Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: martinuzz on August 20, 2010, 04:33:20 PM

Title: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: martinuzz on August 20, 2010, 04:33:20 PM
In the year 2074 (from Conventional start) I ventured out into the unknown. I built a second generation gravsurvey vessel, and entered Jump Point #1 in Sol.
It took me to Alpha Centauri, where I discovered a population of Alpha Centaurans.
I set my diplomacy team to work on them.
My strenght 44 passive EM and Thermal sensors soon picked up a *lot* of alien ships, from a *lot* of different classes, and I began getting intelligence reports on them, giving me info on their speed. They did not seem to attack me though, so I let my gravsurvey ship continue it's survey work in Alpha Centauri.

Now, I pressed the 30 days turn button.. (automated turns are on)

The game processes very slowly now. Every 10 seconds (on average) the screen flashes, and the gametime progresses 1 minute.
This has been going on for 14 minutes now.

At this pace, I need to let my computer run for 5 full days, to process a 30 day turn o_0

I guess that's not normal, right?
I'm running on a 3.2 gHz dual core AMD Turion64x2, it's not brand new, but it shouldn't process turns *that* slowly, right?

What could be happening here? The alien race must be doing *something* that is making the game run in 1-minute subpulses that take 10 seconds each to process..
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: martinuzz on August 20, 2010, 05:37:41 PM
Finally, after 1 hour and 10 minutes (RL), the game started running the turn at a decent speed.
It didn't complete 30 days though.. Looking in the event report, I have 200+ entries telling me the last time increment was 60 seconds, an then one entry telling me the last increment was 1 day.

Only reference to the aliens in the event log is:
Neutral contact update: A strenght 960 thermal contact associated with Claymore 001 has been lost
Neutral contact update: An active sensor contact (Active Sensor S63/R63) associated with Claymore 001 has been lost
Neutral contact update: An active sensor contact (Active Sensor S126/R20)associated with Claymore 001 has been lost
Attempting communications with Alpha Centauri Aliens #1019: Major Progress: +10 to future communication rolls.

It leaves me confused..
Why the 60-second time increments?
Why the single 1-day time increment at the end?
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: UnLimiTeD on August 20, 2010, 05:40:06 PM
Well, you should probably not have automated turns on while in a contact situation.
Also, you can generally expect NPRs to dislike it if you have ships in their systems without a friendly rating.
Might actually be they declared War on you and just don't catch your ship for some reason, or track you on actives but don't do anything.
Though I think normally the game should still stop in that case.

Did you try Alt-F4 + restart?
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: Andrew on August 20, 2010, 05:51:00 PM
Quote from: "martinuzz"
Finally, after 1 hour and 10 minutes (RL), the game started running the turn at a decent speed.
It didn't complete 30 days though.. Looking in the event report, I have 200+ entries telling me the last time increment was 60 seconds, an then one entry telling me the last increment was 1 day.

Only reference to the aliens in the event log is:
Neutral contact update: A strenght 960 thermal contact associated with Claymore 001 has been lost
Neutral contact update: An active sensor contact (Active Sensor S63/R63) associated with Claymore 001 has been lost
Neutral contact update: An active sensor contact (Active Sensor S126/R20)associated with Claymore 001 has been lost
Attempting communications with Alpha Centauri Aliens #1019: Major Progress: +10 to future communication rolls.

It leaves me confused..
Why the 60-second time increments?
Why the single 1-day time increment at the end?
Almost certainly 2 NPR's were interacting hence the 60 seconds impulses and then after 1 additional day an event occurred which interrupted your turn and gave you something to react to
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: martinuzz on August 20, 2010, 05:55:29 PM
So.. having to wait over an hour for 2 NPRs to interact with each other is a normal part of the game?
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: martinuzz on August 20, 2010, 06:12:39 PM
I pressed the 1 hour button.. Time progresses at 10 RL seconds per game minute again.
I haven't seen any ships of a second race on my passive sensor (I have no active sensor).
I just see a *lot* of different ships from that one race. I counted 80+ ships in the contact list.

I guess they're fighting Precursors. I started this game with only 1 NPR race, and NPR generation on.
However, since I have not explored any system yet (Alpha Centauri is my first trip outside of Sol), there can be no more than that 1 civ yet, right?

New NPR's will only have a chance of spawning when I discover new systems, right?
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: martinuzz on August 20, 2010, 06:18:59 PM
*I wish this forum would let me edit my own posts*

I was mistaken in my last post. The game is progressing at a pace of 10 RL seconds per game hour now.

This is definitly a bug, since I pressed the progress game time by 1 hour (only once)
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: randal7 on August 20, 2010, 06:27:01 PM
Quote from: "martinuzz"
I pressed the 1 hour button.. Time progresses at 10 RL seconds per game minute again.
I haven't seen any ships of a second race on my passive sensor (I have no active sensor).
I just see a *lot* of different ships from that one race. I counted 80+ ships in the contact list.

I guess they're fighting Precursors. I started this game with only 1 NPR race, and NPR generation on.
However, since I have not explored any system yet (Alpha Centauri is my first trip outside of Sol), there can be no more than that 1 civ yet, right?

New NPR's will only have a chance of spawning when I discover new systems, right?

New NPRs can also spawn when discovered by the initial NPR, or by any NPR discovered by them, or any other NPR. If you've played almost 50 game years, you are actually kind of lucky to only just now have run into one of these NPR vs. NPR combats. The NPRs seem to be more agressive explorers, or at least more agressive than me.

I usually keep a book handy for when the game turns get longer; if I hit one of these combats I'll just go do something else for a while. Apparently this feature has driven some people away from the game. I find the game worth working around the delays.
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: martinuzz on August 20, 2010, 06:35:10 PM
Instead of progressing 1 hour, as I ordered, the game progressed 4 days and 15 hours, at 1-hour increments, according to my log.

Do I misunderstand the 'automated turns' options perhaps? All this trouble started when I turned that on.

As I understand,the automated turns option is supposed to do this:
prevent your time-increment of being interrupted by an event that does not directly involve you (NPR-NPR combat)
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: randal7 on August 20, 2010, 08:43:32 PM
I think it's more like "run intervals of the selected length until an interrupt affecting you occurs" which really breaks down to "keep running until an interrupt affecting you occurs". There may be some subtlety I'm missing, however.
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: Caplin on August 21, 2010, 01:23:27 AM
The automated turns checkbox does pretty much as said above: keep running the interval you specify until an interrupt impacts you.
So your situation is not a bug, just a misunderstanding of the feature.
Hope this helps,
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: Andrew on August 21, 2010, 01:24:03 AM
Quote from: "martinuzz"
Instead of progressing 1 hour, as I ordered, the game progressed 4 days and 15 hours, at 1-hour increments, according to my log.

Do I misunderstand the 'automated turns' options perhaps? All this trouble started when I turned that on.

As I understand,the automated turns option is supposed to do this:
prevent your time-increment of being interrupted by an event that does not directly involve you (NPR-NPR combat)
No it does not.
It just keeps trying to run the turn length you selected until an interrupt effects you, this means you do not have to click to progress the game while npr's shoot missiles at each other
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: martinuzz on August 21, 2010, 05:32:22 AM
Thanks for fixing the confusion :D

That was mostly what was happening. I guess it was the active sensors that the alien ships were using that caused the interrupts then indeed.
I say mostly, because there was some buggy behaviour involved as well.
When I turned off automated turns, both the 1-day, 5-day and the 30-day button increased my time by 1 day only.
No events that would interrupt that happened..
Quitting and restarting the game fixed it (the 30-day button gives me 30 days of time progress again)

There's a rather large alien fleet hanging around one of my mining asteroids in Sol now, theire doing some active sensor pinging, but that's all they do.
They don't seem to attack me. They've been exploring my system for 6 months now, first hanging in orbit around earth, then they checked out my terraforming operation on Mars, and now they're admiring an asteroid.
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: martinuzz on August 21, 2010, 06:03:24 AM
Oddness.. Same bug again. I explored a new system, and now, when I press a 30-day turn, The game progresses only 1 step of 60 seconds. No event messages.

