassaralla on April 16, 2009, 09:10:59 AM
Try looking at the Wiki site for a bit of advice on some of the screens.  It's a little daunting at first but Aurora does make sense eventually and then it hooks you into spending as much time as possible into it.

Here's a few things I've messed up over the months I've been using it.  Hopefully you'll not repeat them.

1.  Installed lasers with no power plants to power them.

2.  Installed missiles without a fire control.

3.  Classed a Geo Scout as a Grav Scout and then wondered why it constantly failed Grav Scout orders.

4.  Made my freighters too small to pick up anything other than Infrastructure and minerals.  (A freighter needs 5 cargo holds to be useful)

5.  Used a Mass Driver to throw minerals to a world that didn't have a Mass Driver to catch them . . . . . that one was messy.

and others, but each mistake taught me more for next time.  I don't know everything about the game yet, I doubt I never will with Steve constantly adding extra cool stuff, but it's well worth the effort of sticking through the early 'wth is going on?' moments.
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: SteveAlt on April 16, 2009, 10:30:26 AM
Quote from: "Starlance"
I dont see a button labeled new inside the class screen all I saw was "add" and "remove" in the components screen.........I'm obviously missing something lol but I cant find it oddly enough.
The New button is at the bottom left of the window. I know this is a stupid question but what is your resolution? Aurora needs 1280x1024. If you have a lower resolution it is possible some of the buttons are missing because they are off the bottom of your monitor.

Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Starlance on April 16, 2009, 01:13:43 PM
Quote from: "SteveAlt"
Quote from: "Starlance"
I dont see a button labeled new inside the class screen all I saw was "add" and "remove" in the components screen.........I'm obviously missing something lol but I cant find it oddly enough.
The New button is at the bottom left of the window. I know this is a stupid question but what is your resolution? Aurora needs 1280x1024. If you have a lower resolution it is possible some of the buttons are missing because they are off the bottom of your monitor.

Why yes that IS a stupid question you'd have to be an IDIOT not to check your frakking screen resolution (looks around warily as he adjusts screen resolution) WHAT? what are you looking at? I knew that!?

LOL no seriously though now I feel like a royal dolt.............yeah it was the screen resolution thanks for the help.
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Troy Cash on April 16, 2009, 05:21:54 PM
Quote from: "SteveAlt"
Quote from: "Starlance"
I dont see a button labeled new inside the class screen all I saw was "add" and "remove" in the components screen.........I'm obviously missing something lol but I cant find it oddly enough.
The New button is at the bottom left of the window. I know this is a stupid question but what is your resolution? Aurora needs 1280x1024. If you have a lower resolution it is possible some of the buttons are missing because they are off the bottom of your monitor.


Oh this reminds me, been meaning to mention I run a Laptop at 1900x1200 and the windows are slightly bigger than the screen.  I fix it by just dragging the window up so the title bar is off and minimizing my start bar.

FYI, still works, now if I could ever manage to get more than 2-3 years without doing something stupid that would be a different matter. A whole survey fleet gone just because I forgot to make more maintenance. :(
Title: Re: Problems with install?
Post by: Erik L on April 16, 2009, 07:04:46 PM
Load your magazines. Always important.