Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: jseah on December 28, 2010, 05:41:14 AM

Title: Irritating Error
Post by: jseah on December 28, 2010, 05:41:14 AM
Every time I end turn, midway through the turn process, a popup occurs saying there's a divide by zero error.  

Error in Orbital Movement
Error 11 was generated by Aurora
Division by zero
Please report *blah*

Interestingly, if I turn off orbital motion for planets and moons, the error goes away.  Until I turn it back on.  I don't really want to play without orbiting planets. (might as well be a better Space Empires V then)

EDIT: this is not inhibiting me from playing the game.  I just have to click once halfway to each turn's processing.  It's irritating since I have to tab back when the error pops up while I'm looking at other things during turn process. 
Title: Re: Irritating Error
Post by: sloanjh on December 28, 2010, 12:25:40 PM
You probably have a moon (or maybe planet) somewhere that has zero orbital radius.  The funny part is that I thought Steve fixed this problem ages ago....

Title: Re: Irritating Error
Post by: jseah on December 28, 2010, 05:37:25 PM
Thanks.  I'll look for it with SM mode.  Then I'll try deleting the system and rerouting all warppoints to it.  

EDIT: I found a system, that when I explored into it from SM mode, generated an error.  Object not defined.  
Unfortunately, I cannot replicate the error as I don't have a backup save from before it.  

Backed up and deleted that system.  Didn't resolve the div by zero.  

EDIT2: Found a system that had a moon with orbit radius 1000.  >.>
Deleting that doesn't help either.  Watched it, seems to orbit all right (although it has an orbital period of 7.7 hours and I have a time step of 86 000)
Title: Re: Irritating Error
Post by: jseah on December 29, 2010, 12:37:42 AM
I can't find the system.  It's not in any of the systems I've explored. 

The system where I seeded an NPR at the start of the game isn't it either, I've used SM mode to explore every system 3 jumps from the NPR and there's no sign of a 0 orbit distance anything. 

I doubt the NPR has gotten more than 3 jumps away since it's only year 1. (and a half)
Title: Re: Irritating Error
Post by: sloanjh on December 29, 2010, 11:09:38 AM
I can't find the system.  It's not in any of the systems I've explored. 

The system where I seeded an NPR at the start of the game isn't it either, I've used SM mode to explore every system 3 jumps from the NPR and there's no sign of a 0 orbit distance anything. 

I doubt the NPR has gotten more than 3 jumps away since it's only year 1. (and a half)

If Steve were around, this would probably fall into the category of "send Steve the database so he can find what's causing the error".  Since he's incommunicado, however, I don't think there's a lot to be done....

Title: Re: Irritating Error
Post by: Steve Walmsley on January 16, 2011, 10:48:24 AM
If Steve were around, this would probably fall into the category of "send Steve the database so he can find what's causing the error".  Since he's incommunicado, however, I don't think there's a lot to be done....


You can send me the DB if you wish. I'll take a look. My email is stevewalmsley at