I turned on automated turns now, and now I get the same behaviour as before.. The game progresses at 60-second steps every 10 RL seconds. I pressed the 1 day button, So I guess I'll have to wait another few hours, if I'm unlucky, before I can quit and restart the game to fix this behaviour.
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: randal7 on August 21, 2010, 09:04:49 AM
I've never had a situation where I found a vastly superior, apparently benign next-door NPR that flooded my system with ships. I would guess that many if not all of your interrupts were from their superior sensors picking up new contacts (of your ships) when still out of your ships' range. As I said, never had the situation but I think that's what's happening. You may continue to get interrupts as they gain/lose contact with your ships until you reach a close enough relationship with them that they don't count you a potential threat (and I don't know what level that is). In short, random chance may have rendered your game much more interesting but possibly unplayable, depending on your patience level. Do you have an earlier save to revert to? If the NPR generated when you entered that system, the system will be different and likely unoccupied next time you go through that warp point for the first time. However, if you hit the original NPR's system, or an NPR they found, that won't work. I learned to make regular save backups, particularly before going through a warp point, after a similar incident.


All that being said, if you have just started exploring a new system and just got another interrupt with no message, something interesting may be about to happen there...
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: Steve Walmsley on September 02, 2010, 06:52:24 PM
This thread explains the time increment system and how interrupts and automated turns work.

viewtopic.php?f=101&t=2060 (

Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: eberzon on November 06, 2010, 09:47:34 PM
Total Newb.

Very intrigued with Aurora.   Get very excited reading the tutorials and walking through the user interface.

Tried this game months ago and ended up disillusioned with the turn interrupt time issue.   Came back again to try once more.   Got somewhat frustrated again, but hoping someone can help me.   Or I have an idea to help alleviate the issue.

First, I think I have found and read most every thread here on turn interrupts and "automated turns. "  I thought I had pretty good understanding of how it works and why it works the way it does.

But, I got stuck.
Trying so hard to automate turns with 30 day interval.   Early in the game.   Kick off turn, goes one or two months and stops.   Event log, "New Officer" or "Officer Health" or "Officer Promoted. "  All events having to do with me, so valid halt of "automated turns. "  Unfortunately of course, I really do not care about those particular events right now.

So, question.   Am I missing something?  How do I get "automated turn" to ignore those particular events?

Or, barring that exists, a request that may help alleviate this issue.   The Event Log has a most excellent "Filter Events" feature.   It would appear every event known to the game is in there.   Is it possible at all to alter the game such that "automated turn" does not halt until an event occurs in the log?  Then everyone can tailor to their particular needs what events they are interested in and which they are not.   If someone wishes to filter out the "Missile Contact" event, they do so at their own peril.   If someone wishes to filter out every single event in the entire list of possible events and clicks 30 day, automated turns, then the game would run to completion, player annihilation.   :-)
Of course, the next feature would be saving sets of filtered events to toggle between, but hey, I most definitely did NOT suggest that, you just think you are reading that here.   It's in your head.

But right now, I'm a bit stuck.   Need to pass perhaps 20 months at a time in game time, and each 30 day, automated turn click gets me 1-2 months, with announcement that I have a New Officer, or similar event.   In 5. 2, is there someway around this at all?
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: Anarade Relle on November 06, 2010, 10:58:18 PM
There's a "Filter Events" button (or something with a similar name) in the Event's pop-up page in which you can tell the program what events to ignore.  And you won't be able to pass twenty-months at; not at once anyhow.
Title: Re: Argh! What's happening?
Post by: UnLimiTeD on November 07, 2010, 10:51:24 AM
Why would anyone want to pass more than 30 days at once?
Theres always stuff to do, explore new systems, give new build orders, watch for wealth...
Is your game really that boring?