Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Shadow on March 12, 2010, 04:11:50 PM

Title: Re: Increment Times questions/problems
Post by: Shadow on March 12, 2010, 04:11:50 PM
That's passed now. May or may not have been related to alien ships prowling my civilian shipping lines and having civvie ships appear and disappear from their sensor screens.

However, a few years later I encountered another problem (now on 5.02). I had defended the jump point the alien vessels were using to enter my system and raid my civilian ships for about 5 years. I managed to destroy a handful of enemy units as they jumped in. However, my frigates eventually had to return to resupply at Earth, and not a month later, another alien ship appeared in the system. Fortunately, a level 10 listening post on an asteroid picked them up about two billion kilometres away from the main trade route.

I immediately dispatched three missile frigates and a SWACS vessel to intercept the 19,200-ton target. However, shortly after it was detected by the LP, interrupts became stuck at 60 seconds. According to SM Only event messages, the reason is: "Increment length adjusted as a ship is within firing range". That has to be some freak coincidence with some other thing happening elsewhere in the galaxy, as none of my weapons have a range of 2 billion km. It's highly unlikely the enemy target has that kind of range, either, as their tech was considerably behind mine. I had seen that class before, and it has nuclear pulse engines, duranium armour, poor sensors, etc.

Any ideas? These 60-second skips have been going on for over 2 game hours.
Title: Re: Increment Times questions/problems
Post by: UnLimiTeD on March 13, 2010, 04:23:20 AM
Do you have SM mode on?
The events will probably show something for the nprs.
Or maybe the AI has build a HUGE long ranged firecontrol into the enemy ship and forgot the weapons^^
Title: Re: Increment Times questions/problems
Post by: Shadow on March 13, 2010, 07:18:50 AM
It's odd. The SpaceMaster mode never shows any other empires besides mine, the Terran Federation, on any kind of comparisons nor the events screen even though I've encountered an AI player: the Empire of Kaluga. I've already described the SM Only message that appears after every 60-second increment. Those skips have been going for over 24 game hours now. And as I said earlier, the ship that jumped in and appeared to trigger the short skips can't possibly have the level of technology required to make an FC with a range of 2.5 billion km (I don't know if that kind of technology is available at all).

It's driving me mad. :x
Title: Re: Increment Times questions/problems
Post by: Hawkeye on March 13, 2010, 07:22:23 AM
Quote from: "Shadow"
It's odd. The SpaceMaster mode never shows any other empires besides mine, the Terran Federation, on any kind of comparisons nor the events screen even though I've encountered an AI player: the Empire of Kaluga.
It's driving me mad. :x

That´s normal. You can´t access NPRs controlled by the AI, except if you enter "Designer Mode". You´ll have to ask Steve for the password, as baaaaaad things can happen if you break something in designer mode (you can change stuff, the AI can´t handle)
Title: Re: Increment Times questions/problems
Post by: Shadow on March 13, 2010, 07:32:48 AM
I know, I'm not too worried about Designer Mode. I wouldn't know how to fix this even if I had the password.

What's driving me mad are these very short skips, and the fact there's no end in sight. :cry: