Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: monkey on January 22, 2010, 07:18:53 PM

Title: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: monkey on January 22, 2010, 07:18:53 PM
Well barely any time goes by and I have yet another question for for you guys
Whilst surveying a nearby system I got the following message
'Ruins Located' 'Ruined Colony found on Lalande'
So I formed a Xenology team on Terra, they hopped on board a Geosurvey Ship and shot over there.
The problem is that they wont unload on arrival with the following message
'Cannot drop off team as the destination is not a population'
I've tried unloading them with all ways available on the Task group orders menu, there dosen't seem to be any way to form a colony on the planet either, so its just not happening, any ideas people :-)
Title: Re: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: Steve Walmsley on January 23, 2010, 02:46:39 AM
Quote from: "monkey"
Well barely any time goes by and I have yet another question for for you guys
Whilst surveying a nearby system I got the following message
'Ruins Located' 'Ruined Colony found on Lalande'
So I formed a Xenology team on Terra, they hopped on board a Geosurvey Ship and shot over there.
The problem is that they wont unload on arrival with the following message
'Cannot drop off team as the destination is not a population'
I've tried unloading them with all ways available on the Task group orders menu, there dosen't seem to be any way to form a colony on the planet either, so its just not happening, any ideas people :-)
Open the F9 System View Window for the system in question (using F9 or the sun icon on the System Map). Select the planet with the ruins. Press Add Colony.

Title: Re: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: monkey on January 23, 2010, 03:09:55 AM
Hi Steve,
I've given it a go and got an error message 'error 713 Class not registered I need the following file to be installed MSSTDFMT.DLL'
Title: Re: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: Steve Walmsley on January 23, 2010, 03:15:16 AM
Quote from: "monkey"
Hi Steve,
I've given it a go and got an error message 'error 713 Class not registered I need the following file to be installed MSSTDFMT.DLL'
If you do a search on the forum you will find several threads relating to MSSTDFMT.DLL. It's a system issue rather than an Aurora-specific problem

Title: Re: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: monkey on January 23, 2010, 04:05:42 AM
Cheers Steve,
All is well, its working a treat and I now Have an Archeological dig in progress :-)
Its taken a while, and had a bit of d/ling done and faffing in DOS
Thanks again.
Title: Re: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: Balibar on January 27, 2010, 12:20:42 PM
How does one use Engineer Regiments with Ruins?

Does having an army commander with xenology help the Engineer Regiment do its work?
Title: Re: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: Hawkeye on January 27, 2010, 12:51:27 PM
Quote from: "Balibar"
How does one use Engineer Regiments with Ruins?

Does having an army commander with xenology help the Engineer Regiment do its work?

Just drop the brigade (Engineers are now brigades) at the site, they start working on their own.

Yes, Xenology helps the chance to recover an alien installation
Title: Re: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: MoonDragon on January 27, 2010, 04:36:20 PM
So, once my Xeno team lands on the planet and converts Ruined Colony into Abandoned Outpost, my Engineers can come in and start recovering the facilities. At this point, is there any point in keeping the Xeno team on the planet? Can they find or discover anything more on the planet? Or is it just to the Engineers to do the work now?
Title: Re: Ruins and Xenology Question
Post by: Hawkeye on January 27, 2010, 11:26:48 PM
Quote from: "MoonDragon"
So, once my Xeno team lands on the planet and converts Ruined Colony into Abandoned Outpost, my Engineers can come in and start recovering the facilities. At this point, is there any point in keeping the Xeno team on the planet? Can they find or discover anything more on the planet? Or is it just to the Engineers to do the work now?

Not to my knowledge, engineers is all that is needed